Executive Summary selector this_year Balance balance Cash Cash received CR balance domain sum Cash spent CS balance domain sum Cash surplus balance aggregation CR.balance + CS.balance normal Closing bank balance balance domain normal sum Profitability Income balance aggregation INC.balance normal cross_report Cost of Revenue balance aggregation COS.balance normal cross_report Gross profit balance aggregation GRP.balance normal cross_report Expenses balance aggregation LEX.balance normal cross_report Net Profit balance aggregation NEP.balance normal cross_report Balance Sheet Receivables DEB balance domain normal sum Payables CRE balance domain normal sum Net assets EXEC_SUMMARY_NA balance aggregation EXEC_SUMMARY_NA.na_balance normal na_balance aggregation TA.balance - L.balance normal cross_report Performance Gross profit margin (gross profit / operating income) balance aggregation GRP.balance / OPINC.balance * 100 normal cross_report percentage Net profit margin (net profit / income) balance aggregation NEP.balance / INC.balance * 100 normal cross_report percentage Return on investments (net profit / assets) balance aggregation NEP.balance / TA.balance * 100 normal cross_report percentage Position Average debtors days AVG_DEBT_DAYS balance aggregation DEB.balance / OPINC.balance * AVG_DEBT_DAYS.NDays normal cross_report float NDays custom _report_custom_engine_executive_summary_ndays Average creditors days AVG_CRED_DAYS balance aggregation -CRE.balance / OPINC.balance * AVG_CRED_DAYS.NDays normal cross_report float NDays custom _report_custom_engine_executive_summary_ndays Short term cash forecast balance aggregation DEB.balance + CRE.balance normal Current assets to liabilities balance aggregation CA.balance / CL.balance normal cross_report float