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245 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace POSV.HttpApi
public enum DownloadCacheName : uint
None = 0,
Worker = 1,
WorkerError = 100,
WorkerException = 101,
BusinessPlan = 2,
BusinessPlanError = 200,
BusinessPlanException = 201,
ProductType = 3,
ProductTypeError = 300,
ProductTypeException = 301,
Product = 4,
ProductError = 400,
ProductException = 401,
ProductUnit = 5,
ProductUnitError = 500,
ProductUnitException = 501,
ProductImage = 6,
ProductImageError = 600,
ProductImageException = 601,
ProductSpec = 7,
ProductSpecError = 700,
ProductSpecException = 701,
ProductMakeType = 8,
ProductMakeTypeError = 800,
ProductMakeTypeException = 801,
ProductMakeDetail = 9,
ProductMakeDetailError = 900,
ProductMakeDetailException = 901,
ProductSuit = 10,
ProductSuitError = 1000,
ProductSuitException = 1001,
ProductSuitDetail = 11,
ProductSuitDetailError = 1100,
ProductSuitDetailException = 1101,
BusinessPlanDetail = 12,
BusinessPlanDetailError = 1200,
BusinessPlanDetailException = 1201,
PayType = 13,
PayTypeError = 1300,
PayTypeException = 1301,
PayMode = 14,
PayModeError = 1400,
PayModeException = 1401,
TableArea = 15,
TableAreaError = 1500,
TableAreaException = 1501,
TableType = 16,
TableTypeError = 1600,
TableTypeException = 1601,
Table = 17,
TableError = 1700,
TableException = 1701,
Brand = 18,
BrandError = 1800,
BrandException = 1801,
WorkerRole = 19,
WorkerRoleError = 1900,
WorkerRoleException = 1901,
WorkerPermissions = 20,
WorkerPermissionsError = 2000,
WorkerPermissionsException = 2001,
PayParameter = 21,
PayParameterError = 2100,
PayParameterException = 2101,
KitPlan = 22,
KitPlanError = 2200,
KitPlanException = 2201,
KitProduct = 23,
KitProductError = 2300,
KitProductException = 2301,
Printer = 24,
PrinterError = 2400,
PrinterException = 2401,
Carder = 25,
CarderError = 2500,
CarderException = 2501,
StoreInfo = 26,
StoreInfoError = 2600,
StoreInfoException = 2601,
StorePrintImage = 27,
StorePrintImageError = 2700,
StorePrintImageException = 2701,
ProductRatio = 28,
ProductRatioError = 2800,
ProductRatioException = 2801,
StoreStorage = 29,
StoreStorageError = 2900,
StoreStorageException = 2901,
ProductStock = 30,
ProductStockError = 3000,
ProductStockException = 3001,
KdsPlan = 31,
KdsPlanError = 3100,
KdsPlanException = 3101,
KdsProduct = 32,
KdsProductError = 3200,
KdsProductException = 3201,
AdvertPicture = 33,
AdvertPictureError = 3300,
AdvertPictureException = 3301,
MappingDishMeiTuan = 34,
MappingDishMeiTuanError = 3400,
MappingDishMeiTuanException = 3401,
MappingDishEleMe = 35,
MappingDishEleMeError = 3500,
MappingDishEleMeException = 3501,
BaiDuMappingDish = 36,
BaiDuMappingDishError = 3600,
BaiDuMappingDishException = 3601,
AdvertCaption = 37,
AdvertCaptionError = 3700,
AdvertCaptionException = 3701,
Feeitem = 38,
FeeitemError = 3800,
FeeitemException = 3801,
ProductMakeDetailPrivate = 39,
ProductMakeDetailPrivateError = 3900,
ProductMakeDetailPrivateException = 3901,
Visitor = 40,
VisitorError = 4000,
VisitorException = 4001,
VisitorAddress = 41,
VisitorAddressError = 4100,
VisitorAddressException = 4101,
VisitorTag = 42,
VisitorTagError = 4200,
VisitorTagException = 4201,
MappingDishBaiDu = 43,
MappingDishBaiDuError = 4300,
MappingDishBaiDuException = 4301,
CardProDay = 44,
CardProDayError = 4400,
CardProDayException = 4401,
PromotionStoreTask = 45,
PromotionStoreTaskError = 4500,
PromotionStoreTaskException = 4501,
PromotionStoreCoupon = 46,
PromotionStoreCouponError = 4600,
PromotionStoreCouponException = 4601,
RechargeParameter = 47,
RechargeParameterError = 4700,
RechargeParameterException = 4701,
SetPlan = 48,
SetPlanError = 4800,
SetPlanException = 4801,
ProductBurden = 49,
ProductBurdenError = 4900,
ProductBurdenException = 4901,
MakeBurden = 50,
MakeBurdenError = 5000,
MakeBurdenException = 5001,
StoreProductCoupon = 51,
StoreProductCouponError = 5100,
StoreProductCouponException = 5101,
SqlCache = 60,
#region subin 2023-07-09 add
SplitShopAccount = 70,
SplitShopAccountError = 7100,
SplitShopAccountException = 7101,
SplitFoodAccount = 80,
SplitFoodAccountError = 8100,
SplitFoodAccountException = 8101,