from odoo.tests import common class TestActionBindings(common.TransactionCase): def test_bindings(self): """ check the action bindings on models """ Actions = self.env['ir.actions.actions'] # first make sure there is no bound action self.env.ref('base.action_partner_merge').unlink() bindings = Actions.get_bindings('res.partner') self.assertFalse(bindings.get('action')) self.assertFalse(bindings.get('report')) # create action bindings, and check the returned bindings action1 = self.env.ref('base.action_attachment') action2 = self.env.ref('base.ir_default_menu_action') action3 = self.env[''].search([('groups_id', '=', False)], limit=1) action1.binding_model_id = action2.binding_model_id \ = action3.binding_model_id \ = self.env['ir.model']._get('res.partner') bindings = Actions.get_bindings('res.partner') self.assertItemsEqual( bindings['action'], (action1 + action2).read(['name', 'binding_view_types']), "Wrong action bindings", ) self.assertItemsEqual( bindings['report'],['name', 'binding_view_types']), "Wrong action bindings", ) # add a group on an action, and check that it is not returned group = self.env.ref('base.group_system') action2.groups_id += group self.env.user.groups_id -= group bindings = Actions.get_bindings('res.partner') self.assertItemsEqual( bindings['action'],['name', 'binding_view_types']), "Wrong action bindings", ) self.assertItemsEqual( bindings['report'],['name', 'binding_view_types']), "Wrong action bindings", ) class TestBindingViewFilters(common.TransactionCase): def test_act_window(self): A = self.env['tab.a'] form_act = A.get_views([(False, 'form')], {'toolbar': True})['views']['form']['toolbar']['action'] self.assertEqual( [a['name'] for a in form_act], ['Action 1', 'Action 2', 'Action 3'], "forms should have all actions") list_act = A.get_views([(False, 'list')], {'toolbar': True})['views']['list']['toolbar']['action'] self.assertEqual( [a['name'] for a in list_act], ['Action 1', 'Action 3'], "lists should not have the form-only action") kanban_act = A.get_views([(False, 'kanban')], {'toolbar': True})['views']['kanban']['toolbar']['action'] self.assertEqual( [a['name'] for a in kanban_act], ['Action 1'], "kanban should only have the universal action") def test_act_record(self): B = self.env['tab.b'] form_act = B.get_views([(False, 'form')], {'toolbar': True})['views']['form']['toolbar']['action'] self.assertEqual( [a['name'] for a in form_act], ['Record 1', 'Record 2', 'Record 3'], "forms should have all actions") list_act = B.get_views([(False, 'list')], {'toolbar': True})['views']['list']['toolbar']['action'] self.assertEqual( [a['name'] for a in list_act], ['Record 1', 'Record 3'], "lists should not have the form-only action") kanban_act = B.get_views([(False, 'kanban')], {'toolbar': True})['views']['kanban']['toolbar']['action'] self.assertEqual( [a['name'] for a in kanban_act], ['Record 1'], "kanban should only have the universal action")