You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

400 lines
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevComponents.DotNetBar;
using POSV.Bill;
using POSV.Card;
using POSV.Entity;
using POSV.MessageEvent;
using POSV.ShoppingCart;
using POSV.Utils;
namespace POSV
/// <summary>
/// 废弃,请勿修改!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/// </summary>
public partial class BillForm : BusinessForm
/// <summary>
/// 收银方式集合
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<string , SuperTabItem> _tabs = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的收银方式
/// </summary>
private SuperTabItem _currentTabItem = null;
private List<PayType> _payTypeList = null;
private List<PayMode> _payModeList = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的收银方式
/// </summary>
private PayType _currentPayType = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的付款类型
/// </summary>
private PayMode _currentPayMode = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的付款类型
/// </summary>
private readonly string _defaultSelected = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// 当期订单对象的复制对象,避免取消结账污染元数据
/// </summary>
private OrderObject _orderObject = null;
/// <summary>
/// 支付窗口
/// </summary>
/// <param name="no">PayMode的No</param>
public BillForm(string payModeNo , OrderObject orderObject)
MsgEvent.RemoveListener(Constant.PAY_MESSAGE_EVENT_NOTIFY , MessageEventNotify);
MsgEvent.Receive(Constant.PAY_MESSAGE_EVENT_NOTIFY , MessageEventNotify);
MsgEvent.RemoveListener(Constant.PAY_AUTO_EVENT_NOTIFY , FinishedEventNotify);
MsgEvent.Receive(Constant.PAY_AUTO_EVENT_NOTIFY , FinishedEventNotify);
this._defaultSelected = payModeNo;
this._orderObject = ObjectUtils.Copy<OrderObject>(orderObject);
this._tabs = new Dictionary<string , SuperTabItem>();
this.ImeMode = ImeMode.Disable;
/// <summary>
/// 操作提示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
protected virtual void MessageEventNotify(object sender , MsgEventArgs args)
if(args.Data!=null && args.Data is Tuple<bool , string>)
var data = args.Data as Tuple<bool , string>;
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo , data.Item2 , data.Item1);
protected virtual void FinishedEventNotify(object sender , MsgEventArgs args)
this.Invoke(new Action(() => {
this.OnFinishedClick(this.ButtonAccept , EventArgs.Empty);
private void InitializePayType()
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
this._payTypeList = OrderUtils.GetPayTypeList();
this._payModeList = OrderUtils.GetPayModeList().FindAll(x => x.FrontFlag == 1);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._defaultSelected))
if (Constant.HEMA_CODE.Equals(this._defaultSelected))
this._currentPayMode = this._payModeList.FirstOrDefault(x => Constant.HEMA_PAY.Contains(x.No));
this._currentPayMode = this._payModeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.No.Equals(this._defaultSelected));
if (this._currentPayMode == null)
this._currentPayMode = OrderUtils.GetDefaultPayMode();
int inx = 0;
foreach (var type in this._payTypeList)
if (this._payModeList.Exists(x => x.TypeId == type.Id))
var tabText = type.Name;
if (this._payModeList.Count(x => x.TypeId == type.Id) == 1)
var mode = this._payModeList.First(x => x.TypeId == type.Id);
tabText = mode.Name;
var tab = this.tabPayType.CreateTab(tabText);
tab.Tag = type;
tab.FixedTabSize = new Size(100 , 45);
this._tabs.Add(type.Id , tab);
if (type.Id.Equals(this._currentPayMode.TypeId))
this._currentTabItem = tab;
this._currentPayType = type;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTabChanging += OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanging;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTabChanged += OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanged;
catch(Exception ex)
LOGGER.Error(ex , "初始化收银方式异常");
LOGGER.Info("InitializePayType耗时<{0}>" , sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (this.DesignMode) return;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTab = this._currentTabItem;
public void Reset()
private void RefreshUi(PayType payType)
this._currentTabItem = this._tabs[payType.Id];
this.tabPayType.SelectedTab = this._currentTabItem;
BillControl bill = null;
int attached = this.tabPayType.SelectedTab.AttachedControl.Controls.Count;
if (attached == 0)
bill = new BillControl();
bill.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
bill = this.tabPayType.SelectedTab.AttachedControl.Controls[0] as BillControl;
var data = this._payModeList.FindAll(x => x.TypeId == payType.Id);
bill.RefreshUi(data , this._currentPayMode , this._orderObject);
this.ActiveControl = bill;
private void OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanged(object sender , SuperTabStripSelectedTabChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue != null && e.NewValue.Tag != null)
var payType = e.NewValue.Tag as PayType;
private void OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanging(object sender , SuperTabStripSelectedTabChangingEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue != null && e.NewValue.Tag != null)
var payType = e.NewValue.Tag as PayType;
var modes = this._payModeList.FindAll(x => x.TypeId == payType.Id);
if (!modes.Exists(x=>x.No == this._currentPayMode.No))
this._currentPayMode = modes.First<PayMode>();
private void OnCloseTouchClick(object sender , EventArgs e)
if (this.Owner != null)
protected void OnEscapeClick(object sender , EventArgs e)
OnCloseTouchClick(sender , e);
protected void OnFinishedClick(object sender , EventArgs e)
var billControl = this._currentTabItem.AttachedControl.Controls[0] as BillControl;
var button = sender as ButtonX;
//输入是否满足结账条件:应收金额 = 实际收款金额 - 找零金额
bool isVerify = (this._orderObject.ReceivableAmount == (this._orderObject.PaidAmount - this._orderObject.ChangeAmount));
if (isVerify)
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo , "满足结账条件" , false);
bool isPaySuccess = true;
var cards = this._orderObject.Pays.FindAll(x => x.No.Equals("02"));
if (cards.Count > 0)
string tradeVoucherNo = string.Empty;
var payCards = new List<PayInfo>();
foreach (var card in cards)
PayInfo c = new PayInfo();
c.PrePayment = card.PrePayNo;
c.CardNo = card.CardNo;
c.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(card.Amount * 100);
c.IsNoPwd = card.UseConfirmed ? 0 : 1;
c.Passwd = card.Passwd;
tradeVoucherNo = card.TradeVoucherNo;
var request = new CardTradePayRequest();
request.TradeNo = this._orderObject.TradeNo;
request.CardNo = this._orderObject.Member == null ? string.Empty : this._orderObject.Member.CurrentCard.CardNo;
request.CardTypeNo = this._orderObject.Member == null ? string.Empty : this._orderObject.Member.CurrentCard.CardTypeNo;
request.CardLevelNo = this._orderObject.Member == null ? string.Empty : this._orderObject.Member.CurrentCard.CardLevelNo;
request.TradeVoucherNo = tradeVoucherNo;
request.TotalAmount = Convert.ToInt32(this._orderObject.Amount * 100);
request.PointAmount = 0;
request.PayCardAmount = payCards.Sum(x=>x.Amount);
request.DiscountAmount = 0;
request.PointFlag = 0;
request.PointValue = 0;
request.PayInfo = payCards;
request.ShopNo = Global.Instance.Authc.StoreNo;
request.WorkerNo = Global.Instance.Worker.No;
request.PosNo = Global.Instance.Authc.PosNo;
var payResult = CardUtils.CardTradePay(request);
if (payResult.Item1)
foreach (var card in cards)
card.Status = (int)OrderPaymentStatus.;
card.StatusDesc = payResult.Item2;
card.PayTime = DateTime.Now;
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo , payResult.Item2 , false);
this._orderObject.CardPayResult = payResult.Item3;
isPaySuccess = true;
isPaySuccess = false;
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo , payResult.Item2 , true);
if (isPaySuccess)
this._orderObject.OrderStatus = OrderStatus.;
this._orderObject.PaymentStatus = OrderPaymentStatus.;
MsgEvent.Send(Constant.ORDER_PAYMENT_NOTIFY , this._orderObject);
this.OnEscapeClick(this.ButtonCancel , EventArgs.Empty);
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo,"不满足结账条件" , false);
private void OnCloseClick(object sender , EventArgs e)
OnCloseTouchClick(sender , e);