You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

931 lines
37 KiB

namespace com.azkoss.excellite
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
///Excel file contains one or more worksheets (<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelWorksheet">ExcelWorksheet</see>)
///and workbook related properties and methods.
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelWorksheet" />
public sealed class ExcelFile
// Events
///Occurs when the size of XLS / CSV file in reading / writing is near <b>ExcelLite Free</b> limit.
///<p>This event is fired when 80% of maximum row count per worksheet is reached (150 * 0.8 = 120 rows) or
///when 5 worksheets are used.</p>
///<p>This event is not fired if <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitReached">LimitReached</see>
///event is fired.</p>
///<p>You can use this event to detect when your application is close to <b>ExcelLite Free</b> limit.
///For example, you can write number of used rows to a log file or send a notification e-mail.</p>
///<example> Following code demonstrates how to handle <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitNear">LimitNear</see>
///and <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitReached">LimitReached</see> events in <b>ExcelLite Free</b>.
///This sample disables warning worksheet in <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitNear">LimitNear</see> event
///handler and displays console messages in
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitReached">LimitReached</see> event handler.
///<code lang="Visual Basic">
///Sub Main()
///Dim ef As ExcelFile = New ExcelFile
///AddHandler ef.LimitNear, AddressOf ef_LimitNear
///AddHandler ef.LimitReached, AddressOf ef_LimitReached
///Dim ws As ExcelWorksheet = ef.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1")
///Dim i As Integer
///For i = 0 To 172 - 1 Step i + 1
///ws.Cells(i, 0).Value = i
///End Sub
///Private Sub ef_LimitNear(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LimitEventArgs)
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = False
///End Sub
///Private Sub ef_LimitReached(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LimitEventArgs)
///Select Case e.Operation
///Case LimitEventOperation.XlsReading
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading XLS file: " + e.FileName)
///Case LimitEventOperation.CsvReading
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading CSV file: " + e.FileName)
///Case LimitEventOperation.XlsWriting
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing XLS file: " + e.FileName)
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = False
///Case LimitEventOperation.CsvWriting
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing CSV file: " + e.FileName)
///End Select
///End Sub
///<code lang="C#">
///static void Main(string[] args)
///ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
///ef.LimitNear += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitNear);
///ef.LimitReached += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitReached);
///ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
///for(int i=0; i!=172; i++)
///ws.Cells[i, 0].Value = i;
///private static void ef_LimitNear(object sender, LimitEventArgs e)
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = false;
///private static void ef_LimitReached(object sender, LimitEventArgs e)
///case LimitEventOperation.XlsReading:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading XLS file: " + e.FileName);
///case LimitEventOperation.CsvReading:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading CSV file: " + e.FileName);
///case LimitEventOperation.XlsWriting:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing XLS file: " + e.FileName);
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = false;
///case LimitEventOperation.CsvWriting:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing CSV file: " + e.FileName);
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitReached" />
public event LimitEventHandler LimitNear;
///Occurs when the size of XLS / CSV file in reading / writing is above <b>ExcelLite Free</b> limit.
///<p>This event is fired when maximum row count per worksheet is reached (150 rows) or
///when more than 5 worksheets are used.</p>
///<p>You can use this event to notify a user of your application that data is
///only partially read / written.</p>
///<example> Following code demonstrates how to handle <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitNear">LimitNear</see>
///and <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitReached">LimitReached</see> events in <b>ExcelLite Free</b>.
///This sample disables warning worksheet in <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitNear">LimitNear</see> event
///handler and displays console messages in
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitReached">LimitReached</see> event handler.
///<code lang="Visual Basic">
///Sub Main()
///Dim ef As ExcelFile = New ExcelFile
///AddHandler ef.LimitNear, AddressOf ef_LimitNear
///AddHandler ef.LimitReached, AddressOf ef_LimitReached
///Dim ws As ExcelWorksheet = ef.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1")
///Dim i As Integer
///For i = 0 To 172 - 1 Step i + 1
///ws.Cells(i, 0).Value = i
///End Sub
///Private Sub ef_LimitNear(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LimitEventArgs)
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = False
///End Sub
///Private Sub ef_LimitReached(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LimitEventArgs)
///Select Case e.Operation
///Case LimitEventOperation.XlsReading
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading XLS file: " + e.FileName)
///Case LimitEventOperation.CsvReading
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading CSV file: " + e.FileName)
///Case LimitEventOperation.XlsWriting
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing XLS file: " + e.FileName)
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = False
///Case LimitEventOperation.CsvWriting
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing CSV file: " + e.FileName)
///End Select
///End Sub
///<code lang="C#">
///static void Main(string[] args)
///ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
///ef.LimitNear += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitNear);
///ef.LimitReached += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitReached);
///ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
///for(int i=0; i!=172; i++)
///ws.Cells[i, 0].Value = i;
///private static void ef_LimitNear(object sender, LimitEventArgs e)
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = false;
///private static void ef_LimitReached(object sender, LimitEventArgs e)
///case LimitEventOperation.XlsReading:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading XLS file: " + e.FileName);
///case LimitEventOperation.CsvReading:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while reading CSV file: " + e.FileName);
///case LimitEventOperation.XlsWriting:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing XLS file: " + e.FileName);
///e.WriteWarningWorksheet = false;
///case LimitEventOperation.CsvWriting:
///Console.WriteLine("Data truncated while writing CSV file: " + e.FileName);
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.LimitNear" />
public event LimitEventHandler LimitReached;
// Methods
public ExcelFile()
this.rowColumnResolutionMethod = com.azkoss.excellite.RowColumnResolutionMethod.RowOverColumn;
this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit = 0x2710;
this.HashFactorA = 0x65;
this.HashFactorB = 0x33;
this.IDText = "com.azkoss.excellite Free 2.3 for .NET 1.1, Version=23.1.5000.1000";
[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), Obsolete("This constructor is obsolete. Use default constructor and LoadXls() method instead.")]
public ExcelFile(string fileName)
this.rowColumnResolutionMethod = com.azkoss.excellite.RowColumnResolutionMethod.RowOverColumn;
this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit = 0x2710;
this.HashFactorA = 0x65;
this.HashFactorB = 0x33;
this.IDText = "com.azkoss.excellite Free 2.3 for .NET 1.1, Version=23.1.5000.1000";
this.LoadXls(fileName, XlsOptions.PreserveAll);
[Obsolete("This constructor is obsolete. Use default constructor and LoadCsv() method instead."), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public ExcelFile(string fileName, CsvType csvType)
this.rowColumnResolutionMethod = com.azkoss.excellite.RowColumnResolutionMethod.RowOverColumn;
this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit = 0x2710;
this.HashFactorA = 0x65;
this.HashFactorB = 0x33;
this.IDText = "com.azkoss.excellite Free 2.3 for .NET 1.1, Version=23.1.5000.1000";
this.LoadCsv(fileName, csvType);
[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), Obsolete("This constructor is obsolete. Use default constructor and LoadXls() method instead.")]
public ExcelFile(string fileName, XlsOptions xlsOptions)
this.rowColumnResolutionMethod = com.azkoss.excellite.RowColumnResolutionMethod.RowOverColumn;
this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit = 0x2710;
this.HashFactorA = 0x65;
this.HashFactorB = 0x33;
this.IDText = "com.azkoss.excellite Free 2.3 for .NET 1.1, Version=23.1.5000.1000";
this.LoadXls(fileName, xlsOptions);
internal void CopyDrawings(ExcelFile source)
PreservedRecords records1 = source.PreservedGlobalRecords;
if (records1 != null)
if (this.PreservedGlobalRecords == null)
this.PreservedGlobalRecords = new PreservedRecords();
this.PreservedGlobalRecords.CopyRecords(records1, "MSODRAWINGGROUP");
///<param name="sourceFileName">Source file name.</param>
///<param name="destinationFileName">Destination file name.</param>
public static void DumpToLowLevelXml(string sourceFileName, string destinationFileName)
byte[] buffer1 = null;
AbsXLSRecords records1 = ExcelFile.ReadHelper(sourceFileName, false, ref buffer1, ref buffer1);
ExcelFile.SaveLowLevelXML(records1, destinationFileName, sourceFileName);
internal void ExceptionIfOverAffectedCellsLimit(int cellCount)
int num1 = this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit;
if (cellCount > num1)
object[] objArray1 = new object[] { "You are trying to modify ", cellCount, " cells while ExcelFile.GroupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit is set to ", num1, ". If you want to perform this operation, you need to change ExcelFile.GroupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit accordingly." } ;
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Concat(objArray1));
private void Initialize()
this.license = LicenseManager.Validate(typeof(ExcelFile), this);
if (this.license.LicenseKey != "Valid")
throw new LicenseException(typeof(ExcelFile), this, "Invalid license.");
this.worksheets = new ExcelWorksheetCollection(this);
this.cellStyleCache = new CellStyleCachedCollection(ExcelFile.QueueSizeFromAffectedCellsLimit(this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit));
///<overloads>Loads the existing CSV file</overloads>
///Loads the existing CSV file with specified format.
///<param name="fileName">Existing CSV file name (opened for reading).</param>
///<param name="csvType">CSV type.</param>
public void LoadCsv(string fileName, CsvType csvType)
switch (csvType)
case CsvType.CommaDelimited:
this.LoadCsv(fileName, ',');
case CsvType.SemicolonDelimited:
this.LoadCsv(fileName, ';');
case CsvType.TabDelimited:
this.LoadCsv(fileName, '\t');
throw new Exception("Internal: Unknown CsvType.");
///Loads the existing CSV file, using specified character as a delimiter.
///<param name="fileName">File name.</param>
///<param name="separator">Separator used for delimiting data values.</param>
public void LoadCsv(string fileName, char separator)
using (StreamReader reader1 = new StreamReader(fileName))
string[] textArray1;
string text1 = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
ExcelWorksheet worksheet1 = this.worksheets.Add(text1);
int num1 = 0;
while (ExcelFile.ReadSplitCsvLine(reader1, separator, out textArray1))
if (num1 < (this.HashFactorA - this.HashFactorB))
for (int num2 = 0; num2 < textArray1.Length; num2++)
if (textArray1[num2].Length > 0)
worksheet1.Cells[num1, num2].Value = ExcelFile.ParseCSValue(textArray1[num2]);
if (num1 > (this.HashFactorA - this.HashFactorB))
this.OnLimitReached(fileName, LimitEventOperation.CsvReading, num1, 1, false);
else if (num1 > (((this.HashFactorA - this.HashFactorB) * 4) / 5))
this.OnLimitNear(fileName, LimitEventOperation.CsvReading, num1, 1, false);
///<overloads>Loads the existing XLS file</overloads>
///Loads the existing XLS file (preserving MS Excel records).
///<param name="fileName">Existing XLS file name (opened for reading).</param>
public void LoadXls(string fileName)
this.LoadXls(fileName, XlsOptions.PreserveAll);
///Loads the existing XLS file (optionally preserving MS Excel records).
///<p>If the only purpose of loading the file is to read data values and formatting using
///ExcelLite API, you should use <i>xlsOptions</i> set to <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.XlsOptions.None">XlsOptions.None</see>
///as this will speed up the loading process.</p>
///<p>If you load the existing file to use it as template for a new file, you can choose
///whether you want to preserve specific MS Excel records not recognized by ExcelLite API.</p>
///<param name="fileName">Existing XLS file name (opened for reading).</param>
///<param name="xlsOptions">XLS options.</param>
public void LoadXls(string fileName, XlsOptions xlsOptions)
AbsXLSRecords records1 = ExcelFile.ReadHelper(fileName, (xlsOptions & XlsOptions.PreserveSummaries) != XlsOptions.None, ref this.summaryStream, ref this.documentSummaryStream);
XLSFileReader reader1 = new XLSFileReader(this, xlsOptions);
reader1.ImportRecords(records1, fileName);
internal LimitEventArgs OnLimitNear(string fileName, LimitEventOperation operation, int maxRowCount, int worksheetCount, bool writeWarningWorksheet)
LimitEventArgs args1 = new LimitEventArgs(fileName, operation, maxRowCount, worksheetCount, writeWarningWorksheet);
if (this.LimitNear != null)
this.LimitNear(this, args1);
return args1;
internal LimitEventArgs OnLimitReached(string fileName, LimitEventOperation operation, int maxRowCount, int worksheetCount, bool writeWarningWorksheet)
LimitEventArgs args1 = new LimitEventArgs(fileName, operation, maxRowCount, worksheetCount, writeWarningWorksheet);
if (this.LimitReached != null)
this.LimitReached(this, args1);
return args1;
private static object ParseCSValue(string item)
double num1;
NumberStyles styles1 = NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands;
if (double.TryParse(item, styles1, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out num1))
return num1;
return item;
private static int QueueSizeFromAffectedCellsLimit(int affectedCellsLimit)
return Math.Min((int) (2 * affectedCellsLimit), 0x7a120);
private static AbsXLSRecords ReadHelper(string fileName, bool readSummaryStreams, ref byte[] ss, ref byte[] dss)
StructuredStorageFileBase base1 = StructuredStorageFileBase.Open(fileName);
MemoryStream stream1 = new MemoryStream(base1.ReadStream("Workbook"));
if (readSummaryStreams)
ss = base1.ReadStream("" + '\x0005' + "SummaryInformation");
dss = base1.ReadStream("" + '\x0005' + "DocumentSummaryInformation");
BinaryReader reader1 = new BinaryReader(stream1, new UnicodeEncoding());
AbsXLSRecords records1 = new AbsXLSRecords();
return records1;
private static bool ReadSplitCsvLine(StreamReader sr, char separator, out string[] values)
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
StringBuilder builder1 = new StringBuilder();
bool flag1 = true;
char ch1 = separator;
bool flag2 = true;
string text1 = null;
string text2 = sr.ReadLine();
if (text2 == null)
flag2 = false;
text2 = text1 + text2;
for (int num1 = 0; num1 < text2.Length; num1++)
char ch2 = text2[num1];
if (flag1)
if (ch2 == separator)
builder1 = new StringBuilder();
ch1 = ch2;
else if ((ch2 == '"') && (ch1 == separator))
flag1 = false;
ch1 = ch2;
if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(ch2))
ch1 = ch2;
else if (ch2 == '"')
if (((num1 + 1) < text2.Length) && (text2[num1 + 1] == '"'))
flag1 = true;
text1 = "\n";
while (!flag1);
values = (string[]) list1.ToArray(typeof(string));
return flag2;
private void Reset()
this.worksheets = new ExcelWorksheetCollection(this);
this.cellStyleCache = new CellStyleCachedCollection(ExcelFile.QueueSizeFromAffectedCellsLimit(this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit));
this.protectedMbr = false;
this.summaryStream = null;
this.documentSummaryStream = null;
this.PreservedGlobalRecords = null;
///<overloads>Saves all data to a new file in CSV format.</overloads>
///Saves all data to a new file in a specified CSV format.
///<param name="fileName">File name.</param>
///<param name="csvType">CSV type.</param>
public void SaveCsv(string fileName, CsvType csvType)
switch (csvType)
case CsvType.CommaDelimited:
this.SaveCsv(fileName, ',');
case CsvType.SemicolonDelimited:
this.SaveCsv(fileName, ';');
case CsvType.TabDelimited:
this.SaveCsv(fileName, '\t');
throw new Exception("Internal: Unknown CsvType.");
///Saves all data to a new CSV file, using specified character as a delimiter.
///<param name="fileName">File name.</param>
///<param name="separator">Separator used for delimiting data values.</param>
public void SaveCsv(string fileName, char separator)
char[] chArray2 = new char[] { separator, '"', '\n' } ;
char[] chArray1 = chArray2;
using (StreamWriter writer1 = new StreamWriter(fileName))
ExcelWorksheet worksheet1 = this.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet;
int num1 = -1;
int num2 = -1;
int num3 = 0;
for (int num5 = 0; num5 < 2; num5++)
if (num5 == 0)
num3 = worksheet1.Rows.Count;
num3 = num1 + 1;
for (int num6 = 0; num6 < num3; num6++)
int num4;
if (num5 == 0)
num4 = worksheet1.Rows[num6].AllocatedCells.Count;
num4 = num2 + 1;
if (num6 >= (this.HashFactorA - this.HashFactorB))
goto Label_018A;
for (int num7 = 0; num7 < num4; num7++)
ExcelCell cell1 = worksheet1.Cells[num6, num7];
object obj1 = cell1.Value;
if ((obj1 != null) && !(obj1 is DBNull))
CellRange range1 = cell1.MergedRange;
if ((range1 == null) || ((range1.FirstRowIndex == num6) && (range1.FirstColumnIndex == num7)))
if (num5 == 0)
if (num7 > num2)
num2 = num7;
string text1 = obj1.ToString();
if (text1.IndexOfAny(chArray1) != -1)
StringBuilder builder1 = new StringBuilder(text1);
builder1.Replace("\"", "\"\"");
text1 = '"' + builder1.ToString() + '"';
if ((num5 == 1) && ((num7 + 1) < num4))
if (num5 == 0)
if (num6 > num1)
num1 = num6;
if (num3 > (this.HashFactorA - this.HashFactorB))
this.OnLimitReached(fileName, LimitEventOperation.CsvWriting, num3, 1, false);
else if (num3 > (((this.HashFactorA - this.HashFactorB) * 4) / 5))
this.OnLimitNear(fileName, LimitEventOperation.CsvWriting, num3, 1, false);
private static void SaveLowLevelXML(AbsXLSRecords records, string fileName, string sourceFileName)
StreamWriter writer1 = new StreamWriter(fileName);
if (sourceFileName != null)
writer1.WriteLine("<!-- FileName: {0} -->", sourceFileName);
string text1 = null;
int num1 = 0;
foreach (AbsXLSRec rec1 in records)
if (rec1.Name == text1)
num1 = 0;
text1 = rec1.Name;
///Saves all data to a new file in XLS format.
///<param name="fileName">File name.</param>
public void SaveXls(string fileName)
XLSFileWriter writer1 = new XLSFileWriter(this, fileName);
ExcelFile.SaveXLSInternal(writer1.GetRecords(), fileName, this.summaryStream, this.documentSummaryStream);
private static void SaveXLSInternal(AbsXLSRecords records, string fileName, byte[] ss, byte[] dss)
StructuredStorageFileBase base1 = StructuredStorageFileBase.Create(fileName);
base1.WriteStream("Workbook", XLSFileWriter.GetStream(records));
if (ss != null)
base1.WriteStream("" + '\x0005' + "SummaryInformation", ss);
if (dss != null)
base1.WriteStream("" + '\x0005' + "DocumentSummaryInformation", dss);
///Gets a value indicating whether the objects of specified type can be assigned
///to <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelCell.Value">ExcelCell.Value</see> property.
///<param name="type">Queried type.</param>
///Currently supported types are:
///<list type="bullet">
///<returns><b>true</b> if the specified type is supported; otherwise, <b>false</b>.</returns>
public static bool SupportsType(Type type)
if (type.IsEnum)
return true;
switch (type.FullName)
case "System.DBNull":
case "System.Byte":
case "System.SByte":
case "System.Int16":
case "System.UInt16":
case "System.Int64":
case "System.UInt64":
case "System.UInt32":
case "System.Int32":
case "System.Single":
case "System.Double":
case "System.Boolean":
case "System.Char":
case "System.Text.StringBuilder":
case "System.Decimal":
case "System.DateTime":
case "System.String":
return true;
return false;
internal static void ThrowExceptionForUnsupportedType(Type type)
if (!ExcelFile.SupportsType(type))
throw new NotSupportedException("Type " + type.Name + " is not supported.");
// Properties
internal CellStyleCachedCollection CellStyleCache
return this.cellStyleCache;
///Maximum number of affected cells in group set methods.
///If user tries to modify all cells in a group which has more cells than specified limit, exception
///will be thrown. This property was introduced to prevent users from accidentally modifying millions
///of cells which results in a long delay, a large memory allocation and a big resulting file. You can
///set this limit to value which suits your needs (minimum is 5).
public int GroupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit
return this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit;
if (value < 5)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, "GroupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit must be larger than 5.");
this.groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit = value;
this.cellStyleCache.AddQueueSize = ExcelFile.QueueSizeFromAffectedCellsLimit(value);
///Gets or sets the workbook protection flag.
///This property is simply written to Excel file and has no effect on the behavior of this library.
///For more information on workbook protection, consult Microsoft Excel documentation.
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelWorksheet.Protected">ExcelWorksheet.Protected</seealso>
public bool Protected
return this.protectedMbr;
this.protectedMbr = value;
public com.azkoss.excellite.RowColumnResolutionMethod RowColumnResolutionMethod
return this.rowColumnResolutionMethod;
this.rowColumnResolutionMethod = value;
///Collection of all worksheets (<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelWorksheet">ExcelWorksheet</see>) in a workbook.
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelWorksheet" />
public ExcelWorksheetCollection Worksheets
return this.worksheets;
// Fields
private CellStyleCachedCollection cellStyleCache;
private byte[] documentSummaryStream;
private int groupMethodsAffectedCellsLimit;
internal int HashFactorA;
internal int HashFactorB;
internal string IDText;
private License license;
///Maximum number of user-defined cell styles in Microsoft Excel.
public const int MaxCellStyles = 0xf8b;
///Maximum number of colors in Microsoft Excel.
///This number includes 8 default colors:
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.Black">Color.Black</see>,
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.White">Color.White</see>,
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.Red">Color.Red</see>,
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.Green">Color.Green</see>,
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.Blue">Color.Blue</see>,
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.Yellow">Color.Yellow</see>,
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.Magenta">Color.Magenta</see> and
///<see cref="System.Drawing.Color.Cyan">Color.Cyan</see>.
public const int MaxColors = 0x38;
///Maximum number of columns in <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelWorksheet">ExcelWorksheet</see>.
public const int MaxColumns = 0x100;
///Maximum number of rows in <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelWorksheet">ExcelWorksheet</see>.
public const int MaxRows = 0x10000;
internal PreservedRecords PreservedGlobalRecords;
private bool protectedMbr;
private com.azkoss.excellite.RowColumnResolutionMethod rowColumnResolutionMethod;
private byte[] summaryStream;
private ExcelWorksheetCollection worksheets;