# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # decorator makes wrappers that have the same API as their wrapped function from collections import Counter, defaultdict from decorator import decorator from inspect import signature import logging unsafe_eval = eval _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ormcache_counter(object): """ Statistic counters for cache entries. """ __slots__ = ['hit', 'miss', 'err'] def __init__(self): self.hit = 0 self.miss = 0 self.err = 0 @property def ratio(self): return 100.0 * self.hit / (self.hit + self.miss or 1) # statistic counters dictionary, maps (dbname, modelname, method) to counter STAT = defaultdict(ormcache_counter) class ormcache(object): """ LRU cache decorator for model methods. The parameters are strings that represent expressions referring to the signature of the decorated method, and are used to compute a cache key:: @ormcache('model_name', 'mode') def _compute_domain(self, model_name, mode="read"): ... For the sake of backward compatibility, the decorator supports the named parameter `skiparg`:: @ormcache(skiparg=1) def _compute_domain(self, model_name, mode="read"): ... Methods implementing this decorator should never return a Recordset, because the underlying cursor will eventually be closed and raise a `psycopg2.InterfaceError`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.skiparg = kwargs.get('skiparg') def __call__(self, method): self.method = method self.determine_key() lookup = decorator(self.lookup, method) lookup.clear_cache = self.clear return lookup def determine_key(self): """ Determine the function that computes a cache key from arguments. """ if self.skiparg is None: # build a string that represents function code and evaluate it args = str(signature(self.method))[1:-1] if self.args: code = "lambda %s: (%s,)" % (args, ", ".join(self.args)) else: code = "lambda %s: ()" % (args,) self.key = unsafe_eval(code) else: # backward-compatible function that uses self.skiparg self.key = lambda *args, **kwargs: args[self.skiparg:] def lru(self, model): counter = STAT[(model.pool.db_name, model._name, self.method)] return model.pool._Registry__cache, (model._name, self.method), counter def lookup(self, method, *args, **kwargs): d, key0, counter = self.lru(args[0]) key = key0 + self.key(*args, **kwargs) try: r = d[key] counter.hit += 1 return r except KeyError: counter.miss += 1 value = d[key] = self.method(*args, **kwargs) return value except TypeError: _logger.warning("cache lookup error on %r", key, exc_info=True) counter.err += 1 return self.method(*args, **kwargs) def clear(self, model, *args): """ Clear the registry cache """ model.pool._clear_cache() class ormcache_context(ormcache): """ This LRU cache decorator is a variant of :class:`ormcache`, with an extra parameter ``keys`` that defines a sequence of dictionary keys. Those keys are looked up in the ``context`` parameter and combined to the cache key made by :class:`ormcache`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ormcache_context, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.keys = kwargs['keys'] def determine_key(self): """ Determine the function that computes a cache key from arguments. """ assert self.skiparg is None, "ormcache_context() no longer supports skiparg" # build a string that represents function code and evaluate it sign = signature(self.method) args = str(sign)[1:-1] cont_expr = "(context or {})" if 'context' in sign.parameters else "self._context" keys_expr = "tuple(%s.get(k) for k in %r)" % (cont_expr, self.keys) if self.args: code = "lambda %s: (%s, %s)" % (args, ", ".join(self.args), keys_expr) else: code = "lambda %s: (%s,)" % (args, keys_expr) self.key = unsafe_eval(code) class ormcache_multi(ormcache): """ This LRU cache decorator is a variant of :class:`ormcache`, with an extra parameter ``multi`` that gives the name of a parameter. Upon call, the corresponding argument is iterated on, and every value leads to a cache entry under its own key. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ormcache_multi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.multi = kwargs['multi'] def determine_key(self): """ Determine the function that computes a cache key from arguments. """ assert self.skiparg is None, "ormcache_multi() no longer supports skiparg" assert isinstance(self.multi, str), "ormcache_multi() parameter multi must be an argument name" super(ormcache_multi, self).determine_key() # key_multi computes the extra element added to the key sign = signature(self.method) args = str(sign)[1:-1] code_multi = "lambda %s: %s" % (args, self.multi) self.key_multi = unsafe_eval(code_multi) # self.multi_pos is the position of self.multi in args self.multi_pos = list(sign.parameters).index(self.multi) def lookup(self, method, *args, **kwargs): d, key0, counter = self.lru(args[0]) base_key = key0 + self.key(*args, **kwargs) ids = self.key_multi(*args, **kwargs) result = {} missed = [] # first take what is available in the cache for i in ids: key = base_key + (i,) try: result[i] = d[key] counter.hit += 1 except Exception: counter.miss += 1 missed.append(i) if missed: # call the method for the ids that were not in the cache; note that # thanks to decorator(), the multi argument will be bound and passed # positionally in args. args = list(args) args[self.multi_pos] = missed result.update(method(*args, **kwargs)) # store those new results back in the cache for i in missed: key = base_key + (i,) d[key] = result[i] return result class dummy_cache(object): """ Cache decorator replacement to actually do no caching. """ def __init__(self, *l, **kw): pass def __call__(self, fn): fn.clear_cache = self.clear return fn def clear(self, *l, **kw): pass def log_ormcache_stats(sig=None, frame=None): """ Log statistics of ormcache usage by database, model, and method. """ from odoo.modules.registry import Registry import threading me = threading.current_thread() me_dbname = getattr(me, 'dbname', 'n/a') for dbname, reg in sorted(Registry.registries.d.items()): # set logger prefix to dbname me.dbname = dbname entries = Counter(k[:2] for k in reg._Registry__cache.d) # show entries sorted by model name, method name for key in sorted(entries, key=lambda key: (key[0], key[1].__name__)): model, method = key stat = STAT[(dbname, model, method)] _logger.info( "%6d entries, %6d hit, %6d miss, %6d err, %4.1f%% ratio, for %s.%s", entries[key], stat.hit, stat.miss, stat.err, stat.ratio, model, method.__name__, ) me.dbname = me_dbname def get_cache_key_counter(bound_method, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the cache, key and stat counter for the given call. """ model = bound_method.__self__ ormcache = bound_method.clear_cache.__self__ cache, key0, counter = ormcache.lru(model) key = key0 + ormcache.key(model, *args, **kwargs) return cache, key, counter # For backward compatibility cache = ormcache