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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using POSV.ShoppingCart;
using POSV.Card;
using POSV.Utils;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using POSV.MessageEvent;
namespace POSV.Bill
/// <summary>
/// 会员卡免密快捷支付
/// </summary>
public partial class CardPayForm : BusinessForm
private OrderObject _orderObject;
public CardPayForm(OrderObject order)
this._orderObject = ObjectUtils.Copy<OrderObject>(order);
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (this.DesignMode) return;
this.lblAmount.Text = string.Format(this.lblAmount.Tag.ToString(), this._orderObject.PaidAmount);
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
return PayByCard();
}).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.IsFaulted)
if (task.Result.Item1)
this._orderObject.OrderStatus = OrderStatus.;
this._orderObject.PaymentStatus = OrderPaymentStatus.;
MsgEvent.Send(Constant.ORDER_PAYMENT_NOTIFY, this._orderObject);
this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
var dialog = new DialogForm("扣款失败提醒", task.Result.Item2, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK);
private void ShowProcessInfo(string msg)
if (this.IsDisposed || !this.IsHandleCreated) return;
this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
this.lblInfo.Text = msg;
private Tuple<bool, string> PayByCard()
bool status = true;
string message = string.Empty;
var data = BusinessUtils.Instance.CreateOrderCardTrade(this._orderObject);
if (data.Item1)
var newVoucherNo = data.Item3;
var currentCard = this._orderObject.Member.CurrentCard;
var tradeNo = this._orderObject.TradeNo;
string tradeVoucherNo = newVoucherNo.TradeVoucherNo;
var cardTradeRes = BusinessUtils.Instance.CreateCardTrade(tradeNo, this._orderObject.PaidAmount, tradeVoucherNo, currentCard);
if (!cardTradeRes.Item1)
status = false;
message = cardTradeRes.Item2;
if (status)
string passwd = RSAFromPkcs8.encryptData((this._orderObject.PaidAmount * 100).ToString(), Properties.Resources.RSAPublicKey, "UTF-8");
AddCardPayType(currentCard.CardNo, passwd, cardTradeRes.Item3.PrePayment, tradeVoucherNo);
var payResult = CardPay(tradeVoucherNo);
if (payResult.Item1)
status = true;
message = "支付成功";
status = false;
message = payResult.Item2;
this.ShowProcessInfo("扣款失败<"+ message + ">");
status = false;
message = data.Item2;
this.ShowProcessInfo("创建预支付订单失败<"+ message + ">");
catch (Exception ex)
LOGGER.Error(ex, "会员卡支付发生异常");
status = false;
message = "会员卡支付发生异常";
return new Tuple<bool, string>(status, message);
/// <summary>
/// 会员卡支付
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tradeVoucherNo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Tuple<bool, string> CardPay(string tradeVoucherNo)
Tuple<bool, string> result = null;
var cards = this._orderObject.Pays.FindAll(x => x.No.Equals("02"));
var payCards = new List<PayInfo>();
foreach (var card in cards)
PayInfo c = new PayInfo();
c.PrePayment = card.PrePayNo;
c.CardNo = card.CardNo;
c.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(card.Amount * 100);
c.IsNoPwd = card.UseConfirmed ? 0 : 1;
c.Passwd = card.Passwd;
var pointAmount = this._orderObject.Pays.FindAll(x => x.PointFlag == 1).Sum(x => x.Amount);
var payRequest = new CardTradePayRequest();
payRequest.TradeNo = this._orderObject.TradeNo;
payRequest.MemberId = this._orderObject.Member == null ? string.Empty : this._orderObject.Member.Id;
payRequest.Mobile = this._orderObject.Member == null ? string.Empty : this._orderObject.Member.Mobile;
payRequest.TradeVoucherNo = tradeVoucherNo;
payRequest.TotalAmount = Convert.ToInt32(this._orderObject.Amount * 100);
payRequest.RealAmount = Convert.ToInt32(this._orderObject.PaidAmount * 100);
payRequest.PointAmount = this._orderObject.Member == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(pointAmount * 100);
payRequest.PayCardAmount = payCards.Sum(x => x.Amount);
payRequest.DiscountAmount = Convert.ToInt32(this._orderObject.DiscountAmount * 100);
payRequest.PointFlag = 2;//以卡系统计算为准
payRequest.PointValue = 0;
payRequest.PayInfo = payCards;
var pays = new List<Pay>();
foreach (var p in this._orderObject.Pays)
var pay = new Pay();
pay.PayTypeNo = p.No;
pay.PayType = p.Name;
pay.Money = Convert.ToInt32(p.Amount * 100);
pay.PointRule = string.Empty;
pay.Point = 0;
payRequest.Pay = pays;
int couponTotalAmount = 0;
var coupons = new List<Coupon>();
if (this._orderObject.Promotions != null)
foreach (PromotionOrder promotionOrder in this._orderObject.Promotions)
if (PromotionType. == promotionOrder.PromotionType)
Coupon coupon = new Coupon();
coupon.CouponId = promotionOrder.CouponId;
coupon.CouponType = "CASH";
coupon.Title = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Code = promotionOrder.PlanNo;
coupon.Discount = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountRate);
coupon.Cash = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
coupon.Gift = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Memo = String.Format("电子代金券,优惠{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
couponTotalAmount += Convert.ToInt32(promotionOrder.DiscountAmount * 100);
else if (PromotionType. == promotionOrder.PromotionType)
Coupon coupon = new Coupon();
coupon.CouponId = promotionOrder.CouponId;
coupon.CouponType = "DISCOUNT";
coupon.Title = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Code = promotionOrder.PlanNo;
coupon.Discount = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountRate);
coupon.Cash = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
coupon.Gift = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Memo = String.Format("电子折扣券,优惠{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
couponTotalAmount += Convert.ToInt32(promotionOrder.DiscountAmount * 100);
if (this._orderObject.Items != null)
foreach (OrderItem orderItem in this._orderObject.Items)
if (orderItem.Promotions != null)
foreach (PromotionItem promotionItem in orderItem.Promotions)
if (PromotionType. == promotionItem.PromotionType)
Coupon coupon = new Coupon();
coupon.CouponId = promotionItem.CouponId;
coupon.CouponType = "GIFT";
coupon.Title = promotionItem.PlanName;
coupon.Code = promotionItem.PlanNo;
coupon.Discount = String.Format("{0}", promotionItem.DiscountRate);
coupon.Cash = String.Format("{0}", promotionItem.DiscountAmount);
coupon.Gift = promotionItem.PlanName;
coupon.Memo = String.Format("电子兑换券,优惠{0}", promotionItem.DiscountAmount);
couponTotalAmount += Convert.ToInt32(promotionItem.DiscountAmount * 100);
payRequest.Coupon = coupons;
payRequest.CouponTotalAmount = couponTotalAmount;
payRequest.ShopNo = Global.Instance.Authc.StoreNo;
payRequest.WorkerNo = Global.Instance.Worker.No;
payRequest.PosNo = Global.Instance.Authc.PosNo;
var payResult = CardUtils.CardTradePay(payRequest);
if (payResult.Item1)
this._orderObject.CardPayResult = payResult.Item3;
var payRes = payResult.Item3;
this._orderObject.PrePoint = OrderUtils.ToRound(payRes.PrePoint / 100.00M);
this._orderObject.AddPoint = OrderUtils.ToRound(payRes.GiftPoint / 100.00M);
this._orderObject.AftPoint = OrderUtils.ToRound(payRes.AftPoint / 100.00M);
foreach (var card in cards)
var payCard = payRes.CardList.Find(x => x.CardNo == card.CardNo);
if (payCard == null)
LOGGER.Error(string.Format("会员卡[{0}]支付成功后返回结果未包含该卡支付信息", card.CardNo));
card.CardBeforeBalance = OrderUtils.ToRound(payCard.PreAmount / 100.00M);
card.CardAftAmount = OrderUtils.ToRound(payCard.AftAmount / 100.00M);
card.Status = (int)OrderPaymentStatus.;
card.StatusDesc = payResult.Item2;
card.PayTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
//this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo, payResult.Item2, false);
result = new Tuple<bool, string>(true, "扣款成功");
// //重复支付
// LOGGER.Info("订单<{0}>卡<{1}>支付<{2}>元卡系统返回0039商户订单号重复此单已支付收银认为订单支付完成");
// result = new Tuple<bool, string>(true, "扣款成功");
result = new Tuple<bool, string>(false, payResult.Item2);
catch (Exception ex)
LOGGER.Error(ex, "会员卡支付发生异常");
result = new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "会员卡支付发生异常");
return result;
private void AddCardPayType(string cardNo, string passwd, string prePayNO, string tradeVoucherNo)
var payMode = OrderUtils.GetPayMode("02");
PayItem item = OrderUtils.ToPayItem(payMode);
item.TenantId = Global.Instance.Authc.TenantId;
item.OrderId = this._orderObject.Id;
item.TradeNo = this._orderObject.TradeNo;
item.PayNo = OrderUtils.Instance.GeneratePayNo();
item.Id = IdWorkerUtils.Instance.NextId();
item.Name = payMode.Name;
item.No = payMode.No;
item.PointFlag = payMode.PointFlag;
item.PaidAmount = this._orderObject.PaidAmount;
item.ChangeAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(0.00);
item.Amount = this._orderObject.PaidAmount;
item.CardNo = cardNo;
item.CardFaceNo = this._orderObject.Member.CurrentCard.FaceNo;
item.MemberMobileNo = this._orderObject.Member.Mobile;
item.UseConfirmed = false;
item.Passwd = passwd;
item.PrePayNo = prePayNO;
item.TradeVoucherNo = tradeVoucherNo;
item.Memo = "会员卡支付";
item.Subscribe = string.Empty;
item.Status = (int)OrderPaymentStatus.;
item.StatusDesc = "预下单成功,未扣款";
private void OnCloseClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsDisposed || !this.IsHandleCreated) return;
this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
if (IsDisposed || !this.IsHandleCreated) return;
if (this.Owner != null)
catch (Exception ex)