using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace POSV.Printer { /// /// TcpClientWithTimeout 用来设置一个带连接超时功能的类 /// 使用者可以设置毫秒级的等待超时时间 (1000=1second) /// 例如: /// TcpClient connection = new TcpClientWithTimeout('',80,1000).Connect(); /// class TcpClientWithTimeout { protected string _hostname; protected int _port; protected int _timeout_milliseconds; protected TcpClient connection; protected bool connected; protected Exception exception; public TcpClientWithTimeout(string hostname , int port , int timeout_milliseconds) { _hostname = hostname; _port = port; _timeout_milliseconds = timeout_milliseconds; } public TcpClient Connect() { // kick off the thread that tries to connect connected = false; exception = null; Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(BeginConnect)); thread.IsBackground = true; // 作为后台线程处理 // 不会占用机器太长的时间 thread.Start(); // 等待如下的时间 thread.Join(_timeout_milliseconds); if (connected == true) { // 如果成功就返回TcpClient对象 thread.Abort(); return connection; } if (exception != null) { // 如果失败就抛出错误 thread.Abort(); throw exception; } else { // 同样地抛出错误 thread.Abort(); string message = string.Format("TcpClient connection to {0}:{1} timed out" , _hostname , _port); throw new TimeoutException(message); } } protected void BeginConnect() { try { connection = new TcpClient(_hostname , _port); // 标记成功,返回调用者 connected = true; } catch (Exception ex) { // 标记失败 exception = ex; } } } }