import json import os import tempfile import unittest from subprocess import run, PIPE from textwrap import dedent from odoo import tools from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase try: import pylint except ImportError: pylint = None try: pylint_bin = tools.which('pylint') except IOError: pylint_bin = None HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) @unittest.skipUnless(pylint and pylint_bin, "testing lints requires pylint") class TestSqlLint(TransactionCase): def check(self, testtext): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', encoding='utf-8', delete=False) as f: self.addCleanup(os.remove, f.write(dedent(testtext).strip()) result = run( [pylint_bin, f'--rcfile={os.devnull}', '--load-plugins=_odoo_checker_sql_injection', '--disable=all', '--enable=sql-injection', '--output-format=json',, ], check=False, stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf-8', env={ **os.environ, 'PYTHONPATH': HERE+os.pathsep+os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', ''), } ) return result.returncode, json.loads(result.stdout) def test_printf(self): r, [err] = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(cr, name): cr.execute('select %s from thing' % name) """) self.assertTrue(r, "should have noticed the injection") self.assertEqual(err['line'], 2, err) r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(self):"select thing from %s" % self._table) """) self.assertFalse(r, f"underscore-attributes are allowed\n{errs}") r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(self): query = "select thing from %s" % self._table) """) self.assertFalse(r, f"underscore-attributes are allowed\n{errs}") def test_fstring(self): r, [err] = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(cr, name): cr.execute(f'select {name} from thing') """) self.assertTrue(r, "should have noticed the injection") self.assertEqual(err['line'], 2, err) r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(cr, name): cr.execute(f'select name from thing') """) self.assertFalse(r, f"unnecessary fstring should be innocuous\n{errs}") r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(cr, name, value): cr.execute(f'select {name} from thing where field = %s', [value]) """) self.assertFalse(r, f"probably has a good reason for the extra arg\n{errs}") r, errs = self.check(""" def do_the_thing(self):'select name from {self._table}') """) self.assertFalse(r, f'underscore-attributes are allowable\n{errs}')