const jsapi = require("./utils/openApi.js"); const utils = require("./utils/utils"); const msg = require("./utils/msg"); const wcache = require("./utils/wcache"); const animation = require("./utils/animation"); const loginApi = require("./utils/loginApi"); const mqtt = require("./utils/mqtt.js"); const util = require("./utils/util.js") App({ // 引用js jsapi: jsapi, utils: utils, msg: msg, wc: wcache, ani: animation, loginApi: loginApi, name: "v2点餐-base", version: "1.1.0", // 系统版本 sourceSign: "smProgram", openId: wx.getStorageSync("openId"), loginKey: wx.getStorageSync('loginKey'), client: null, // mqtt topic: [], page: null, appTop1: null, appTop2: null, appTop3: null, baseTopic: "program/cy2/order", // 接单订阅主题 baseTopic2: "wxdc/sell", // 售罄订阅主题 baseTopic3:"wxxcx/sell", //小程序门店规格商品售罄主题 baseTopic4:"wxxcx/delivery", isBuoDuo: false, //是否博多版本 onLaunch: function() { const updateManager = wx.getUpdateManager() updateManager.onCheckForUpdate(function (res) { // 请求完新版本信息的回调 console.log(res.hasUpdate) }) updateManager.onUpdateReady(function () { wx.showModal({ title: '更新提示', content: '新版本已经准备好,是否重启应用?', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { // 新的版本已经下载好,调用 applyUpdate 应用新版本并重启 updateManager.applyUpdate() } } }) }) updateManager.onUpdateFailed(function () { // 新的版本下载失败 wx.showModal({ title: '更新提示', content: '新版本下载失败', showCancel: false }) }) }, onShow: function() { var that = this; wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function(res) { if (res.errMsg == "getSystemInfo:ok") { that.systemInfo.windowHeight = res.windowHeight; that.systemInfo.windowWidth = res.windowWidth; that.percent = res.windowWidth / 750; } } }) /** * 小程序配置 */ // if (!wx.getStorageSync("cyApi")) { if (true) { // 判断是否需要更新接口数据 this.getWidByAppid(); } else { this.checkSession(); // 检测session } }, getWidByAppid: function() { var that = this; const accountInfo = wx.getAccountInfoSync(); that.globalData.appid = accountInfo.miniProgram.appId wx.request({ url: that.globalData.serverUrlExtend, method: "POST", header: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { "type": "programbaseinfobyappid", "appId": accountInfo.miniProgram.appId }, success: res => { var data =; console.log(data); if (data.status == 1) { that.cy_openApiExtend(,; that.globalData.tenantId =; that.globalData.wid =; } else { wx.showToast({ title: data.message, icon: "none", }) that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } }, fail: res => { that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } }) }, /** * */ onShare: { title: "", desc: "最具人气的点餐小程序", path: "pages/tabbar/launch", }, orderTicket: { busMode: 1 }, // 订单信息 systemInfo: { // 系统信息 windowWidth: 0, windowHeight: 0, }, temData: { orderPointProduct: '', orderPointNum: 1, orderAddress: '', totalMoney: 0, orderNo: '', type: 1, invitationFriendPrizeType: 0, invitationFriendPrizeCouponPacketNo: 0, invitationFriendDescription: "", invitationFriendStartDate: "", invitationFriendEndDate: "", invitationFriendId: "", invitationFriendPrizePointValue: 0, invitationFriendTotalAwardCount: 0, shareStatus: true, fromMemberId: '', activityId: '', openId: '' }, mqttParam: { wsServer: 'wss://', wsServerPort: 80, client: null, interval: null }, globalData: { npAmount:0, appid: "", tenantId: "", wid: "", groupNo: '0000', sourceSign: 'smWeixin', /** * 会员信息 */ userId: wx.getStorageSync("userId"), user: wx.getStorageSync("user"), workerNo: wx.getStorageSync("workerNo"), posNo: wx.getStorageSync("posNo"), shopNo: wx.getStorageSync("shopNo"), cardNo: wx.getStorageSync("cardNo"), memberId: wx.getStorageSync("memberId"), cardInfo: wx.getStorageSync("cardInfo"), phone: wx.getStorageSync("phone"), programId: wx.getStorageSync("id"), appid: wx.getStorageSync("appid"), secret: wx.getStorageSync("secret"), appKey: wx.getStorageSync("appKey"), appSecret: wx.getStorageSync("appSecret"), memberWid: wx.getStorageSync("memberWid"), memberAppKey: wx.getStorageSync("memberAppKey"), memberAppSecret: wx.getStorageSync("memberAppSecret"), memberExtendUrl: wx.getStorageSync("memberExtendUrl"), memberUrl: wx.getStorageSync("memberUrl"), // 生产地址 serverUrl: "", serverUrlExtend: "", memberServerUrl: "", memberServerUrlExtend: "", height: wx.getSystemInfoSync()['statusBarHeight'], oldCode: "", baseImgUri:"", memberPayEnabled:0, version:"1.1.68", color:"#ffc639", userIsFee:0, globalNumber:0, txMapKey:"", isLoadSuccess:false }, /** * 小程序配置 */ cy_openApiExtend: function(tenantId, wid) { var that = this; wx.request({ url: that.globalData.serverUrlExtend, method: "POST", header: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { "type": "programinfobywid", "tenantId": tenantId, "wid": wid }, success: res => { var data =; if (data.status == 1) { var cardApi =; var cyApi =; var wxBoday =; if ( == "") { = "Hi,美好一天!"; } wx.setStorageSync("description",; wx.setStorageSync("cyApi", cyApi); // wx.setStorageSync("appKey", cyApi.appKey); wx.setStorageSync("appSecret", cyApi.appSecret); wx.setStorageSync("serverUrl", cyApi.url); wx.setStorageSync("id",; wx.setStorageSync("appid", wxBoday.appId); wx.setStorageSync("secret", wxBoday.appSecret); wx.setStorageSync("workerNo", cardApi.workerNo); wx.setStorageSync("posNo", cardApi.posNo); wx.setStorageSync("shopNo", cardApi.shopNo); wx.setStorageSync("memberAppKey", cardApi.appKey); wx.setStorageSync("memberAppSecret", cardApi.appSecret); wx.setStorageSync("memberExtendUrl", cardApi.extendUrl); wx.setStorageSync("memberUrl", cardApi.url); wx.setStorageSync("pictureInfos",; wx.setStorageSync("memberWid", wxBoday.mWid); that.globalData.programId =; that.globalData.appKey = cyApi.appKey; that.globalData.appSecret = cyApi.appSecret; that.globalData.serverUrl = cyApi.url; that.globalData.appid = wxBoday.appId; that.globalData.secret = wxBoday.appSecret; that.globalData.txMapKey=wxBoday.txMapKey; that.globalData.isLoadSuccess=true; that.globalData.posNo = cardApi.posNo; that.globalData.shopNo = cardApi.shopNo; that.globalData.memberAppKey = cardApi.appKey that.globalData.memberAppSecret = cardApi.appSecret that.globalData.memberExtendUrl = cardApi.extendUrl; that.globalData.memberUrl = cardApi.url; if( && !='' ){ that.globalData.color= } that.globalData.memberWid = wxBoday.mWid; that.checkSession(); } else { wx.showToast({ title: data.message, icon: "none", }) that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } }, fail: res => { that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } }) }, /** * 检查session */ checkSession: function() { var that = this; wx.checkSession({ success: function(res) { if (!that.loginKey || that.loginKey == "") { that.login(); } else { wx.setStorageSync("loginKey", that.loginKey) wx.setStorageSync("openId", that.openId) that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } }, fail: function(res) { // session time out, need relogin console.log("检测session", res); that.login(); } }) }, /** * wx.login 获取code */ login: function() { var that = this; wx.login({ success: function(res) { if (res.code) { wx.request({ url: that.globalData.serverUrlExtend, method: "POST", header: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: { "type": "wxdcjscode2session", "code": res.code, "appid": that.globalData.appid, "secret": that.globalData.secret }, success: function(res) { console.log(that.globalData.secret); console.log("wxdcjscode2session", res); if ( == 1) { var data =; that.openId = data.openId; that.loginKey = data.loginKey; wx.setStorageSync("openId", that.openId); wx.setStorageSync("loginKey", that.loginKey); that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } else { console.log(res); that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } }, fail: function(res) { that.cy_userInfoReadyCallback(true); } }) } } }); }, /** * 回调函数 * */ cy_userInfoReadyCallback(res) { var that = this; var timer = setInterval(function() { if (that.userInfoReadyCallback) { that.userInfoReadyCallback(res); clearInterval(timer); } }, 500); }, /** * 查询卡信息 */ cy_selectCardInfo: function() { var that = this; var params = { "method": "", "cardNo": that.cardNo, "shopNo": that.shopNo, "posNo": that.posNo, } var ignores = []; console.log(that.globalData.serverMemberUrl) that.jsapi.memberApi(that.globalData.appMemberKey, that.globalData.appMemberSecret, that.globalData.serverMemberUrl).ajax(params, ignores, function(json) { wx.hideLoading(); var result =; if (result.status == 1) { wx.hideLoading(); that.cardInfo =; app.globalData.npAmount=; if ( != "") { that.isIphone = true; that.iphone =; wx.setStorageSync("iphone", that.iphone); } } else { // wx.showModal({ // title: '提示', // content: result.errMessage, // }); } }, function(err) { wx.hideLoading(); wx.showLoading({ title: '网络异常,请检查网络连接', icon: "none" }) } ); }, /** * 会员卡开户 */ cy_openCardInfo: function() { var that = this; var params = { "method": "", "wid": that.memberWid, "openId": that.openId, "mobile": that.iphone, "nickName": that.globalData.userInfo.nickname, "gender":, "avatarUrl": that.globalData.userInfo.headimgurl, } var ignores = ["openId", "nickName", "gender", "avatarUrl", "mobile"]; that.jsapi.memberApi(that.globalData.appMemberKey, that.globalData.appMemberSecret, that.globalData.serverMemberUrl).ajax(params, ignores, function(json) { console.log(json); var result =; if (result.status == 1) { var data =; that.memberId = data.memberId; that.cardNo = data.cardNo if (data.giftCouponFlag == 1) { var couponPacketNo = data.couponPacketNo; that.cy_elecCouponPacketReceive(couponPacketNo); } else { that.cy_selectCardInfo(); } } else { that.cy_selectCardInfo(); } }, function(err) { wx.hideLoading(); wx.showToast({ title: '网络连接失败', icon: "none", }) } ); }, /** * 赠送礼包 */ cy_elecCouponPacketReceive: function(couponPacketNo) { var that = this; var date = new Date(); var params = { "shopNo": that.shopNo, "posNo": that.posNo, "workerNo": that.workerNo, "sourceSign": that.sourceSign, "method": "", "memberId": that.memberId, "outerStr": "37", "couponPacketNo": couponPacketNo, "ticketNo": that.utils.getFormatTime(date, 2), } // 忽略签名参数 var ignores = []; that.jsapi.api(that.globalData.appMemberKey, that.globalData.appMemberSecret, that.globalData.serverMemberUrl).ajax(params, ignores, function(json) { var result =; if (result.status == 1) { that.cy_selectCardInfo(); } else { that.cy_selectCardInfo(); } }, function(error) { wx.hideLoading(); app.msg.showMsg("提示", "网络中断,会员信息获取失败"); } ); }, //mqtt getCouponConsumeCode: function(code) { var tenantId = this.globalData.tenantId; return tenantId + ":" + code + ':couponconsume'; }, startReconnect: function() { // 重连机制 var that = this; interval = setInterval(function() { var client = that.mqttParam.client; if (client != null) { // 10s检测 mqttApi.api.connect(); } }, 10000); }, getPayCode: function() { var tenantId = this.globalData.tenantId; var memberId = wx.getStorageSync("cardInfo").memberId; return tenantId + ':' + memberId + ':pay'; }, globalFunction: { /*---------扫码会调函数------*/ scanPayCodeCallBack: function(msg) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/callback/paySuccess?msg=' + msg, }) }, /*---------优惠券核销会调函数------*/ consumeCouponCallBack: function(msg) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/callback/couponSuccess?msg=' + msg, }); } }, showMsg:function(mes,icon){ wx.showToast({ title:mes , icon:icon }) }, callBack: function() { var url = ""; var data = { content: "hello" } console.log("--------------", JSON.stringify(data)); wx.request({ url: url, data: { data }, method: "POST", success(res) { console.log("====================", res); } }) }, });