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using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace POSV.Printer
public class EscPosCommand
public EscPosCommand()
this.InitCommand = "27,64";
this.NormalCommand = "27,33,2,28,33,2";
this.DoubleWidthCommand = "27,33,32,28,33,4";
this.DoubleHeightCommand = "27,33,16,28,33,8";
this.DoubleWidthHeightCommand = "27,33,48,28,33,12";
this.CutPageCommand = "29,86,66";
//this.CashboxCommand = "27,112,0,100,100";
//this.CashboxCommand = "27,112,7";
//this.CashboxCommand = "27,112,0,60,255";
this.CashboxCommand = "27,112,0,48,192";
this.AlignLeftCommand = "27,97,48";
this.AlignCenterCommand = "27,97,49";
this.AlignRightCommand = "27,97,50";
this.FeedBackCommand = "27,101,n";
this.BeepCommand = "27,66";
/// <summary>
/// 回退行数
/// </summary>
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "back")]
public string FeedBackCommand { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 蜂鸣
/// </summary>
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "beep")]
public string BeepCommand { get; set; } = "27,66";
/// <summary>
/// 左对齐
/// </summary>
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "left")]
public string AlignLeftCommand { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 右对齐
/// </summary>
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "center")]
public string AlignCenterCommand { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 右对齐
/// </summary>
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "right")]
public string AlignRightCommand { get; set; }
* 初始化指令
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "init")]
public string InitCommand { get; set; }
* 倍宽字体指令
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "doublew")]
public string DoubleWidthCommand { get; set; }
* 切纸指令
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "cut")]
public string CutPageCommand { get; set; }
* 字体倍高指令
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "doubleh")]
public string DoubleHeightCommand { get; set; }
* 普通字体指令
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "normal")]
public string NormalCommand { get; set; }
* 倍宽倍高指令
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "double")]
public string DoubleWidthHeightCommand { get; set; }
* 钱箱指令
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "cashbox")]
public string CashboxCommand { get; set; }