const app = getApp(); const card = require('../../utils/card.js'); const mqttMessage = require('../../utils/mqttMessage.js') const log = require('../../utils/log.js'); const myaudio = wx.createInnerAudioContext(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { hidden: true, isiPhone: true, indicatorDots: true, autoplay: true, interval: 3000, circular: true, list: [{ linkUrl: '../../images/1.jpg' },{ linkUrl: '../../images/2.jpg' },{ linkUrl: '../../images/3.jpg' }], video: "", videoHidden: true, autoplay: true }, confirm: function () { console.error(" confirm ") }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { this.setData({ pageOption: options }); if (wx.getStorageSync("ads")) { this.setData({ list: wx.getStorageSync("ads"), tenantId: app.globalData.tenantId, color: app.globalData.color }); } if (wx.getStorageSync("pictureInfos")) { var pictureInfos = wx.getStorageSync("pictureInfos"); //设置背景图片 if (pictureInfos.forHereOrderUrl) this.setData({ forHereOrderUrl: pictureInfos.forHereOrderUrl }) else this.setData({ forHereOrderUrl: "/images/icon-bg-food.png" }) if (pictureInfos.takeOutOrderUrl) this.setData({ takeOutOrderUrl: pictureInfos.takeOutOrderUrl }) else this.setData({ takeOutOrderUrl: "/images/icon-bg-out.png" }) if (pictureInfos.integralMallUrl) this.setData({ integralMallUrl: pictureInfos.integralMallUrl }) else this.setData({ integralMallUrl: "/images/icon-bg-coupon.png" }) if (pictureInfos.userCenterUrl) this.setData({ userCenterUrl: pictureInfos.userCenterUrl }) else this.setData({ userCenterUrl: "/images/icon-bg-mine.png" }) if (pictureInfos.rechargeUrl) this.setData({ rechargeUrl: pictureInfos.rechargeUrl }) else this.setData({ rechargeUrl: "/images/index_menu_rechange.png" }) if (pictureInfos.couponUrl) this.setData({ couponUrl: pictureInfos.couponUrl }) else this.setData({ couponUrl: "/images/index_menu_coupon.png" }) if (pictureInfos.payCodeUrl) this.setData({ payCodeUrl: pictureInfos.payCodeUrl }) else this.setData({ payCodeUrl: "/images/index_menu_memberCode.png" }) //设置字体 if (pictureInfos.rechargeFuncName) this.setData({ rechargeFuncName: pictureInfos.rechargeFuncName }) else this.setData({ rechargeFuncName: "充值" }) if (pictureInfos.couponFuncName) this.setData({ couponFuncName: pictureInfos.couponFuncName }) else this.setData({ couponFuncName: "优惠券" }) if (pictureInfos.payCodeFuncName) this.setData({ payCodeFuncName: pictureInfos.payCodeFuncName }) else this.setData({ payCodeFuncName: "支付码" }) //设置连接 if (pictureInfos.forHereOrderPath) this.setData({ forHereOrderPath: pictureInfos.forHereOrderPath }) else this.setData({ forHereOrderPath: "../store/store?title=门店自提&busMode=1" }) if (pictureInfos.takeOutOrderPath) this.setData({ takeOutOrderPath: pictureInfos.takeOutOrderPath }) else this.setData({ takeOutOrderPath: "../store/store?title=外卖门店&busMode=3" }) if (pictureInfos.integralMallPath) this.setData({ integralMallPath: pictureInfos.integralMallPath }) else this.setData({ integralMallPath: "../couponCenter/index" }) if (pictureInfos.userCenterPath) this.setData({ userCenterPath: pictureInfos.userCenterPath }) else this.setData({ userCenterPath: "mine" }) if (pictureInfos.rechargePath) this.setData({ rechargePath: pictureInfos.rechargePath }) else this.setData({ rechargePath: "/pages/mine/memberBalance" }) if (pictureInfos.couponPath) this.setData({ couponPath: pictureInfos.couponPath }) else this.setData({ couponPath: "/pages/coupon/couponCenterNew" }) if (pictureInfos.payCodePath) this.setData({ payCodePath: pictureInfos.payCodePath }) else this.setData({ payCodePath: "/pages/mine/paymentCode" }) } else { this.setData({ forHereOrderUrl: "/images/icon-bg-food.png" }) this.setData({ takeOutOrderUrl: "/images/icon-bg-out.png" }) this.setData({ integralMallUrl: "/images/icon-bg-coupon.png" }) this.setData({ userCenterUrl: "/images/icon-bg-mine.png" }) this.setData({ rechargeUrl: "/images/index_menu_rechange.png" }) this.setData({ couponUrl: "/images/index_menu_coupon.png" }) this.setData({ payCodeUrl: "/images/index_menu_memberCode.png" }) this.setData({ rechargeFuncName: "充值" }) this.setData({ couponFuncName: "优惠券" }) this.setData({ payCodeFuncName: "支付码" }) this.setData({ forHereOrderPath: "../store/store?title=门店自提&busMode=1" }) this.setData({ takeOutOrderPath: "../store/store?title=外卖门店&busMode=3" }) this.setData({ integralMallPath: "../couponCenter/index" }) this.setData({ userCenterPath: "mine" }) this.setData({ rechargePath: "/pages/mine/memberBalance" }) this.setData({ couponPath: "/pages/coupon/couponCenterNew" }) this.setData({ payCodePath: "/pages/mine/paymentCode" }) } this.setData({ description: wx.getStorageSync("description"), }) this.cy_programAdvpictureDownloadList(); if (options.scanner) { var url = ""; var type = wx.getStorageSync('type'); // 堂食扫码'type from storage: ' + type); console.log("-----------------------", type); if(type != 'e1' && type != 'e2' && type != 'e3' && type != 'e4') { app.orderTicket.busMode = 0; //堂食 wx.setStorageSync('mode', 0);'busMode的值:' + wx.getStorageSync('mode')); url = "../list/shopList"; } if(type === "e1") { app.orderTicket.busMode = 1; //自提 wx.setStorageSync('mode', 1); url = "../list/shopList"; } if(type === "e3") { // 外卖扫码 app.orderTicket.busMode = 3; url = "../list/shopList"; } if(type === "e4"){ // 扫码充值 url =; } wx.redirectTo({ url: url, }) } }, /** * 下载广告图片 */ cy_programAdvpictureDownloadList: function () { var that = this; var params = { method: "", programId: app.globalData.programId, orderType: "asc", } var ignores = ["orderType"]; app.jsapi.api(app.globalData.appKey, app.globalData.appSecret, app.globalData.serverUrl).ajax(params, ignores, function (json) { var data =; if (data.status == 1) { wx.setStorageSync("ads", data.list); if (data.list.length != 0) { that.setData({ list: data.list }) } } }, function (err) { wx.showToast({ title: "网络连接失败,请检查", icon: "none" }) }); }, /** * 自提 */ cy_getTangAndPack() {; // var url = "../store/store?title=堂食门店&busMode=0"; app.globalData.busMode = 1; wx.setStorageSync("mode", 1); wx.navigateTo({ url:, }) }, /** * 外卖 */ cy_getTakeOut() {; // var url = "../store/store?title=外卖门店&busMode=3"; app.globalData.busMode = 3; wx.navigateTo({ url:, }) }, /** * 领券中心 */ cy_getCoupon() {; if (app.globalData.cardNo.length == 0) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您还不是会员去注册', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { wx.navigateTo({ url: 'mine', }) } } }) return; } wx.navigateTo({ url:, }) }, /** * 个人中心 */ cy_getMine() {; var url = "mine"; wx.navigateTo({ url:, }) }, /** * 授权获取手机 */ cy_getPhoneNumber: function (e) { var that = this; if (e.detail.errMsg == 'getPhoneNumber:ok') { var iv = e.detail.iv; var encryptedData = e.detail.encryptedData; card.wx_getPhoneNumber(iv, encryptedData, function (json) { var result =; if (result.status == '1') { var data =; var purePhoneNumber = data.purePhoneNumber; //没有区号的手机号 app.iphone = purePhoneNumber; wx.showLoading({ title: '处理中...', }) app.cy_openCardInfo(); // 会员开户 var timer = setInterval(function () { if (app.cardNo) { clearInterval(timer); var newCardNo = app.cardNo.replace(/\s/g, '').replace(/(.{4})/g, "$1 "); that.setData({ isiPhone: true, cardNo: newCardNo, }) } }, 800); } else { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '获取手机号失败', showCancel: false, }) } }, function (err) { wx.showToast({ title: '授权失败,请重新尝试', icon: "none", }) }); } }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { return app.onShare; }, onShow: function () { this.onLoad(; myaudio.src = ""; this.setData({ color: app.globalData.color }) var that = this; setTimeout(() => { that.setData({ color: app.globalData.color }) }, 1500); }, menuClick: function (e) {; if (app.globalData.cardNo.length == 0) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您还不是会员去注册', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { wx.navigateTo({ url: 'mine', }) } } }) return; } var urls = e.currentTarget.dataset.url; wx.navigateTo({ url: urls, }) }, aaaaaa: function name(e) { wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: [ 'C3kyx0tO-XlI9odtP_1gz9HG2W0oHIMqBgJMROpmE3g'], success: function (params) { console.error(" success ", params) }, fail: function (params) { console.error(" error ", params) } }) } })