You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

325 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Jayrock.Json.Conversion;
using Aop.Api.Request;
using Aop.Api.Util;
namespace Aop.Api.Parser
/// <summary>
/// AOP JSON响应通用解释器。
/// </summary>
public class AopJsonParser<T> : IAopParser<T> where T : AopResponse
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AopAttribute>> attrs = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AopAttribute>>();
#region IAopParser<T> Members
public T Parse(string body,string charset)
T rsp = null;
IDictionary json = JsonConvert.Import(body) as IDictionary;
if (json != null)
IDictionary data = null;
// 忽略根节点的名称
foreach (object key in json.Keys)
data = json[key] as IDictionary;
if (data != null && data.Count > 0)
if (data != null)
IAopReader reader = new AopJsonReader(data);
rsp = (T)AopJsonConvert(reader, typeof(T));
if (rsp == null)
rsp = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
if (rsp != null)
rsp.Body = body;
return rsp;
public SignItem GetSignItem(IAopRequest<T> request, string responseBody)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseBody))
return null;
SignItem signItem = new SignItem();
string sign = GetSign(responseBody);
signItem.Sign = sign;
string signSourceData = GetSignSourceData(request, responseBody);
signItem.SignSourceDate = signSourceData;
return signItem;
private static Dictionary<string, AopAttribute> GetAopAttributes(Type type)
Dictionary<string, AopAttribute> tas = null;
bool inc = attrs.TryGetValue(type.FullName, out tas);
if (inc && tas != null) // 从缓存中获取类属性元数据
return tas;
else // 创建新的类属性元数据缓存
tas = new Dictionary<string, AopAttribute>();
PropertyInfo[] pis = type.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pis)
AopAttribute ta = new AopAttribute();
ta.Method = pi.GetSetMethod();
// 获取对象属性名称
XmlElementAttribute[] xeas = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlElementAttribute), true) as XmlElementAttribute[];
if (xeas != null && xeas.Length > 0)
ta.ItemName = xeas[0].ElementName;
// 获取列表属性名称
if (ta.ItemName == null)
XmlArrayItemAttribute[] xaias = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlArrayItemAttribute), true) as XmlArrayItemAttribute[];
if (xaias != null && xaias.Length > 0)
ta.ItemName = xaias[0].ElementName;
XmlArrayAttribute[] xaas = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlArrayAttribute), true) as XmlArrayAttribute[];
if (xaas != null && xaas.Length > 0)
ta.ListName = xaas[0].ElementName;
if (ta.ListName == null)
// 获取属性类型
if (pi.PropertyType.IsGenericType)
Type[] types = pi.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments();
ta.ListType = types[0];
ta.ItemType = pi.PropertyType;
tas.Add(pi.Name + ta.ItemType + ta.ListType, ta);
attrs[type.FullName] = tas;
return tas;
protected static readonly DAopConvert AopJsonConvert = delegate(IAopReader reader, Type type)
object rsp = null;
Dictionary<string, AopAttribute> pas = GetAopAttributes(type);
Dictionary<string, AopAttribute>.Enumerator em = pas.GetEnumerator();
while (em.MoveNext())
KeyValuePair<string, AopAttribute> kvp = em.Current;
AopAttribute ta = kvp.Value;
string itemName = ta.ItemName;
string listName = ta.ListName;
if (!reader.HasReturnField(itemName) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listName) || !reader.HasReturnField(listName)))
object value = null;
if (ta.ListType != null)
value = reader.GetListObjects(listName, itemName, ta.ListType, AopJsonConvert);
if (typeof(string) == ta.ItemType)
object tmp = reader.GetPrimitiveObject(itemName);
if (tmp != null)
value = tmp.ToString();
else if (typeof(long) == ta.ItemType)
object tmp = reader.GetPrimitiveObject(itemName);
if (tmp != null)
value = ((IConvertible)tmp).ToInt64(null);
else if (typeof(bool) == ta.ItemType)
value = reader.GetPrimitiveObject(itemName);
value = reader.GetReferenceObject(itemName, ta.ItemType, AopJsonConvert);
if (value != null)
if (rsp == null)
rsp = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
ta.Method.Invoke(rsp, new object[] { value });
return rsp;
private static string GetSign(string body)
IDictionary json = JsonConvert.Import(body) as IDictionary;
return (string)json["sign"];
private static string GetSignSourceData(IAopRequest<T> request, string body)
string rootNode = request.GetApiName().Replace(".", "_") + AlipayConstants.RESPONSE_SUFFIX;
string errorRootNode = AlipayConstants.ERROR_RESPONSE;
int indexOfRootNode = body.IndexOf(rootNode);
int indexOfErrorRoot = body.IndexOf(errorRootNode);
string result = null;
if (indexOfRootNode > 0)
result = ParseSignSourceData(body, rootNode, indexOfRootNode);
else if (indexOfErrorRoot > 0)
result = ParseSignSourceData(body, errorRootNode, indexOfErrorRoot);
return result;
private static string ParseSignSourceData(string body, string rootNode, int indexOfRootNode)
int signDataStartIndex = indexOfRootNode + rootNode.Length + 2;
int indexOfSign = body.IndexOf("\"" + AlipayConstants.SIGN + "\"");
if (indexOfSign < 0)
return null;
int signDataEndIndex = indexOfSign - 1;
int length = signDataEndIndex - signDataStartIndex;
return body.Substring(signDataStartIndex, length);
public string EncryptSourceData(IAopRequest<T> request, string body, string encryptType, string encryptKey, string charset)
if (!"AES".Equals(encryptType))
throw new AopException("API only support AES!");
EncryptParseItem item = parseEncryptData(request, body);
string bodyIndexContent = body.Substring(0, item.startIndex);
string bodyEndexContent = body.Substring(item.endIndex);
//TODO 解密逻辑
string bizContent = AlipayEncrypt.AesDencrypt(encryptKey, item.encryptContent, charset);
return bodyIndexContent + bizContent + bodyEndexContent;
/// <summary>
/// 解析加密节点
/// </summary>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <param name="body"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static EncryptParseItem parseEncryptData(IAopRequest<T> request, string body)
string rootNode = request.GetApiName().Replace(".", "_") + AlipayConstants.RESPONSE_SUFFIX;
string errorRootNode = AlipayConstants.ERROR_RESPONSE;
int indexOfRootNode = body.IndexOf(rootNode);
int indexOfErrorRoot = body.IndexOf(errorRootNode);
EncryptParseItem result = null;
if (indexOfRootNode > 0)
result = ParseEncryptItem(body, rootNode, indexOfRootNode);
else if (indexOfErrorRoot > 0)
result = ParseEncryptItem(body, errorRootNode, indexOfErrorRoot);
return result;
private static EncryptParseItem ParseEncryptItem(string body, string rootNode, int indexOfRootNode)
int signDataStartIndex = indexOfRootNode + rootNode.Length + 2;
int indexOfSign = body.IndexOf("\"" + AlipayConstants.SIGN + "\"");
int signDataEndIndex = indexOfSign - 1;
if (signDataEndIndex < 0)
signDataEndIndex = body.Length - 1;
int length = signDataEndIndex - signDataStartIndex;
string encyptContent = body.Substring(signDataStartIndex + 1, length - 2);
EncryptParseItem item = new EncryptParseItem();
item.encryptContent = encyptContent;
item.startIndex = signDataStartIndex;
item.endIndex = signDataEndIndex;
return item;