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namespace com.azkoss.excellite
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
///Formula token for holding 3d reference on internal cell range.
internal class Area3dFormulaToken : AreaFormulaToken
// Methods
static Area3dFormulaToken()
Area3dFormulaToken.regexOptions = RegexOptions.Compiled;
Area3dFormulaToken.IsCellRange3DRegex = new Regex(@"(?<Sheet>[\S ]+)[\!](?<Column1>[\$]?[A-Z]+)(?<Row1>[\$]?\d+):(?<Column2>[\$]?[A-Z]+)(?<Row2>[\$]?\d+)", Area3dFormulaToken.regexOptions);
///Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.Area3dFormulaToken" /> class.
///<param name="code">The FormulaTokenCode code.</param>
public Area3dFormulaToken(FormulaTokenCode code) : base(code, 11)
this.refIndex = 0;
///Convert formula token to array of byte representation.
///<returns>formula token' array of byte representation</returns>
public override byte[] ConvertToBytes()
byte[] buffer1 = base.ConvertToBytes();
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[this.Size];
buffer2[0] = buffer1[0];
Array.Copy(buffer1, 1, buffer2, 3, 8);
if (this.sheet != null)
BitConverter.GetBytes(this.refIndex).CopyTo(buffer2, 1);
return buffer2;
///Make custom delay initialize.
///<param name="data">The data for initialization which is unique for each formula token.</param>
public override void DelayInitialize(object[] data)
this.workbook = data[1] as ExcelWorksheetCollection;
this.SetAred3dCell(data[0] as string);
///Initialize formula token by reading input data from array of bytes
///<param name="rpnBytes">input data, array of bytes</param>
///<param name="startIndex">start position for array of bytes to read from</param>
public override void Read(byte[] rpnBytes, int startIndex)
this.refIndex = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rpnBytes, startIndex);
base.firstRow = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rpnBytes, startIndex + 2);
base.lastRow = BitConverter.ToUInt16(rpnBytes, startIndex + 4);
base.firstColumn = rpnBytes[startIndex + 6];
base.firstOptions = rpnBytes[startIndex + 7];
base.lastColumn = rpnBytes[startIndex + 8];
base.lastOptions = rpnBytes[startIndex + 9];
private void SetAred3dCell(string cell)
Match match1 = Area3dFormulaToken.IsCellRange3DRegex.Match(cell);
this.sheet = match1.Groups["Sheet"].Value;
string text1 = match1.Groups["Column1"].Value;
string text2 = match1.Groups["Row1"].Value;
string text3 = match1.Groups["Column2"].Value;
string text4 = match1.Groups["Row2"].Value;
base.SetArea(text2, text4, text1, text3);
private void SetSheet(string sheet)
this.refIndex = this.workbook.AddSheetReference(sheet);
///Convert formula token to string representation.
///<returns>formula token string representation</returns>
public override string ToString()
return (this.sheet + "!" + base.ToString());
// Fields
///Regular expression used to determinate whether the input string is 3d cell range( 1t case ) or not
public static readonly Regex IsCellRange3DRegex;
///REF entry' index on EXTERNSHEET record( see the Link Table ).
private ushort refIndex;
///Regular expression default options
private static RegexOptions regexOptions;
private string sheet;
private ExcelWorksheetCollection workbook;