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"alter table pos_store_info add column storeTaxRateFlag integer default(0);",
"alter table pos_store_info add column saleTax decimal(24,4) default(0);",
"alter table pos_store_info add column lyRate decimal(24,4) default(0);",
"alter table pos_store_info add column storeRate decimal(24,4) default(0);",
"alter table pos_store_info add column pbody text;",
"alter table pos_store_handover_detail add column busMode int default(0);",
"delete from pos_resources where id = '1253636309323485184';",
"delete from pos_resources where id = '1253655999282286592';",
"insert into pos_resources (id, tenantId, [group], name, keycode, keydata, enable, permission, createUser, createDate, modifyUser, modifyDate) VALUES ('1253636309323485184', '373001', '快捷类', '美团券', '美团券', '', 1, '10064', 'sync', '2020-04-24 18:46:02', 'sync', '2020-04-24 18:46:02');",
"insert into pos_resources (id, tenantId, [group], name, keycode, keydata, enable, permission, createUser, createDate, modifyUser, modifyDate) VALUES ('1253655999282286592', '373001', '报表类', '美团券核销', '美团券核销', '', 1, '10064', 'sync', '2020-04-24 18:46:02', 'sync', '2020-04-24 18:46:02');",
"delete from pos_config where keys = 'log_upload_to_qiniu' and `group` = 'cashier';",
"replace into pos_config (id,tenantId,`group`,keys,`values`,createUser,createDate,modifyUser,modifyDate)values('1235371790059608401','373001','cashier','log_upload_to_qiniu','0','sync','2020-03-28 09:09:14','sync','2020-03-28 09:09:14');",
"insert into pos_resources (id, tenantId, [group], name, keycode, keydata, enable, permission, createUser, createDate, modifyUser, modifyDate) VALUES ('1265114736123580416', '373001', '报表类', '桌台汇总', '桌台汇总', '', 1, '', 'sync', '2020-05-24 18:46:02', 'sync', '2020-05-24 18:46:02');",
"insert into pos_module (id, tenantId, area, parentId, name, alias, keycode, keydata, color1, color2, color3, fontSize, shortcut, orderNo, icon, enable, resourceId, layout, createUser, createDate, modifyUser, modifyDate) VALUES ('1253636345713266688', '373001', '明细区', '871308957472395267', '美团券', '美团券', '美团券', '', '#EDDDC8', '#EDDDC8', '#444444', '正常', '', 9, '\uf023', 1, '1253636309323485184', 2, 'sync', '2020-04-24 18:46:10', 'sync', '2020-04-24 18:46:10');",