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namespace com.azkoss.excellite
using System;
using System.Drawing;
internal class CellStyleData : HashtableElement
// Methods
public CellStyleData(CellStyleCachedCollection parentCollection, bool isDefault) : base(parentCollection, isDefault)
this.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.General;
this.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Bottom;
this.PatternStyle = FillPatternStyle.None;
this.PatternBackgroundColor = Color.White;
this.PatternForegroundColor = Color.Black;
this.Locked = true;
this.NumberFormat = string.Empty;
this.FontData = new ExcelFontData();
Color[] colorArray1 = new Color[] { Color.Black, Color.Black, Color.Black, Color.Black, Color.Black } ;
this.BorderColor = colorArray1;
LineStyle[] styleArray1 = new LineStyle[5];
this.BorderStyle = styleArray1;
this.BordersUsed = MultipleBorders.None;
public override HashtableElement Clone(WeakHashtable parentCollection)
CellStyleData data1 = new CellStyleData((CellStyleCachedCollection) parentCollection, false);
data1.HorizontalAlignment = this.HorizontalAlignment;
data1.VerticalAlignment = this.VerticalAlignment;
data1.PatternStyle = this.PatternStyle;
data1.PatternBackgroundColor = this.PatternBackgroundColor;
data1.PatternForegroundColor = this.PatternForegroundColor;
data1.Indent = this.Indent;
data1.Rotation = this.Rotation;
data1.Locked = this.Locked;
data1.FormulaHidden = this.FormulaHidden;
data1.WrapText = this.WrapText;
data1.ShrinkToFit = this.ShrinkToFit;
data1.NumberFormat = this.NumberFormat;
data1.FontData = new ExcelFontData(this.FontData);
data1.BorderColor = (Color[]) this.BorderColor.Clone();
data1.BorderStyle = (LineStyle[]) this.BorderStyle.Clone();
data1.BordersUsed = this.BordersUsed;
return data1;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
CellStyleData data1 = (CellStyleData) obj;
if (((((data1.HorizontalAlignment != this.HorizontalAlignment) || (data1.VerticalAlignment != this.VerticalAlignment)) || ((data1.PatternStyle != this.PatternStyle) || (data1.PatternBackgroundColor.ToArgb() != this.PatternBackgroundColor.ToArgb()))) || (((data1.PatternForegroundColor.ToArgb() != this.PatternForegroundColor.ToArgb()) || (data1.Indent != this.Indent)) || ((data1.Rotation != this.Rotation) || (data1.Locked != this.Locked)))) || (((data1.FormulaHidden != this.FormulaHidden) || (data1.WrapText != this.WrapText)) || ((data1.ShrinkToFit != this.ShrinkToFit) || (data1.NumberFormat != this.NumberFormat))))
return false;
if (!data1.FontData.Equals(this.FontData))
return false;
if (data1.BordersUsed != this.BordersUsed)
return false;
for (int num1 = 0; num1 < 4; num1++)
if ((this.BordersUsed & CellBorder.MultipleFromIndividualBorder((IndividualBorder) num1)) != MultipleBorders.None)
if (data1.BorderColor[num1].ToArgb() != this.BorderColor[num1].ToArgb())
return false;
if (data1.BorderStyle[num1] != this.BorderStyle[num1])
return false;
if ((this.BordersUsed & MultipleBorders.Diagonal) != MultipleBorders.None)
if (data1.BorderColor[4].ToArgb() != this.BorderColor[4].ToArgb())
return false;
if (data1.BorderStyle[4] != this.BorderStyle[4])
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
int num1 = 0;
num1 ^= this.HorizontalAlignment.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.VerticalAlignment.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.PatternStyle.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.PatternBackgroundColor.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.PatternForegroundColor.GetHashCode();
num1 = Utilities.RotateLeft(num1, (byte) 8);
num1 ^= this.Indent;
num1 ^= this.Rotation;
num1 ^= this.Locked.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.FormulaHidden.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.WrapText.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.ShrinkToFit.GetHashCode();
num1 = Utilities.RotateLeft(num1, (byte) 8);
num1 ^= this.NumberFormat.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.FontData.GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.BordersUsed.GetHashCode();
for (int num2 = 0; num2 < 4; num2++)
if ((this.BordersUsed & CellBorder.MultipleFromIndividualBorder((IndividualBorder) num2)) != MultipleBorders.None)
num1 ^= this.BorderStyle[num2].GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.BorderColor[num2].GetHashCode();
if ((this.BordersUsed & MultipleBorders.Diagonal) != MultipleBorders.None)
num1 ^= this.BorderStyle[4].GetHashCode();
num1 ^= this.BorderColor[4].GetHashCode();
return num1;
// Fields
public Color[] BorderColor;
public LineStyle[] BorderStyle;
public MultipleBorders BordersUsed;
public ExcelFontData FontData;
public bool FormulaHidden;
public HorizontalAlignmentStyle HorizontalAlignment;
public int Indent;
public CellStyleDataIndexes Indexes;
public bool Locked;
public string NumberFormat;
public Color PatternBackgroundColor;
public Color PatternForegroundColor;
public FillPatternStyle PatternStyle;
public int Rotation;
public bool ShrinkToFit;
public VerticalAlignmentStyle VerticalAlignment;
public bool WrapText;
// Nested Types
public enum Properties
// Fields
All = 0xfffff,
FontColor = 0x2000,
FontItalic = 0x10000,
FontName = 0x1000,
FontRelated = 0xff000,
FontScriptPosition = 0x40000,
FontSize = 0x8000,
FontStrikeout = 0x20000,
FontUnderlineStyle = 0x80000,
FontWeight = 0x4000,
FormulaHidden = 0x100,
HorizontalAlignment = 1,
Indent = 0x20,
Locked = 0x80,
None = 0,
NumberFormat = 0x800,
PatternBackgroundColor = 8,
PatternForegroundColor = 0x10,
PatternRelated = 0x1c,
PatternStyle = 4,
Rotation = 0x40,
ShrinkToFit = 0x400,
VerticalAlignment = 2,
WrapText = 0x200