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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import itertools
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
from import date_utils
from import format_date
class ResCompany(models.Model):
_inherit = ""
totals_below_sections = fields.Boolean(
string='Add totals below sections',
help='When ticked, totals and subtotals appear below the sections of the report.')
account_tax_periodicity = fields.Selection([
('year', 'annually'),
('semester', 'semi-annually'),
('4_months', 'every 4 months'),
('trimester', 'quarterly'),
('2_months', 'every 2 months'),
('monthly', 'monthly')], string="Delay units", help="Periodicity", default='monthly', required=True)
account_tax_periodicity_reminder_day = fields.Integer(string='Start from', default=7, required=True)
account_tax_periodicity_journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', string='Journal', domain=[('type', '=', 'general')])
account_revaluation_journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', domain=[('type', '=', 'general')])
account_revaluation_expense_provision_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Expense Provision Account')
account_revaluation_income_provision_account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Income Provision Account')
account_tax_unit_ids = fields.Many2many(string="Tax Units", comodel_name='', help="The tax units this company belongs to.")
account_representative_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Accounting Firm',
help="Specify an Accounting Firm that will act as a representative when exporting reports.")
account_display_representative_field = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_account_display_representative_field')
def _compute_account_display_representative_field(self):
country_set = self._get_countries_allowing_tax_representative()
for record in self:
record.account_display_representative_field = record.account_fiscal_country_id.code in country_set
def _get_countries_allowing_tax_representative(self):
""" Returns a set containing the country codes of the countries for which
it is possible to use a representative to submit the tax report.
This function is a hook that needs to be overridden in localisation modules.
return set()
def _get_default_misc_journal(self):
""" Returns a default 'miscellanous' journal to use for
account_tax_periodicity_journal_id field. This is useful in case a
CoA was already installed on the company at the time the module
is installed, so that the field is set automatically when added."""
return self.env['account.journal'].search([('type', '=', 'general'), ('show_on_dashboard', '=', True), ('company_id', '=',], limit=1)
def write(self, values):
tax_closing_update_dependencies = ('account_tax_periodicity', 'account_tax_periodicity_reminder_day', '')
to_update = self.env['']
for company in self:
if company.chart_template_id and company.account_tax_periodicity_journal_id:
need_tax_closing_update = any(
update_dep in values and company.mapped(update_dep)[0] != values[update_dep]
for update_dep in tax_closing_update_dependencies
if need_tax_closing_update:
to_update += company
super(ResCompany, self).write(values)
for update_company in to_update:
def _update_tax_closing_after_periodicity_change(self):
vat_fiscal_positions = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search([
('company_id', '=',,
('foreign_vat', '!=', False),
self._get_and_update_tax_closing_moves(, vat_fiscal_positions, include_domestic=True)
def _get_and_update_tax_closing_moves(self, in_period_date, fiscal_positions=None, include_domestic=False):
""" Searches for tax closing moves. If some are missing for the provided parameters,
they are created in draft state. Also, existing moves get updated in case of configuration changes
(closing journal or periodicity, for example). Note the content of these moves stays untouched.
:param in_period_date: A date within the tax closing period we want the closing for.
:param fiscal_positions: The fiscal positions we want to generate the closing for (as a recordset).
:param include_domestic: Whether or not the domestic closing (i.e. the one without any fiscal_position_id) must be included
:return: The closing moves, as a recordset.
if not fiscal_positions:
fiscal_positions = []
# Compute period dates depending on the date
period_start, period_end = self._get_tax_closing_period_boundaries(in_period_date)
activity_deadline = period_end + relativedelta(days=self.account_tax_periodicity_reminder_day)
# Search for an existing tax closing move
tax_closing_activity_type_id = self.env['']._xmlid_to_res_id('account_reports.tax_closing_activity_type')
all_closing_moves = self.env['account.move']
for fpos in itertools.chain(fiscal_positions, [None] if include_domestic else []):
tax_closing_move = self.env['account.move'].search([
('state', '=', 'draft'),
('company_id', '=',,
('activity_ids.activity_type_id', '=', tax_closing_activity_type_id),
('tax_closing_end_date', '>=', period_start),
('fiscal_position_id', '=', if fpos else None),
# This should never happen, but can be caused by wrong manual operations
if len(tax_closing_move) > 1:
if fpos:
error = _("Multiple draft tax closing entries exist for fiscal position %s after %s. There should be at most one. \n %s")
params = (, period_start, tax_closing_move.mapped('display_name'))
error = _("Multiple draft tax closing entries exist for your domestic region after %s. There should be at most one. \n %s")
params = (period_start, tax_closing_move.mapped('display_name'))
raise UserError(error % params)
# Compute tax closing description
ref = self._get_tax_closing_move_description(self.account_tax_periodicity, period_start, period_end, fpos)
# Values for update/creation of closing move
closing_vals = {
'date': period_end,
'tax_closing_end_date': period_end,
'fiscal_position_id': if fpos else None,
'ref': ref,
'name': '/', # Explicitly set a void name so that we don't set the sequence for the journal and don't consume a sequence number
if tax_closing_move:
# Update the next activity on the existing move
for act in tax_closing_move.activity_ids:
if == tax_closing_activity_type_id:
act.write({'date_deadline': activity_deadline})
# Create a new, empty, tax closing move
tax_closing_move = self.env['account.move'].create(closing_vals)
advisor_user = self.env['res.users'].search(
[('company_ids', 'in', self.ids), ('groups_id', 'in', self.env.ref('account.group_account_manager').ids)],
limit=1, order="id ASC")
'res_model_id': self.env['ir.model']._get_id('account.move'),
'activity_type_id': tax_closing_activity_type_id,
'date_deadline': activity_deadline,
'automated': True,
'user_id': or
all_closing_moves += tax_closing_move
return all_closing_moves
def _get_tax_closing_move_description(self, periodicity, period_start, period_end, fiscal_position):
""" Returns a string description of the provided period dates, with the
given tax periodicity.
foreign_vat_fpos_count = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search_count([
('company_id', '=',,
('foreign_vat', '!=', False)
if foreign_vat_fpos_count:
if fiscal_position:
country_code = fiscal_position.country_id.code
state_codes = fiscal_position.mapped('state_ids.code') if fiscal_position.state_ids else []
# On domestic country
country_code = self.account_fiscal_country_id.code
# Only consider the state in case there are foreign VAT fpos on states in this country
vat_fpos_with_state_count = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search_count([
('company_id', '=',,
('foreign_vat', '!=', False),
('country_id', '=',,
('state_ids', '!=', False),
state_codes = [self.state_id.code] if vat_fpos_with_state_count else []
if state_codes:
region_string = " (%s - %s)" % (country_code, ', '.join(state_codes))
region_string = " (%s)" % country_code
# Don't add region information in case there is no foreign VAT fpos
region_string = ''
if periodicity == 'year':
return _("Tax return for %s%s", period_start.year, region_string)
elif periodicity == 'trimester':
return _("Tax return for %s%s", format_date(self.env, period_start, date_format='qqq'), region_string)
elif periodicity == 'monthly':
return _("Tax return for %s%s", format_date(self.env, period_start, date_format='LLLL'), region_string)
return _("Tax return from %s to %s%s", format_date(self.env, period_start), format_date(self.env, period_end), region_string)
def _get_tax_closing_period_boundaries(self, date):
""" Returns the boundaries of the tax period containing the provided date
for this company, as a tuple (start, end).
period_months = self._get_tax_periodicity_months_delay()
period_number = (date.month//period_months) + (1 if date.month % period_months != 0 else 0)
end_date = date_utils.end_of(, period_number * period_months, 1), 'month')
start_date = end_date + relativedelta(day=1, months=-period_months + 1)
return start_date, end_date
def _get_tax_periodicity_months_delay(self):
""" Returns the number of months separating two tax returns with the provided periodicity
periodicities = {
'year': 12,
'semester': 6,
'4_months': 4,
'trimester': 3,
'2_months': 2,
'monthly': 1,
return periodicities[self.account_tax_periodicity]