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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace BarcodeLib.Symbologies
class MSI : BarcodeCommon, IBarcode
/// <summary>
/// MSI encoding
/// Written by: Brad Barnhill
/// </summary>
private string[] MSI_Code = { "100100100100", "100100100110", "100100110100", "100100110110", "100110100100", "100110100110", "100110110100", "100110110110", "110100100100", "110100100110" };
private TYPE Encoded_Type = TYPE.UNSPECIFIED;
public MSI(string input, TYPE EncodedType)
Encoded_Type = EncodedType;
Raw_Data = input;
/// <summary>
/// Encode the raw data using the MSI algorithm.
/// </summary>
private string Encode_MSI()
//check for non-numeric chars
if (!CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
Error("EMSI-1: Numeric Data Only");
string PreEncoded = Raw_Data;
//get checksum
if (Encoded_Type == TYPE.MSI_Mod10 || Encoded_Type == TYPE.MSI_2Mod10)
string odds = "";
string evens = "";
for (int i = PreEncoded.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2)
odds = PreEncoded[i].ToString() + odds;
if (i - 1 >= 0)
evens = PreEncoded[i - 1].ToString() + evens;
//multiply odds by 2
odds = Convert.ToString((Int32.Parse(odds) * 2));
int evensum = 0;
int oddsum = 0;
foreach (char c in evens)
evensum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
foreach (char c in odds)
oddsum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
int checksum = 10 - ((oddsum + evensum) % 10);
PreEncoded += checksum.ToString();
if (Encoded_Type == TYPE.MSI_Mod11 || Encoded_Type == TYPE.MSI_Mod11_Mod10)
int sum = 0;
int weight = 2;
for (int i = PreEncoded.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (weight > 7) weight = 2;
sum += Int32.Parse(PreEncoded[i].ToString()) * weight++;
int checksum = 11 - (sum % 11);
PreEncoded += checksum.ToString();
if (Encoded_Type == TYPE.MSI_2Mod10 || Encoded_Type == TYPE.MSI_Mod11_Mod10)
//get second check digit if 2 mod 10 was selected or Mod11/Mod10
string odds = "";
string evens = "";
for (int i = PreEncoded.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2)
odds = PreEncoded[i].ToString() + odds;
if (i - 1 >= 0)
evens = PreEncoded[i - 1].ToString() + evens;
//multiply odds by 2
odds = Convert.ToString((Int32.Parse(odds) * 2));
int evensum = 0;
int oddsum = 0;
foreach (char c in evens)
evensum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
foreach (char c in odds)
oddsum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
int checksum = 10 - ((oddsum + evensum) % 10);
PreEncoded += checksum.ToString();
string result = "110";
foreach (char c in PreEncoded)
result += MSI_Code[Int32.Parse(c.ToString())];
//add stop character
result += "1001";
return result;
#region IBarcode Members
public string Encoded_Value
get { return Encode_MSI(); }