namespace com.azkoss.excellite { using System; /// ///Excel row contains row options and cell range with row cells. /// /// public sealed class ExcelRow : ExcelColumnRowBase { // Methods internal ExcelRow(ExcelRowCollection parent, ExcelRow sourceRow) : base(parent, sourceRow) { this.height = 0xff; this.height = sourceRow.height; this.cellCollection = new ExcelCellCollection(parent.Parent, sourceRow.cellCollection); } internal ExcelRow(ExcelRowCollection parent, int index) : base(parent, index) { this.height = 0xff; this.cellCollection = new ExcelCellCollection(parent.Parent); } /// ///Deletes this row from the worksheet. /// public void Delete() { ((ExcelRowCollection) base.Parent).DeleteInternal(base.Index); } /// ///Inserts specified number of copied rows before the current row. /// ///Number of rows to insert. ///Source row to copy. public void InsertCopy(int rowCount, ExcelRow sourceRow) { ((ExcelRowCollection) base.Parent).InsertInternal(base.Index, rowCount, sourceRow); } /// ///Inserts specified number of empty rows before the current row. /// ///Number of rows to insert. public void InsertEmpty(int rowCount) { ((ExcelRowCollection) base.Parent).InsertInternal(base.Index, rowCount, null); } // Properties /// ///Gets only currently allocated cells for this row. /// /// ///

Use this collection if you are reading entire Excel file (you don't know exact position of ///cells with data). If writing values, using Cells ///property is recommended.


This collection contains only allocated cells so it is faster as you avoid ///checking every single cell in a row. You still need to check if a specific cell contains ///any value (it can be empty).

/// Following code reads entire XLS file and displays all cells containing any data. ///Data types are also displayed. /// ///Dim ef As ExcelFile = New ExcelFile("..\TestWorkbook.xls") ///Dim sheet As ExcelWorksheet ///Dim row As ExcelRow ///Dim cell As ExcelCell /// ///For Each sheet In ef.Worksheets ///Console.WriteLine("--------- {0} ---------", sheet.Name) /// ///For Each row In sheet.Rows ///For Each cell In row.AllocatedCells ///If Not cell.Value Is Nothing Then ///Console.Write("{0}({1})", cell.Value, cell.Value.GetType().Name) ///End If /// ///Console.Write(vbTab) ///Next /// ///Console.WriteLine() ///Next ///Next /// /// ///ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile("..\\..\\TestWorkbook.xls"); /// ///foreach(ExcelWorksheet sheet in ef.Worksheets) ///{ ///Console.WriteLine("--------- {0} ---------", sheet.Name); /// ///foreach(ExcelRow row in sheet.Rows) ///{ ///foreach(ExcelCell cell in row.AllocatedCells) ///{ ///if(cell.Value != null) ///Console.Write("{0}({1})", cell.Value, cell.Value.GetType().Name); /// ///Console.Write("\t"); ///} /// ///Console.WriteLine(); ///} ///} /// /// /// /// public ExcelCellCollection AllocatedCells { get { return this.cellCollection; } } /// ///Gets cell range with row cells. /// /// Look at following code for cell referencing examples: /// ///Dim ws As ExcelWorksheet = excelFile.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet /// ///ws.Cells("B2").Value = "Cell B2." ///ws.Cells(6, 0).Value = "Cell in row 7 and column A." /// ///ws.Rows(2).Cells(0).Value = "Cell in row 3 and column A." ///ws.Rows("4").Cells("B").Value = "Cell in row 4 and column B." /// ///ws.Columns(2).Cells(4).Value = "Cell in column C and row 5." ///ws.Columns("AA").Cells("6").Value = "Cell in AA column and row 6." /// /// ///ExcelWorksheet ws = excelFile.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet; /// ///ws.Cells["B2"].Value = "Cell B2."; ///ws.Cells[6,0].Value = "Cell in row 7 and column A."; /// ///ws.Rows[2].Cells[0].Value = "Cell in row 3 and column A."; ///ws.Rows["4"].Cells["B"].Value = "Cell in row 4 and column B."; /// ///ws.Columns[2].Cells[4].Value = "Cell in column C and row 5."; ///ws.Columns["AA"].Cells["6"].Value = "Cell in AA column and row 6."; /// /// /// /// public CellRange Cells { get { if (this.cells == null) { this.cells = new CellRange(base.Parent.Parent, base.Index, 0, base.Index, 0xff); } return this.cells; } } /// ///Gets or sets row height. /// /// ///Unit is twip (1/20th of a point). /// public int Height { get { return this.height; } set { this.height = value; } } // Fields private ExcelCellCollection cellCollection; private CellRange cells; internal const int DefaultRowHeight = 0xff; private int height; } }