namespace com.azkoss.excellite { using System; [Flags] internal enum WorksheetWindowOptions : short { // Fields /// ///If set, MS Excel shows columns from right to left. /// ColumnsFromRightToLeft = 0x40, /// ///If set, MS Excel uses default grid line color. /// DefaultGridLineColor = 0x20, /// ///If set, MS Excel removes splits if pane freeze is removed. /// FrozenNoSplit = 0x100, /// ///If set, panes are frozen in MS Excel. /// FrozenPanes = 8, /// ///Set if sheet is selected in MS Excel. /// SheetSelected = 0x200, /// ///Set if sheet is visible in MS Excel. /// SheetVisible = 0x400, /// ///If set, MS Excel shows formulas. Otherwise, formula results are shown. /// ShowFormulas = 1, /// ///If set, MS Excel shows grid lines. /// ShowGridLines = 2, /// ///If set, MS Excel shows worksheet in page break preview. Otherwise, normal view is used. /// ShowInPageBreakPreview = 0x800, /// ///If set, MS Excel shows outline symbols. /// ShowOutlineSymbols = 0x80, /// ///If set, MS Excel shows row and column headers. /// ShowSheetHeaders = 4, /// ///If set, MS Excel shows zero values. Otherwise, zero values are shown as empty cells. /// ShowZeroValues = 0x10 } }