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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevComponents.DotNetBar;
using NLog;
using POS.Language.Language;
using POSV.Bill;
using POSV.Card;
using POSV.Entity;
using POSV.MessageEvent;
using POSV.Payment.AllinPay;
using POSV.ShoppingCart;
using POSV.Utils;
namespace POSV
public partial class BillFormExt : BusinessForm
/// <summary>
/// 收银方式集合
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<string, SuperTabItem> _tabs = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的收银方式
/// </summary>
private SuperTabItem _currentTabItem = null;
/// <summary>
/// 收银标识列表
/// </summary>
private List<PayType> _payTypeList = null;
/// <summary>
/// 支付方式列表
/// </summary>
private List<PayMode> _payModeList = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的收银方式
/// </summary>
private PayType _currentPayType = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的付款类型
/// </summary>
private PayMode _currentPayMode = null;
/// <summary>
/// 当前选择的付款类型
/// </summary>
private string _defaultSelected = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// 当期订单对象的复制对象,避免取消结账污染元数据
/// </summary>
private OrderObject _orderObject = null;
public BillFormExt()
MsgEvent.RemoveListener(Constant.PAY_MESSAGE_EVENT_NOTIFY, MessageEventNotify);
MsgEvent.Receive(Constant.PAY_MESSAGE_EVENT_NOTIFY, MessageEventNotify);
MsgEvent.RemoveListener(Constant.PAY_AUTO_EVENT_NOTIFY, FinishedEventNotify);
MsgEvent.Receive(Constant.PAY_AUTO_EVENT_NOTIFY, FinishedEventNotify);
this._tabs = new Dictionary<string, SuperTabItem>();
this.ImeMode = ImeMode.Disable;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTab = null;
ButtonAccept.Text = LangProxy.ToLang(ButtonAccept.Text);
ButtonCancel.Text = LangProxy.ToLang(ButtonCancel.Text);
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (this.DesignMode) return;
private void InitializePayType()
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
this._payTypeList = OrderUtils.GetPayTypeList();
//获取收银方式列表,获取前台展示 排除抹零
this._payModeList = OrderUtils.GetPayModeList().FindAll(x => x.FrontFlag == 1 && x.No != "06");
#region subin 2023-07-01 增加通联付款方式、通联收银方式
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
//var allinPayType = new PayType
// Id = ts.TotalSeconds.ToString(),
// Name = "通联支付",
// TenantId = Global.Instance.BusinessPlanLog.TenantId,
// No = "50",
// Sign = "allinpay",
// CreateUser = "sync",
// CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString()
var allinPayType = this._payModeList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.No == "50");
if (allinPayType != null)
if (allinPayType.Body.Count() == 0)
var payModelBody = new Dictionary<string, object>();
payModelBody.Add("channel", "allinpay");
payModelBody.Add("appId", AllinpayLib.AppId);
payModelBody.Add("appKey", AllinpayLib.AppKey);
payModelBody.Add("gatewayUrl", AllinpayLib.Url);
var store = Global.Instance.Worker.StoreInfo;
if (store == null)
using (var db = Global.Instance.OpenDataBase)
store = db.FirstOrDefault<StoreInfo>("where id = @0", Global.Instance.Authc.StoreId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(store.Ext1))
var storeAllinParams = JsonUtils.Deserialize<StoreAllinParams>(store.Ext1);
AllinpayLib.Payuserid = storeAllinParams.PayuserId;
AllinpayLib.VspCusid = storeAllinParams.VspCusid;
AllinpayLib.BizUserId = storeAllinParams.BizUserId;
payModelBody.Add("payuserid", AllinpayLib.Payuserid);
payModelBody.Add("vspCusid", AllinpayLib.VspCusid);
payModelBody.Add("bizUserId", AllinpayLib.BizUserId);
allinPayType.Body = payModelBody;
//var p = this._payModeList.Find(m => m.No == "50");
//if (p == null)
// this._payModeList.Add(new PayMode
// {
// Id = ts.TotalSeconds.ToString(),
// TenantId = Global.Instance.BusinessPlanLog.TenantId,
// TypeId = allinPayType.Id,
// Name = "通联支付",
// No = "50",
// Body = payModelBody,
// CertText = null,
// CreateUser = "sync",
// CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
// Discount = 100,
// FrontFlag = 1,
// PointFlag = 1,
// RechargeFlag = 0,
// Shortcut = "",
// FixeAmount = 0,
// IncomeFlag = 0,
// OtherRateType = 0,
// OtherRateValue = 0
// });
// p.TypeId = allinPayType.Id;
// p.Body = payModelBody;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._defaultSelected))
if (Constant.HEMA_CODE.Equals(this._defaultSelected))
this._currentPayMode = this._payModeList.FirstOrDefault(x => Constant.HEMA_PAY.Contains(x.No));
this._currentPayMode = this._payModeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.No.Equals(this._defaultSelected));
if (this._currentPayMode == null)
this._currentPayMode = OrderUtils.GetDefaultPayMode();
foreach (var type in this._payTypeList)
if (this._payModeList.Exists(x => x.TypeId == type.Id))
var tabText = type.Name;
if (this._payModeList.Count(x => x.TypeId == type.Id) == 1)
var mode = this._payModeList.First(x => x.TypeId == type.Id);
tabText = mode.Name;
var tab = this.tabPayType.CreateTab(tabText);
tab.Tag = type;
tab.FixedTabSize = new Size(100, 45);
tab.Text = LangProxy.ToLang(tab.Text);
this._tabs.Add(type.Id, tab);
if (type.Id.Equals(this._currentPayMode.TypeId))
this._currentTabItem = tab;
this._currentPayType = type;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTabChanging -= OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanging;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTabChanging += OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanging;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTabChanged -= OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanged;
this.tabPayType.SelectedTabChanged += OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanged;
catch (Exception ex)
LOGGER.Error(ex, "初始化收银方式异常");
LOGGER.Info("PayType耗时<{0}>", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
public void RefreshUi(string payModeNo, OrderObject orderObject)
this._orderObject = orderObject;
this._defaultSelected = payModeNo;
this._orderObject = ObjectUtils.Copy<OrderObject>(orderObject);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._defaultSelected))
if (Constant.HEMA_CODE.Equals(this._defaultSelected))
this._currentPayMode = this._payModeList.FirstOrDefault(x => Constant.HEMA_PAY.Contains(x.No));
this._currentPayMode = this._payModeList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.No.Equals(this._defaultSelected));
if (this._currentPayMode == null)
this._currentPayMode = OrderUtils.GetDefaultPayMode();
LOGGER.Info("选择的支付方式<{0},{1}>", _currentPayMode.No, _currentPayMode.Name);
foreach (var type in this._payTypeList)
if (this._payModeList.Exists(x => x.TypeId == type.Id))
if (type.Id.Equals(this._currentPayMode.TypeId))
this._currentPayType = type;
this._currentTabItem = this._tabs[type.Id];
LOGGER.Info("选择的支付方式后<{0}>", this._currentPayType.Name);
catch (Exception ex)
LOGGER.Error(ex, "RefreshUi异常");
private void RefreshUi(PayType payType)
this._currentTabItem = this._tabs[payType.Id];
BillControl bill = null;
int attached = this.tabPayType.SelectedTab.AttachedControl.Controls.Count;
if (attached == 0)
bill = new BillControl();
bill.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
bill = this.tabPayType.SelectedTab.AttachedControl.Controls[0] as BillControl;
var data = this._payModeList.FindAll(x => x.TypeId == payType.Id);
bill.RefreshUi(data, this._currentPayMode, this._orderObject);
this.ActiveControl = bill;
private void OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanged(object sender, SuperTabStripSelectedTabChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue != null && e.NewValue.Tag != null)
var payType = e.NewValue.Tag as PayType;
private void OnTabPayTypeSelectedTabChanging(object sender, SuperTabStripSelectedTabChangingEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue != null && e.NewValue.Tag != null)
var payType = e.NewValue.Tag as PayType;
var modes = this._payModeList.FindAll(x => x.TypeId == payType.Id);
if (!modes.Exists(x => x.No == this._currentPayMode.No))
this._currentPayMode = modes.OrderByDescending(m=>m.No).First<PayMode>();
/// <summary>
/// 操作提示
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
protected virtual void MessageEventNotify(object sender, MsgEventArgs args)
if (args.Data != null && args.Data is Tuple<bool, string>)
var data = args.Data as Tuple<bool, string>;
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo, data.Item2, data.Item1);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
protected virtual void FinishedEventNotify(object sender, MsgEventArgs args)
this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
this.OnFinishedClick(this.ButtonAccept, EventArgs.Empty);
private void OnControlBoxCloseClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.Owner != null)
#region subin 20231011 add 关闭时清理数据
if (((System.Windows.Forms.Control)sender).Tag == null)
MsgEvent.Send(Constant.ORDER_PAYMENT_FINISHED, this._orderObject.TradeNo);
protected void OnEscapeClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
MsgEvent.Send(Constant.ORDER_PAYMENT_FINISHED, this._orderObject.TradeNo);
OnControlBoxCloseClick(sender, e);
protected void OnFinishedClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var billControl = this._currentTabItem.AttachedControl.Controls[0] as BillControl;
var button = sender as ButtonX;
//输入是否满足结账条件:消费金额 = 实收金额 + 优惠金额 + 抹零金额
//bool isVerify = this._orderObject.Amount == this._orderObject.PaidAmount + this._orderObject.DiscountAmount + this._orderObject.MalingAmount;
//输入是否满足结账条件:消费明细中实收金额的合计 = 主单中的实收金额
var isVerify = this._orderObject.Pays.Sum(x => x.PaidAmount) >= this._orderObject.PaidAmount;
if (isVerify && this._orderObject.Pays.Count == 0)
var cashPayMode = OrderUtils.GetDefaultPayMode();
PayItem item = OrderUtils.ToPayItem(cashPayMode);
item.OrderId = this._orderObject.Id;
item.TradeNo = this._orderObject.TradeNo;
item.Amount = 0.00M;
item.PaidAmount = 0.00M;
item.ChangeAmount = 0.00M;
item.CardNo = "";
item.Memo = "弹框现金快速结账";
item.Status = (int)OrderPaymentStatus.;
item.StatusDesc = "弹框默认现金快速结账";
item.PayTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
if (isVerify)
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo, "满足结账条件", false);
bool isPaySuccess = true;
var cards = this._orderObject.Pays.FindAll(x => x.No.Equals("02") || x.No.Equals("49"));
if (cards != null && cards.Count > 0)
LOGGER.Warn("满足结账条件,共{0}张会员卡参与支付", cards.Count);
string tradeVoucherNo = string.Empty;
var payCards = new List<PayInfo>();
foreach (var card in cards)
if (card.Amount <= 0)
PayInfo c = new PayInfo();
c.PrePayment = cards[cards.Count - 1].PrePayNo;
c.CardNo = card.CardNo;
c.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(card.Amount * 100);
c.IsNoPwd = card.UseConfirmed ? 0 : 1;
c.Passwd = card.Passwd;
tradeVoucherNo = card.TradeVoucherNo;
LOGGER.Warn("卡号:{0},扣款:{1}", c.CardNo, c.Amount);
var pointAmount = this._orderObject.Pays.FindAll(x => x.PointFlag == 1).Sum(x => x.Amount);
var request = new CardTradePayRequest();
request.TradeNo = this._orderObject.TradeNo;
request.MemberId = this._orderObject.Member == null ? string.Empty : this._orderObject.Member.Id;
request.Mobile = this._orderObject.Member == null ? string.Empty : this._orderObject.Member.Mobile;
request.TradeVoucherNo = tradeVoucherNo;
request.TotalAmount = Convert.ToInt32(this._orderObject.Amount * 100);
request.RealAmount = Convert.ToInt32(this._orderObject.PaidAmount * 100);
request.PointAmount = this._orderObject.Member == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(pointAmount * 100);
request.PayCardAmount = payCards.Sum(x => x.Amount);
request.DiscountAmount = Convert.ToInt32(this._orderObject.DiscountAmount * 100);
request.PointFlag = 2;//以卡系统计算为准
request.PointValue = 0;
request.PayInfo = payCards;
var pays = new List<Pay>();
foreach (var p in this._orderObject.Pays)
var pay = new Pay();
pay.PayTypeNo = p.No;
pay.PayType = p.Name;
pay.Money = Convert.ToInt32(p.Amount * 100);
pay.PointRule = string.Empty;
pay.Point = 0;
if (Integral(this._orderObject))
var item = OrderUtils.GetPayTypeList().FirstOrDefault(f => f.No.Equals("02"));
if (item != null)
var pay = new Pay();
pay.PayTypeNo = item.No;
pay.PayType = item.Name;
pay.Money = 0;
pay.PointRule = string.Empty;
pay.Point = 0;
request.PointAmount = (int)(this._orderObject.Pays.Sum(x => x.Amount) * 100);
request.Pay = pays;
int couponTotalAmount = 0;
var coupons = new List<Coupon>();
if (this._orderObject.Promotions != null)
foreach (PromotionOrder promotionOrder in this._orderObject.Promotions)
if (PromotionType. == promotionOrder.PromotionType)
Coupon coupon = new Coupon();
coupon.CouponId = promotionOrder.CouponId;
coupon.CouponType = "CASH";
coupon.Title = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Code = promotionOrder.PlanNo;
coupon.Discount = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountRate);
coupon.Cash = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
coupon.Gift = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Memo = String.Format("电子代金券,优惠{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
couponTotalAmount += Convert.ToInt32(promotionOrder.DiscountAmount * 100);
else if (PromotionType. == promotionOrder.PromotionType)
Coupon coupon = new Coupon();
coupon.CouponId = promotionOrder.CouponId;
coupon.CouponType = "DISCOUNT";
coupon.Title = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Code = promotionOrder.PlanNo;
coupon.Discount = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountRate);
coupon.Cash = String.Format("{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
coupon.Gift = promotionOrder.PlanName;
coupon.Memo = String.Format("电子折扣券,优惠{0}", promotionOrder.DiscountAmount);
couponTotalAmount += Convert.ToInt32(promotionOrder.DiscountAmount * 100);
if (this._orderObject.Items != null)
foreach (OrderItem orderItem in this._orderObject.Items)
if (orderItem.Promotions != null)
foreach (PromotionItem promotionItem in orderItem.Promotions)
if (PromotionType. == promotionItem.PromotionType)
Coupon coupon = new Coupon();
coupon.CouponId = promotionItem.CouponId;
coupon.CouponType = "GIFT";
coupon.Title = promotionItem.PlanName;
coupon.Code = promotionItem.PlanNo;
coupon.Discount = String.Format("{0}", promotionItem.DiscountRate);
coupon.Cash = String.Format("{0}", promotionItem.DiscountAmount);
coupon.Gift = promotionItem.PlanName;
coupon.Memo = String.Format("电子兑换券,优惠{0}", promotionItem.DiscountAmount);
couponTotalAmount += Convert.ToInt32(promotionItem.DiscountAmount * 100);
request.Coupon = coupons;
request.CouponTotalAmount = couponTotalAmount;
request.ShopNo = Global.Instance.Authc.StoreNo;
request.WorkerNo = Global.Instance.Worker.No;
request.PosNo = Global.Instance.Authc.PosNo;
//var _data = ObjectUtils.Copy<OrderObject>(this._orderObject);
////_data. = OrderUtils.Instance.GenerateTicketNo();
//var result = BusinessUtils.Instance.AddCardPoint4Order(this._orderObject);
//if (result.Item1)
// isPaySuccess = true;
// MsgEvent.Send(Constant.PAY_MESSAGE_EVENT_NOTIFY, new Tuple<bool, string>(true, result.Item2));
// isPaySuccess = false;
var payResult = CardUtils.CardTradePay(request);
LOGGER.Warn("会员卡扣款耗时<{0}>毫秒", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
if (payResult.Item1)
this._orderObject.CardPayResult = payResult.Item3;
var payRes = payResult.Item3;
this._orderObject.PrePoint = OrderUtils.ToRound(payRes.PrePoint / 100.00M);
this._orderObject.AddPoint = OrderUtils.ToRound(payRes.GiftPoint / 100.00M);
this._orderObject.AftPoint = OrderUtils.ToRound(payRes.AftPoint / 100.00M);
foreach (var card in cards)
var payCard = payRes.CardList.Find(x => x.CardNo == card.CardNo);
if (payCard == null)
LOGGER.Error(string.Format("会员卡[{0}]支付成功后返回结果未包含该卡支付信息", card.CardNo));
card.CardBeforeBalance = OrderUtils.ToRound(payCard.PreAmount / 100.00M);
card.CardAftAmount = OrderUtils.ToRound(payCard.AftAmount / 100.00M);
card.Status = (int)OrderPaymentStatus.;
card.StatusDesc = payResult.Item2;
card.PayTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo, payResult.Item2, false);
isPaySuccess = true;
isPaySuccess = false;
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo, payResult.Item2, true);
if (this._orderObject.IsMember == 1)
var result = BusinessUtils.Instance.AddCardPoint4Order(this._orderObject);
if (result.Item1)
isPaySuccess = true;
MsgEvent.Send(Constant.PAY_MESSAGE_EVENT_NOTIFY, new Tuple<bool, string>(true, result.Item2));
isPaySuccess = false;
if (isPaySuccess)
//zhangy 2020-04-24 优先核销美团团购券
var meituanCouponResult = BusinessUtils.Instance.MeituanCouponConsume(this._orderObject);
if (meituanCouponResult.Item1)
isPaySuccess = true;
MsgEvent.Send(Constant.PAY_MESSAGE_EVENT_NOTIFY, new Tuple<bool, string>(true, meituanCouponResult.Item2));
isPaySuccess = false;
LOGGER.Info("美团券需要核销失败,原因:" + meituanCouponResult.Item2);
if (isPaySuccess)
this._orderObject.OrderStatus = OrderStatus.;
this._orderObject.PaymentStatus = OrderPaymentStatus.;
MsgEvent.Send(Constant.ORDER_PAYMENT_NOTIFY, this._orderObject);
this.OnEscapeClick(this.ButtonCancel, EventArgs.Empty);
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo, "不满足结账条件", false);
catch (Exception ex)
this.ShowMessage(this.lblInfo, "结账操作发生异常", false);
LOGGER.Error(ex, "结账操作发生异常");
LOGGER.Warn("调用完成结账方法,耗时<{0}>毫秒", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
private bool Integral(OrderObject _orderObject)
var _why = _orderObject.Pays.FirstOrDefault(f => f.No.Equals("02"));
var _xmk = _orderObject.Pays.FirstOrDefault(f => f.No.Equals("49"));
if (_xmk == null)
return false;
if (_why != null)
return false;
if (_orderObject.Member == null)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// 人民币付款方式的应收在混合支付中,应该在最后重新计算应收。
/// 比如订单金额10元付款方式和顺序如下
/// 人民币付款5元这时人民币的应收为10元
/// 其他付款5元这时其他付款的应收为5元
/// 这样支付方式合计应收为15元不正确了而且人民币的找零金额计算方式为实收 - 应收 = -5元不正确
/// </summary>
private void RefreshCashShouldAmount()
var cashPay = this._orderObject.Pays.Find(x => x.No == "01");
if (cashPay != null)
//现金应收 = 订单实收 - 除现金以外的支付金额
var cashShould = this._orderObject.PaidAmount - this._orderObject.Pays.FindAll(x => x.No != "01").Sum(x => x.PaidAmount);
cashPay.Amount = cashShould;
protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e)
if (this.Visible)
this.tabPayType.SelectedTab = this._currentTabItem;
LOGGER.Info("选择支付界面<{0}>", this._currentTabItem.Text);
this.tabPayType.SelectedTab = null;
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
this.Visible = false;