You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

157 lines
6.2 KiB

8 months ago
import re
import sys
import traceback
import xmlrpc.client
from datetime import date, datetime
from markupsafe import Markup
import odoo
from odoo.http import Controller, route, dispatch_rpc, request, Response
from odoo.fields import Date, Datetime, Command
from import lazy, ustr
from import frozendict
# ==========================================================
# XML-RPC helpers
# ==========================================================
# XML-RPC fault codes. Some care must be taken when changing these: the
# constants are also defined client-side and must remain in sync.
# User code must use the exceptions defined in ``odoo.exceptions`` (not
# create directly ``xmlrpc.client.Fault`` objects).
RPC_FAULT_CODE_CLIENT_ERROR = 1 # indistinguishable from app. error.
# ustr decodes as utf-8 or latin1 so we can search for the ASCII bytes
# Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF]
XML_INVALID = re.compile(b'[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0F-\x1F]')
def xmlrpc_handle_exception_int(e):
if isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.RedirectWarning):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_WARNING, str(e))
elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.AccessError):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_ACCESS_ERROR, str(e))
elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.AccessDenied):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_ACCESS_DENIED, str(e))
elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.UserError):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_WARNING, str(e))
info = sys.exc_info()
formatted_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*info))
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault(RPC_FAULT_CODE_APPLICATION_ERROR, formatted_info)
return xmlrpc.client.dumps(fault, allow_none=None)
def xmlrpc_handle_exception_string(e):
if isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.RedirectWarning):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault('warning -- Warning\n\n' + str(e), '')
elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.MissingError):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault('warning -- MissingError\n\n' + str(e), '')
elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.AccessError):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault('warning -- AccessError\n\n' + str(e), '')
elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.AccessDenied):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault('AccessDenied', str(e))
elif isinstance(e, odoo.exceptions.UserError):
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault('warning -- UserError\n\n' + str(e), '')
info = sys.exc_info()
formatted_info = "".join(traceback.format_exception(*info))
fault = xmlrpc.client.Fault(, formatted_info)
return xmlrpc.client.dumps(fault, allow_none=None, encoding=None)
class OdooMarshaller(xmlrpc.client.Marshaller):
dispatch = dict(xmlrpc.client.Marshaller.dispatch)
def dump_frozen_dict(self, value, write):
value = dict(value)
self.dump_struct(value, write)
# By default, in xmlrpc, bytes are converted to xmlrpc.client.Binary object.
# Historically, odoo is sending binary as base64 string.
# In python 3, base64.b64{de,en}code() methods now works on bytes.
# Convert them to str to have a consistent behavior between python 2 and python 3.
def dump_bytes(self, value, write):
# XML 1.0 disallows control characters, check for them immediately to
# see if this is a "real" binary (rather than base64 or somesuch) and
# blank it out, otherwise they get embedded in the output and break
# client-side parsers
self.dump_unicode('', write)
self.dump_unicode(ustr(value), write)
def dump_datetime(self, value, write):
# override to marshall as a string for backwards compatibility
value = Datetime.to_string(value)
self.dump_unicode(value, write)
# convert date objects to strings in iso8061 format.
def dump_date(self, value, write):
value = Date.to_string(value)
self.dump_unicode(value, write)
def dump_lazy(self, value, write):
v = value._value
return self.dispatch[type(v)](self, v, write)
dispatch[frozendict] = dump_frozen_dict
dispatch[bytes] = dump_bytes
dispatch[datetime] = dump_datetime
dispatch[date] = dump_date
dispatch[lazy] = dump_lazy
dispatch[Command] = dispatch[int]
dispatch[Markup] = lambda self, value, write: self.dispatch[str](self, str(value), write)
# monkey-patch xmlrpc.client's marshaller
xmlrpc.client.Marshaller = OdooMarshaller
# ==========================================================
# RPC Controller
# ==========================================================
class RPC(Controller):
"""Handle RPC connections."""
def _xmlrpc(self, service):
"""Common method to handle an XML-RPC request."""
data = request.httprequest.get_data()
params, method = xmlrpc.client.loads(data)
result = dispatch_rpc(service, method, params)
return xmlrpc.client.dumps((result,), methodresponse=1, allow_none=False)
@route("/xmlrpc/<service>", auth="none", methods=["POST"], csrf=False, save_session=False)
def xmlrpc_1(self, service):
"""XML-RPC service that returns faultCode as strings.
This entrypoint is historical and non-compliant, but kept for
response = self._xmlrpc(service)
except Exception as error:
response = xmlrpc_handle_exception_string(error)
return Response(response=response, mimetype='text/xml')
@route("/xmlrpc/2/<service>", auth="none", methods=["POST"], csrf=False, save_session=False)
def xmlrpc_2(self, service):
"""XML-RPC service that returns faultCode as int."""
response = self._xmlrpc(service)
except Exception as error:
response = xmlrpc_handle_exception_int(error)
return Response(response=response, mimetype='text/xml')
@route('/jsonrpc', type='json', auth="none", save_session=False)
def jsonrpc(self, service, method, args):
""" Method used by client APIs to contact OpenERP. """
return dispatch_rpc(service, method, args)