const app = getApp(); const util = require("../../utils/util.js") const card = require('../../utils/card.js'); Page({ data: { }, onLoad: function(options) { //获取积分优惠券 //获取vip商品 //获取周边商品 if (!options.type) { util.showWaring("缺少type参数,即将分返"); setTimeout(function() { wx.navigateBack({}) }, 3000) return; } if (options.type == 1) { this.get_pointCoupon(); } else if (options.type == 2) { this.get_roduct(); } this.setData({ type: options.type }) }, get_pointCoupon: function() { var that = this; //2 代表免费领取 card.couponCenter("", 1, function(json) { console.log(json) var data =; if (data.status == 1) { var list = []; if (data.list.length > 0) { var memberReceiveCoupons = data.memberReceiveCoupons; var memberDayReceiveCoupons = data.memberDayReceiveCoupons; var list = []; for (var item of data.list) { if (memberReceiveCoupons[]) { var num = memberReceiveCoupons[] ? memberReceiveCoupons[] : 0; if (item.personLimitNum != 0) { if (parseFloat(num) >= parseFloat(item.personLimitNum)) { continue; } } // else { // continue; // } } var dayPersonLimitNum = item.dayPersonLimitNum; if (memberDayReceiveCoupons[]) { var num = memberDayReceiveCoupons[] ? memberDayReceiveCoupons[] : 0; if (parseFloat(num) >= parseFloat(dayPersonLimitNum)) { continue; } } if (item.cardType == "DISCOUNT") { item.unitName = "折"; item.amount =; item.size = "60rpx"; item.height = "90rpx;"; } else if (item.cardType == "CASH") { item.unitName = "¥"; item.size = "60rpx"; item.height = "90rpx;"; item.amount = item.reduceCost; } else if (item.cardType == "GIFT") { item.unitName = "兑"; item.amount = "换券"; item.size = "34rpx"; item.height = "60rpx;"; } if (item.status == 0) { item.bgImage = "../../images/icon-coupon-unimage.png"; item.useStatus = "条件\不足"; } else if (item.status == 1) { item.bgImage = ""; item.useStatus = "立即\n领取"; } if (item.coverLogo) { item.logoUrl = item.coverLogo } else { item.logoUrl = "" } item.color = "#FFC639"; item.condition = "满" + item.leastCost + "可用"; item.effective = item.startDate + " 至 " + item.endDate; item.shopType = 0; list.push(item); } that.setData({ listPackage: list }) } else { that.setData({ listPackage: data.list, }) wx.showToast({ title: "暂无优惠券", icon: "none" }) } } else { wx.showToast({ title: data.errMessage, icon: "none" }) } }, function fail(err) { console.log(err); wx.showToast({ title: "网络连接不稳定, 请重试", icon: "none" }) }) }, get_roduct: function() { var that = this; card.pointAllTypeProduct( function(success) { var result =; if (result.status == 1) { // var list = result.list; // for(var item of list){ // item.shopType = parseInt(type)+1; // } // if (type == 0) { // that.setData({ // vipProduct: list // }); // } else if (type == 1) { // that.setData({ // memberProduct: list // }); // } var list = result.list; var pointProduct = []; for (var item of list) { item.shopType = (parseInt(1) + 1); pointProduct.push(item); } that.setData({ vipProduct: pointProduct }); } else { var str; if (type == 0) { str = "vip专区"; } else { str = "会员周边"; } var msg = "暂无" + str + "商品"; wx.showToast({ title: msg, icon: "none" }) } }, function(error) { console.log(err); wx.showToast({ title: "网络连接不稳定, 请重试", icon: "none" }) }) }, goto_detail: function(e) { console.log(e) var shopType = e.currentTarget.dataset.shoptype; var data = {}; data.shopType = shopType; if (shopType == 0) { var id =; var list =; = id; for (var item of list) { if ( { if ( == id) { data.couponDetail = item; } } } } else if (shopType == 1 || shopType == 2) { var productid = e.currentTarget.dataset.productid; var schemeid = e.currentTarget.dataset.schemeid; data.productid = productid; data.schemeid = schemeid; if (data.shopType == 2) { data.shopType = 1; } } if(data.couponDetail){ app.globalData.productDetailLogUrl = data.couponDetail.logoUrl; //怕图片地址太长页面传递参数长度超过限制解析报错 data.couponDetail.logoUrl=""; } wx.navigateTo({ url: "productDetail?data=" + JSON.stringify(data), }) }, onShow: function() { }, onPullDownRefresh: function() { }, onReachBottom: function() { }, onShareAppMessage: function() { } })