You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, date
from unittest.mock import patch
from odoo.addons.account.tests.common import AccountTestInvoicingCommon
from odoo import Command, fields
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from import formatLang
class TestAccountReportsCommon(AccountTestInvoicingCommon):
def setUpClass(cls, chart_template_ref=None):
cls.company_data_2['company'].currency_id = cls.currency_data['currency']
cls.company_data_2['currency'] = cls.currency_data['currency']
def _generate_options(cls, report, date_from, date_to, default_options=None):
''' Create new options at a certain date.
:param report: The report.
:param date_from: A datetime object, str representation of a date or False.
:param date_to: A datetime object or str representation of a date.
:return: The newly created options.
if isinstance(date_from, datetime):
date_from_str = fields.Date.to_string(date_from)
date_from_str = date_from
if isinstance(date_to, datetime):
date_to_str = fields.Date.to_string(date_to)
date_to_str = date_to
if not default_options:
default_options = {}
return report._get_options({
'date': {
'date_from': date_from_str,
'date_to': date_to_str,
'mode': 'range',
'filter': 'custom',
def _update_comparison_filter(self, options, report, comparison_type, number_period, date_from=None, date_to=None):
''' Modify the existing options to set a new filter_comparison.
:param options: The report options.
:param report: The report.
:param comparison_type: One of the following values: ('no_comparison', 'custom', 'previous_period', 'previous_year').
:param number_period: The number of period to compare.
:param date_from: A datetime object for the 'custom' comparison_type.
:param date_to: A datetime object the 'custom' comparison_type.
:return: The newly created options.
previous_options = {**options, 'comparison': {
'date_from': date_from and date_from.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT),
'date_to': date_to and date_to.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT),
'filter': comparison_type,
'number_period': number_period,
return report._get_options(previous_options)
def _update_multi_selector_filter(self, options, option_key, selected_ids):
''' Modify a selector in the options to select .
:param options: The report options.
:param option_key: The key to the option.
:param selected_ids: The ids to be selected.
:return: The newly created options.
new_options = copy.deepcopy(options)
for c in new_options[option_key]:
c['selected'] = c['id'] in selected_ids
return new_options
def debug_mode(self, report):
Report_user_has_groups = type(report).user_has_groups
def user_has_groups(self, groups):
if groups == 'base.group_no_one':
return True
return Report_user_has_groups(self, groups)
with patch.object(type(report), 'user_has_groups', user_has_groups):
def assertGrowthComparisonValues(self, lines, expected_values):
filtered_lines = self._filter_folded_lines(lines)
# Check number of lines.
self.assertEqual(len(filtered_lines), len(expected_values))
for value, expected_value in zip(filtered_lines, expected_values):
# Check number of columns.
key = 'growth_comparison_data'
self.assertEqual(len(value[key]) + 1, len(expected_value))
# Check name, value and class.
self.assertEqual(tuple([value['name'], value[key]['name'], value[key]['class']]), expected_value)
def assertHeadersValues(self, headers, expected_headers):
''' Helper to compare the headers returned by the _get_table method
with some expected results.
An header is a row of columns. Then, headers is a list of list of dictionary.
:param headers: The headers to compare.
:param expected_headers: The expected headers.
# Check number of header lines.
self.assertEqual(len(headers), len(expected_headers))
for header, expected_header in zip(headers, expected_headers):
# Check number of columns.
self.assertEqual(len(header), len(expected_header))
for i, column in enumerate(header):
# Check name.
self.assertEqual(column['name'], self._convert_str_to_date(column['name'], expected_header[i]))
def assertLinesValues(self, lines, columns, expected_values, currency_map=None, ignore_folded=True):
''' Helper to compare the lines returned by the _get_lines method
with some expected results.
:param lines: See _get_lines.
:param columns: The columns index.
:param expected_values: A list of iterables.
:param currency_map: A map mapping each column_index to some extra options to test the lines:
- currency: The currency to be applied on the column.
- currency_code_index: The index of the column containing the currency code.
:param ignore_folded: Will not filter folded lines when True.
if currency_map is None:
currency_map = {}
filtered_lines = self._filter_folded_lines(lines) if ignore_folded else lines
# Compare the table length to see if any line is missing
self.assertEqual(len(filtered_lines), len(expected_values))
# Compare cell by cell the current value with the expected one.
to_compare_list = []
for i, line in enumerate(filtered_lines):
compared_values = [[], []]
for j, index in enumerate(columns):
if index == 0:
current_value = line['name']
# Some lines may not have columns, like title lines. In such case, no values should be provided for these.
# Note that the function expect a tuple, so the line still need a comma after the name value.
if j > len(expected_values[i]) - 1:
current_value = line['columns'][index-1].get('name', '')
expected_value = expected_values[i][j]
currency_data = currency_map.get(index, {})
used_currency = None
if 'currency' in currency_data:
used_currency = currency_data['currency']
elif 'currency_code_index' in currency_data:
currency_code = line['columns'][currency_data['currency_code_index'] - 1].get('name', '')
if currency_code:
used_currency = self.env['res.currency'].search([('name', '=', currency_code)], limit=1)
assert used_currency, "Currency having name=%s not found." % currency_code
if not used_currency:
used_currency =
if type(expected_value) in (int, float) and type(current_value) == str:
expected_value = formatLang(self.env, expected_value, currency_obj=used_currency)
errors = []
for i, to_compare in enumerate(to_compare_list):
if to_compare[0] != to_compare[1]:
errors += [
"\n==== Differences at index %s ====" % str(i),
"Current Values: %s" % str(to_compare[0]),
"Expected Values: %s" % str(to_compare[1]),
if errors:'\n'.join(errors))
def _filter_folded_lines(self, lines):
""" Children lines returned for folded lines (for example, totals below sections) should be ignored when comparing the results
in assertLinesValues (their parents are folded, so they are not shown anyway). This function returns a filtered version of lines
list, without the chilren of folded lines.
filtered_lines = []
folded_lines = set()
for line in lines:
if line.get('parent_id') in folded_lines:
if line.get('unfoldable') and not line.get('unfolded'):
return filtered_lines
def _convert_str_to_date(self, ref, val):
if isinstance(ref, date) and isinstance(val, str):
return datetime.strptime(val, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
return val
def _create_tax_report_line(cls, name, report, tag_name=None, parent_line=None, sequence=None, code=None, formula=None):
""" Creates a tax report line
create_vals = {
'name': name,
'code': code,
'sequence': sequence,
'expression_ids': [],
if tag_name and formula:
raise UserError("Can't use this helper to create a line with both tags and formula")
if tag_name:
"label": "balance",
"engine": "tax_tags",
"formula": tag_name,
if parent_line:
create_vals['parent_id'] =
if formula:
"label": "balance",
"engine": "aggregation",
"formula": formula,
return cls.env[''].create(create_vals)
def _get_basic_line_dict_id_from_report_line(cls, report_line):
""" Computes a full generic id for the provided report line (hence including the one of its parent as prefix), using no markup.
report = report_line.report_id
if report_line.parent_id:
parent_line_id = cls._get_basic_line_dict_id_from_report_line(report_line.parent_id)
return report._get_generic_line_id(report_line._name,, parent_line_id=parent_line_id)
return report._get_generic_line_id(report_line._name,
def _get_basic_line_dict_id_from_report_line_ref(cls, report_line_xmlid):
""" Same as _get_basic_line_dict_id_from_report_line, but from the line's xmlid, for convenience in the tests.
return cls._get_basic_line_dict_id_from_report_line(cls.env.ref(report_line_xmlid))