You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
7.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import hashlib
import logging
import re
import requests
from zeep import Client
from zeep.exceptions import Fault
from odoo import modules, fields, _
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TaxCloudRequest(object):
""" Low-level object intended to interface Odoo recordsets with TaxCloud,
through appropriate SOAP requests """
def __init__(self, api_id, api_key):
wsdl_path = modules.get_module_path('account_taxcloud') + '/api/taxcloud.wsdl'
self.client = Client('file:///%s' % wsdl_path)
self.factory = self.client.type_factory('ns0')
self.api_login_id = api_id
self.api_key = api_key
def verify_address(self, partner):
# Ensure that the partner address is as accurate as possible (with zip4 field for example)
zip_match = re.match(r"^\D*(\d{5})\D*(\d{4})?", or '')
zips = list(zip_match.groups()) if zip_match else []
address_to_verify = {
'apiLoginID': self.api_login_id,
'apiKey': self.api_key,
'Address1': partner.street or '',
'Address2': partner.street2 or '',
"State": partner.state_id.code,
"Zip5": zips.pop(0) if zips else '',
"Zip4": zips.pop(0) if zips else '',
res ="", data=address_to_verify).json()
if int(res.get('ErrNumber', False)):
# If VerifyAddress fails, use Lookup with the initial address'Could not verify address for partner #%s using taxcloud; using unverified address instead',
return res
def set_location_origin_detail(self, shipper):
address = self.verify_address(shipper)
self.origin = self.factory.Address()
self.origin.Address1 = address['Address1'] or ''
self.origin.Address2 = address['Address2'] or ''
self.origin.City = address['City']
self.origin.State = address['State']
self.origin.Zip5 = address['Zip5']
self.origin.Zip4 = address['Zip4']
def set_location_destination_detail(self, recipient_partner):
address = self.verify_address(recipient_partner)
self.destination = self.factory.Address()
self.destination.Address1 = address['Address1'] or ''
self.destination.Address2 = address['Address2'] or ''
self.destination.City = address['City']
self.destination.State = address['State']
self.destination.Zip5 = address['Zip5']
self.destination.Zip4 = address['Zip4']
def set_items_detail(self, product_id, tic_code):
self.cart_items = self.factory.ArrayOfCartItem()
self.cart_item = self.factory.CartItem()
self.cart_item.Index = 1
self.cart_item.ItemID = product_id
if tic_code:
self.cart_item.TIC = tic_code
# Send fixed price 100$ and Qty 1 to calculate percentage based on amount returned.
self.cart_item.Price = 100
self.cart_item.Qty = 1
self.cart_items.CartItem = [self.cart_item]
def set_invoice_items_detail(self, invoice):
self.customer_id =
self.taxcloud_date = invoice.get_taxcloud_reporting_date()
self.cart_id =
self.cart_items = self.factory.ArrayOfCartItem()
self.cart_items.CartItem = self._process_lines(invoice.invoice_line_ids)
def _process_lines(self, lines):
cart_items = []
for index, line in enumerate(lines.filtered(lambda l: l.display_type not in ('line_note', 'line_section'))):
qty = line._get_qty()
if line._get_taxcloud_price() >= 0.0 and qty >= 0.0:
product_id =
tic_code = line.product_id.tic_category_id.code or \
line.product_id.categ_id.tic_category_id.code or \
line.company_id.tic_category_id.code or \
price_unit = line._get_taxcloud_price() * (1 - ( or 0.0) / 100.0)
cart_item = self.factory.CartItem()
cart_item.Index = index
cart_item.ItemID = product_id
if tic_code:
cart_item.TIC = tic_code
cart_item.Price = price_unit
cart_item.Qty = qty
return cart_items
def get_all_taxes_values(self):
customer_id = hasattr(self, 'customer_id') and self.customer_id or 'NoCustomerID'
cart_id = hasattr(self, 'cart_id') and self.cart_id or 'NoCartID''fetching tax values for cart %s (customer: %s)', cart_id, customer_id)
formatted_response = {}
if not self.api_login_id or not self.api_key:
formatted_response['error_message'] = _("Please configure taxcloud credentials on the current company "
"or use a different fiscal position")
return formatted_response
response = self.client.service.LookupForDate(
False, # deliveredBySeller
None, # exemptCert
self.taxcloud_date, # useDate
formatted_response['response'] = response
if response.ResponseType == 'OK':
formatted_response['values'] = {}
for item in response.CartItemsResponse.CartItemResponse:
index = item.CartItemIndex
tax_amount = item.TaxAmount
formatted_response['values'][index] = tax_amount
elif response.ResponseType == 'Error':
formatted_response['error_message'] = response.Messages.ResponseMessage[0].Message
except Fault as fault:
formatted_response['error_message'] = fault.message
except IOError:
formatted_response['error_message'] = "TaxCloud Server Not Found"
return formatted_response
# Get TIC category on synchronize.
def get_tic_category(self):
formatted_response = {}
self.response = self.client.service.GetTICs(self.api_login_id, self.api_key)
if self.response.ResponseType == 'OK':
formatted_response['data'] = self.response.TICs.TIC
elif self.response.ResponseType == 'Error':
formatted_response['error_message'] = self.response.Messages.ResponseMessage[0].Message
except Fault as fault:
formatted_response['error_message'] = fault.message
except IOError:
formatted_response['error_message'] = "TaxCloud Server Not Found"
return formatted_response
def hash(self):
# The hash is used as key to cache request responses, to avoid using too much space in the
# cache.
# The current date is appended to refresh the value every day.
return hashlib.sha1(
(self.api_login_id or '')
+ (self.api_key or '')
+ str(hasattr(self, "customer_id") and self.customer_id or "NoCustomerID")
+ str(hasattr(self, "cart_id") and self.cart_id or "NoCartID")
+ str(self.cart_items)
+ str(self.origin)
+ str(self.destination)
+ fields.Date.to_string(