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namespace com.azkoss.excellite
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
///Base class for the excel column and row classes.
public abstract class ExcelColumnRowBase
// Methods
///Internal. Copy constructor.
///<param name="parent"></param>
///<param name="source"></param>
protected ExcelColumnRowBase(ExcelRowColumnCollectionBase parent, ExcelColumnRowBase source)
this.parent = parent;
this.index = source.index;
this.collapsed = source.collapsed;
this.outlineLevel = source.outlineLevel;
this.Style = source.Style;
///<param name="parent"></param>
///<param name="index"></param>
protected ExcelColumnRowBase(ExcelRowColumnCollectionBase parent, int index)
this.parent = parent;
this.index = index;
// Properties
///Gets or sets whether object is collapsed in outlining.
///<example> Following code creates two horizontal groups and one vertical group. Horizontal groups have
///outline button above (default is below), while vertical group is collapsed.
///<code lang="Visual Basic">
///Sub GroupingSample(ByVal ws As ExcelWorksheet)
///ws.Cells(0, 0).Value = "Grouping and outline example:"
///<font color="Green">' Vertical grouping.</font>
///ws.Cells(2, 0).Value = "GroupA Start"
///ws.Rows(2).OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Cells(3, 0).Value = "A"
///ws.Rows(3).OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Cells(4, 1).Value = "GroupB Start"
///ws.Rows(4).OutlineLevel = 2
///ws.Cells(5, 1).Value = "B"
///ws.Rows(5).OutlineLevel = 2
///ws.Cells(6, 1).Value = "GroupB End"
///ws.Rows(6).OutlineLevel = 2
///ws.Cells(7, 0).Value = "GroupA End"
///ws.Rows(7).OutlineLevel = 1
///<font color="Green">' Put outline row buttons above groups.</font>
///ws.OutlineRowButtonsBelow = False
///<font color="Green">' Horizontal grouping (collapsed).</font>
///ws.Cells("E2").Value = "Gr.C Start"
///ws.Columns("E").OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Columns("E").Collapsed = True
///ws.Cells("F2").Value = "C"
///ws.Columns("F").OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Columns("F").Collapsed = True
///ws.Cells("G2").Value = "Gr.C End"
///ws.Columns("G").OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Columns("G").Collapsed = True
///End Sub
///<code lang="C#">
///static void GroupingSample(ExcelWorksheet ws)
///ws.Cells[0,0].Value = "Grouping and outline example:";
///<font color="Green">// Vertical grouping.</font>
///ws.Cells[2,0].Value = "GroupA Start";
///ws.Rows[2].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Cells[3,0].Value = "A";
///ws.Rows[3].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Cells[4,1].Value = "GroupB Start";
///ws.Rows[4].OutlineLevel = 2;
///ws.Cells[5,1].Value = "B";
///ws.Rows[5].OutlineLevel = 2;
///ws.Cells[6,1].Value = "GroupB End";
///ws.Rows[6].OutlineLevel = 2;
///ws.Cells[7,0].Value = "GroupA End";
///ws.Rows[7].OutlineLevel = 1;
///<font color="Green">// Put outline row buttons above groups.</font>
///ws.OutlineRowButtonsBelow = false;
///<font color="Green">// Horizontal grouping (collapsed).</font>
///ws.Cells["E2"].Value = "Gr.C Start";
///ws.Columns["E"].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Columns["E"].Collapsed = true;
///ws.Cells["F2"].Value = "C";
///ws.Columns["F"].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Columns["F"].Collapsed = true;
///ws.Cells["G2"].Value = "Gr.C End";
///ws.Columns["G"].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Columns["G"].Collapsed = true;
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelColumnRowBase.OutlineLevel" />
public bool Collapsed
return this.collapsed;
this.collapsed = value;
internal int Index
return this.index;
this.index = value;
///Returns <b>true</b> if style is default; otherwise, <b>false</b>.
public bool IsStyleDefault
if ( != null)
return true;
///Gets or sets outline level.
///<p>Exception is thrown if value is out of 0 to 7 range.</p>
///<p>Using this property you can create hierarchical groups. Range of consecutive objects (rows or columns)
///with the same value of outline level belongs to the same group. Default value is zero, which prevents grouping.
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelColumnRowBase.Collapsed">Collapsed</see> property determines whether group
///is collapsed or expanded in outlining.</p>
///<example> Following code creates two horizontal groups and one vertical group. Horizontal groups have
///outline button above (default is below), while vertical group is collapsed.
///<code lang="Visual Basic">
///Sub GroupingSample(ByVal ws As ExcelWorksheet)
///ws.Cells(0, 0).Value = "Grouping and outline example:"
///<font color="Green">' Vertical grouping.</font>
///ws.Cells(2, 0).Value = "GroupA Start"
///ws.Rows(2).OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Cells(3, 0).Value = "A"
///ws.Rows(3).OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Cells(4, 1).Value = "GroupB Start"
///ws.Rows(4).OutlineLevel = 2
///ws.Cells(5, 1).Value = "B"
///ws.Rows(5).OutlineLevel = 2
///ws.Cells(6, 1).Value = "GroupB End"
///ws.Rows(6).OutlineLevel = 2
///ws.Cells(7, 0).Value = "GroupA End"
///ws.Rows(7).OutlineLevel = 1
///<font color="Green">' Put outline row buttons above groups.</font>
///ws.OutlineRowButtonsBelow = False
///<font color="Green">' Horizontal grouping (collapsed).</font>
///ws.Cells("E2").Value = "Gr.C Start"
///ws.Columns("E").OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Columns("E").Collapsed = True
///ws.Cells("F2").Value = "C"
///ws.Columns("F").OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Columns("F").Collapsed = True
///ws.Cells("G2").Value = "Gr.C End"
///ws.Columns("G").OutlineLevel = 1
///ws.Columns("G").Collapsed = True
///End Sub
///<code lang="C#">
///static void GroupingSample(ExcelWorksheet ws)
///ws.Cells[0,0].Value = "Grouping and outline example:";
///<font color="Green">// Vertical grouping.</font>
///ws.Cells[2,0].Value = "GroupA Start";
///ws.Rows[2].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Cells[3,0].Value = "A";
///ws.Rows[3].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Cells[4,1].Value = "GroupB Start";
///ws.Rows[4].OutlineLevel = 2;
///ws.Cells[5,1].Value = "B";
///ws.Rows[5].OutlineLevel = 2;
///ws.Cells[6,1].Value = "GroupB End";
///ws.Rows[6].OutlineLevel = 2;
///ws.Cells[7,0].Value = "GroupA End";
///ws.Rows[7].OutlineLevel = 1;
///<font color="Green">// Put outline row buttons above groups.</font>
///ws.OutlineRowButtonsBelow = false;
///<font color="Green">// Horizontal grouping (collapsed).</font>
///ws.Cells["E2"].Value = "Gr.C Start";
///ws.Columns["E"].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Columns["E"].Collapsed = true;
///ws.Cells["F2"].Value = "C";
///ws.Columns["F"].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Columns["F"].Collapsed = true;
///ws.Cells["G2"].Value = "Gr.C End";
///ws.Columns["G"].OutlineLevel = 1;
///ws.Columns["G"].Collapsed = true;
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelColumnRowBase.Collapsed" />
///<exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if value is out of 0 to 7 range.</exception>
public int OutlineLevel
return this.outlineLevel;
if ((value < 0) || (value > 7))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, "OutlineLevel must be in range from 0 to 7.");
this.outlineLevel = value;
if (this.outlineLevel > this.parent.MaxOutlineLevel)
this.parent.MaxOutlineLevel = this.outlineLevel;
internal ExcelRowColumnCellCollectionBase Parent
return this.parent;
///Gets or sets cell style (<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellStyle">CellStyle</see>) for contained cells.
///Setting this property will not directly change <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelCell.Style">ExcelCell.Style</see>.
///Instead, this style will be used in resolving process when writing Excel file. See
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod">ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod</see>
///for details.
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod">ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod</seealso>
public CellStyle Style
if ( == null)
{ = new CellStyle(this.Parent.Parent.ParentExcelFile.CellStyleCache);
{ = new CellStyle(value, this.parent.Parent.ParentExcelFile.CellStyleCache);
// Fields
private bool collapsed;
private int index;
private int outlineLevel;
private ExcelRowColumnCollectionBase parent;
private CellStyle style;