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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import models, fields, api, _
from .account_batch_payment import check_valid_SEPA_str
from .account_journal import sanitize_communication
class ResCompany(models.Model):
_inherit = ""
# TODO : complete methods _default_sepa_origid_id and _default_sepa_origid_issr for all countries of the SEPA
sepa_orgid_id = fields.Char('Identification', size=35, copy=False, compute='_compute_sepa_origid', readonly=False, store=True,
help="Identification assigned by an institution (eg. VAT number).")
sepa_orgid_issr = fields.Char('Issuer', size=35, copy=False, compute='_compute_sepa_origid', readonly=False, store=True,
help="Entity that assigns the identification (eg. KBE-BCO or Finanzamt Muenchen IV).")
sepa_initiating_party_name = fields.Char('Your Company Name', size=70, copy=False,
help="Will appear in SEPA payments as the name of the party initiating the payment. Limited to 70 characters.")
def create(self, vals_list):
for vals in vals_list:
# Overridden in order to set the name of the company as default value
# for sepa_initiating_party_name field
name = vals.get('name')
if name and 'sepa_initiating_party_name' not in vals:
vals['sepa_initiating_party_name'] = sanitize_communication(name)
return super().create(vals_list)
def _compute_sepa_origid(self):
""" Set default value for :
- sepa_orgid_issr, which correspond to the field 'Issuer' of an 'OrganisationIdentification', as described in ISO 20022.
- sepa_orgid_id, which correspond to the field 'Identification' of an 'OrganisationIdentification', as described in ISO 20022.
for company in self:
if company.partner_id.country_id.code == 'BE':
company.sepa_orgid_issr = 'KBO-BCE'
company.sepa_orgid_id = company.vat[:2].upper() + company.vat[2:].replace(' ', '') if company.vat else ''
company.sepa_orgid_issr = ''
company.sepa_orgid_id = ''
@api.constrains('sepa_orgid_id', 'sepa_orgid_issr', 'sepa_initiating_party_name')
def _check_sepa_fields(self):
for rec in self:
if rec.sepa_orgid_id:
if rec.sepa_orgid_issr:
if rec.sepa_initiating_party_name: