/* Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Paolo Patierno All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. Contributors: Paolo Patierno - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation */ using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Threading; using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Exceptions; using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Messages; using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Session; using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Utility; using uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Internal; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security.Authentication; using System.Net.Security; using System.Collections; // alias needed due to Microsoft.SPOT.Trace in .Net Micro Framework // (it's ambiguos with uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Utility.Trace) using MqttUtility = uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt.Utility; using System.IO; using NLog; namespace uPLibrary.Networking.M2Mqtt { /// /// MQTT Client /// public class MqttClient { private static Logger logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); /// /// Delagate that defines event handler for PUBLISH message received /// public delegate void MqttMsgPublishEventHandler(object sender, MqttMsgPublishEventArgs e); /// /// Delegate that defines event handler for published message /// public delegate void MqttMsgPublishedEventHandler(object sender, MqttMsgPublishedEventArgs e); /// /// Delagate that defines event handler for subscribed topic /// public delegate void MqttMsgSubscribedEventHandler(object sender, MqttMsgSubscribedEventArgs e); /// /// Delagate that defines event handler for unsubscribed topic /// public delegate void MqttMsgUnsubscribedEventHandler(object sender, MqttMsgUnsubscribedEventArgs e); /// /// Delegate that defines event handler for cliet/peer disconnection /// public delegate void ConnectionClosedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e); // broker hostname (or ip address) and port private string brokerHostName; private int brokerPort; // running status of threads private bool isRunning; // event for raising received message event private AutoResetEvent receiveEventWaitHandle; // event for starting process inflight queue asynchronously private AutoResetEvent inflightWaitHandle; // event for signaling synchronous receive AutoResetEvent syncEndReceiving; // message received MqttMsgBase msgReceived; // exeption thrown during receiving Exception exReceiving; // keep alive period (in ms) private int keepAlivePeriod; // events for signaling on keep alive thread private AutoResetEvent keepAliveEvent; private AutoResetEvent keepAliveEventEnd; // last communication time in ticks private int lastCommTime; // event for PUBLISH message received public event MqttMsgPublishEventHandler MqttMsgPublishReceived; // event for published message public event MqttMsgPublishedEventHandler MqttMsgPublished; // event for subscribed topic public event MqttMsgSubscribedEventHandler MqttMsgSubscribed; // event for unsubscribed topic public event MqttMsgUnsubscribedEventHandler MqttMsgUnsubscribed; // event for peer/client disconnection public event ConnectionClosedEventHandler ConnectionClosed; // channel to communicate over the network private IMqttNetworkChannel channel; // inflight messages queue private Queue inflightQueue; // internal queue for received messages about inflight messages private Queue internalQueue; // internal queue for dispatching events private Queue eventQueue; // session private MqttClientSession session; // reference to avoid access to singleton via property private MqttSettings settings; // current message identifier generated private ushort messageIdCounter = 0; // connection is closing due to peer private bool isConnectionClosing; /// /// Connection status between client and broker /// public bool IsConnected { get; private set; } /// /// Client identifier /// public string ClientId { get; private set; } /// /// Clean session flag /// public bool CleanSession { get; private set; } /// /// Will flag /// public bool WillFlag { get; private set; } /// /// Will QOS level /// public byte WillQosLevel { get; private set; } /// /// Will topic /// public string WillTopic { get; private set; } /// /// Will message /// public string WillMessage { get; private set; } /// /// MQTT protocol version /// public MqttProtocolVersion ProtocolVersion { get; set; } /// /// MQTT client settings /// public MqttSettings Settings { get { return this.settings; } } /// /// Constructor /// /// Broker IP address [Obsolete("Use this ctor MqttClient(string brokerHostName) insted")] public MqttClient(IPAddress brokerIpAddress) : this(brokerIpAddress, MqttSettings.MQTT_BROKER_DEFAULT_PORT, false, null, null, MqttSslProtocols.None) { } /// /// Constructor /// /// Broker IP address /// Broker port /// Using secure connection /// CA certificate for secure connection /// Client certificate /// SSL/TLS protocol version [Obsolete("Use this ctor MqttClient(string brokerHostName, int brokerPort, bool secure, X509Certificate caCert) insted")] public MqttClient(IPAddress brokerIpAddress, int brokerPort, bool secure, X509Certificate caCert, X509Certificate clientCert, MqttSslProtocols sslProtocol) { this.Init(brokerIpAddress.ToString(), brokerPort, secure, caCert, clientCert, sslProtocol, null, null); } /// /// Constructor /// /// Broker Host Name or IP Address public MqttClient(string brokerHostName) : this(brokerHostName, MqttSettings.MQTT_BROKER_DEFAULT_PORT, false, null, null, MqttSslProtocols.None) { } /// /// Constructor /// /// Broker Host Name or IP Address /// Broker port /// Using secure connection /// SSL/TLS protocol version /// CA certificate for secure connection /// Client certificate public MqttClient(string brokerHostName, int brokerPort, bool secure, X509Certificate caCert, X509Certificate clientCert, MqttSslProtocols sslProtocol) { this.Init(brokerHostName, brokerPort, secure, caCert, clientCert, sslProtocol, null, null); } /// /// Constructor /// /// Broker Host Name or IP Address /// Broker port /// Using secure connection /// CA certificate for secure connection /// Client certificate /// SSL/TLS protocol version /// A RemoteCertificateValidationCallback delegate responsible for validating the certificate supplied by the remote party public MqttClient(string brokerHostName, int brokerPort, bool secure, X509Certificate caCert, X509Certificate clientCert, MqttSslProtocols sslProtocol, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback userCertificateValidationCallback) : this(brokerHostName, brokerPort, secure, caCert, clientCert, sslProtocol, userCertificateValidationCallback, null) { } /// /// Constructor /// /// Broker Host Name or IP Address /// Broker port /// Using secure connection /// SSL/TLS protocol version /// A RemoteCertificateValidationCallback delegate responsible for validating the certificate supplied by the remote party /// A LocalCertificateSelectionCallback delegate responsible for selecting the certificate used for authentication public MqttClient(string brokerHostName, int brokerPort, bool secure, MqttSslProtocols sslProtocol, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback userCertificateValidationCallback, LocalCertificateSelectionCallback userCertificateSelectionCallback) : this(brokerHostName, brokerPort, secure, null, null, sslProtocol, userCertificateValidationCallback, userCertificateSelectionCallback) { } /// /// Constructor /// /// Broker Host Name or IP Address /// Broker port /// Using secure connection /// CA certificate for secure connection /// Client certificate /// SSL/TLS protocol version /// A RemoteCertificateValidationCallback delegate responsible for validating the certificate supplied by the remote party /// A LocalCertificateSelectionCallback delegate responsible for selecting the certificate used for authentication public MqttClient(string brokerHostName, int brokerPort, bool secure, X509Certificate caCert, X509Certificate clientCert, MqttSslProtocols sslProtocol, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback userCertificateValidationCallback, LocalCertificateSelectionCallback userCertificateSelectionCallback) { this.Init(brokerHostName, brokerPort, secure, caCert, clientCert, sslProtocol, userCertificateValidationCallback, userCertificateSelectionCallback); } /// /// MqttClient initialization /// /// Broker Host Name or IP Address /// Broker port /// >Using secure connection /// CA certificate for secure connection /// Client certificate /// SSL/TLS protocol version /// A RemoteCertificateValidationCallback delegate responsible for validating the certificate supplied by the remote party /// A LocalCertificateSelectionCallback delegate responsible for selecting the certificate used for authentication private void Init(string brokerHostName, int brokerPort, bool secure, X509Certificate caCert, X509Certificate clientCert, MqttSslProtocols sslProtocol, RemoteCertificateValidationCallback userCertificateValidationCallback, LocalCertificateSelectionCallback userCertificateSelectionCallback) { // set default MQTT protocol version (default is 3.1.1) this.ProtocolVersion = MqttProtocolVersion.Version_3_1_1; this.brokerHostName = brokerHostName; this.brokerPort = brokerPort; // reference to MQTT settings this.settings = MqttSettings.Instance; // set settings port based on secure connection or not if (!secure) this.settings.Port = this.brokerPort; else this.settings.SslPort = this.brokerPort; this.syncEndReceiving = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.keepAliveEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); // queue for handling inflight messages (publishing and acknowledge) this.inflightWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.inflightQueue = new Queue(); // queue for received message this.receiveEventWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); this.eventQueue = new Queue(); this.internalQueue = new Queue(); // session this.session = null; // create network channel this.channel = new MqttNetworkChannel(this.brokerHostName, this.brokerPort, secure, caCert, clientCert, sslProtocol, userCertificateValidationCallback, userCertificateSelectionCallback); } /// /// Connect to broker /// /// Client identifier /// Return code of CONNACK message from broker public byte Connect(string clientId) { return this.Connect(clientId, null, null, false, MqttMsgConnect.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE, false, null, null, true, MqttMsgConnect.KEEP_ALIVE_PERIOD_DEFAULT); } /// /// Connect to broker /// /// Client identifier /// Username /// Password /// Return code of CONNACK message from broker public byte Connect(string clientId, string username, string password) { return this.Connect(clientId, username, password, false, MqttMsgConnect.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE, false, null, null, true, MqttMsgConnect.KEEP_ALIVE_PERIOD_DEFAULT); } /// /// Connect to broker /// /// Client identifier /// Username /// Password /// Clean sessione flag /// Keep alive period /// Return code of CONNACK message from broker public byte Connect(string clientId, string username, string password, bool cleanSession, ushort keepAlivePeriod) { return this.Connect(clientId, username, password, false, MqttMsgConnect.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE, false, null, null, cleanSession, keepAlivePeriod); } /// /// Connect to broker /// /// Client identifier /// Username /// Password /// Will retain flag /// Will QOS level /// Will flag /// Will topic /// Will message /// Clean sessione flag /// Keep alive period /// Return code of CONNACK message from broker public byte Connect(string clientId, string username, string password, bool willRetain, byte willQosLevel, bool willFlag, string willTopic, string willMessage, bool cleanSession, ushort keepAlivePeriod) { // create CONNECT message MqttMsgConnect connect = new MqttMsgConnect(clientId, username, password, willRetain, willQosLevel, willFlag, willTopic, willMessage, cleanSession, keepAlivePeriod, (byte)this.ProtocolVersion); try { // connect to the broker this.channel.Connect(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new MqttConnectionException("Exception connecting to the broker", ex); } this.lastCommTime = 0; this.isRunning = true; this.isConnectionClosing = false; // start thread for receiving messages from broker Fx.StartThread(this.ReceiveThread); MqttMsgConnack connack = (MqttMsgConnack)this.SendReceive(connect); // if connection accepted, start keep alive timer and if (connack.ReturnCode == MqttMsgConnack.CONN_ACCEPTED) { // set all client properties this.ClientId = clientId; this.CleanSession = cleanSession; this.WillFlag = willFlag; this.WillTopic = willTopic; this.WillMessage = willMessage; this.WillQosLevel = willQosLevel; this.keepAlivePeriod = keepAlivePeriod * 1000; // convert in ms // restore previous session this.RestoreSession(); // keep alive period equals zero means turning off keep alive mechanism if (this.keepAlivePeriod != 0) { // start thread for sending keep alive message to the broker Fx.StartThread(this.KeepAliveThread); } // start thread for raising received message event from broker Fx.StartThread(this.DispatchEventThread); // start thread for handling inflight messages queue to broker asynchronously (publish and acknowledge) Fx.StartThread(this.ProcessInflightThread); this.IsConnected = true; } return connack.ReturnCode; } /// /// Disconnect from broker /// public void Disconnect() { MqttMsgDisconnect disconnect = new MqttMsgDisconnect(); this.Send(disconnect); // close client this.OnConnectionClosing(); } /// /// Close client /// private void Close() { // stop receiving thread this.isRunning = false; // wait end receive event thread if (this.receiveEventWaitHandle != null) this.receiveEventWaitHandle.Set(); // wait end process inflight thread if (this.inflightWaitHandle != null) this.inflightWaitHandle.Set(); // unlock keep alive thread and wait this.keepAliveEvent.Set(); if (this.keepAliveEventEnd != null) this.keepAliveEventEnd.WaitOne(); // clear all queues this.inflightQueue.Clear(); this.internalQueue.Clear(); this.eventQueue.Clear(); // close network channel this.channel.Close(); this.IsConnected = false; } /// /// Execute ping to broker for keep alive /// /// PINGRESP message from broker private MqttMsgPingResp Ping() { MqttMsgPingReq pingreq = new MqttMsgPingReq(); try { // broker must send PINGRESP within timeout equal to keep alive period return (MqttMsgPingResp)this.SendReceive(pingreq, this.keepAlivePeriod); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("Exception occurred: {0}" , e.ToString()); // client must close connection this.OnConnectionClosing(); return null; } } /// /// Subscribe for message topics /// /// List of topics to subscribe /// QOS levels related to topics /// Message Id related to SUBSCRIBE message public ushort Subscribe(string[] topics, byte[] qosLevels) { MqttMsgSubscribe subscribe = new MqttMsgSubscribe(topics, qosLevels); subscribe.MessageId = this.GetMessageId(); // enqueue subscribe request into the inflight queue this.EnqueueInflight(subscribe, MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish); return subscribe.MessageId; } /// /// Unsubscribe for message topics /// /// List of topics to unsubscribe /// Message Id in UNSUBACK message from broker public ushort Unsubscribe(string[] topics) { MqttMsgUnsubscribe unsubscribe = new MqttMsgUnsubscribe(topics); unsubscribe.MessageId = this.GetMessageId(); // enqueue unsubscribe request into the inflight queue this.EnqueueInflight(unsubscribe, MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish); return unsubscribe.MessageId; } /// /// Publish a message asynchronously (QoS Level 0 and not retained) /// /// Message topic /// Message data (payload) /// Message Id related to PUBLISH message public ushort Publish(string topic, byte[] message) { return this.Publish(topic, message, MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE, false); } /// /// Publish a message asynchronously /// /// Message topic /// Message data (payload) /// QoS Level /// Retain flag /// Message Id related to PUBLISH message public ushort Publish(string topic, byte[] message, byte qosLevel, bool retain) { MqttMsgPublish publish = new MqttMsgPublish(topic, message, false, qosLevel, retain); publish.MessageId = this.GetMessageId(); // enqueue message to publish into the inflight queue bool enqueue = this.EnqueueInflight(publish, MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish); // message enqueued if (enqueue) return publish.MessageId; // infligh queue full, message not enqueued else throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.InflightQueueFull); } /// /// Wrapper method for raising events /// /// Internal event private void OnInternalEvent(InternalEvent internalEvent) { lock (this.eventQueue) { this.eventQueue.Enqueue(internalEvent); } this.receiveEventWaitHandle.Set(); } /// /// Wrapper method for raising closing connection event /// private void OnConnectionClosing() { if (!this.isConnectionClosing) { this.isConnectionClosing = true; this.receiveEventWaitHandle.Set(); } } /// /// Wrapper method for raising PUBLISH message received event /// /// PUBLISH message received private void OnMqttMsgPublishReceived(MqttMsgPublish publish) { if (this.MqttMsgPublishReceived != null) { this.MqttMsgPublishReceived(this, new MqttMsgPublishEventArgs(publish.Topic, publish.Message, publish.DupFlag, publish.QosLevel, publish.Retain)); } } /// /// Wrapper method for raising published message event /// /// Message identifier for published message /// Publish flag private void OnMqttMsgPublished(ushort messageId, bool isPublished) { if (this.MqttMsgPublished != null) { this.MqttMsgPublished(this, new MqttMsgPublishedEventArgs(messageId, isPublished)); } } /// /// Wrapper method for raising subscribed topic event /// /// SUBACK message received private void OnMqttMsgSubscribed(MqttMsgSuback suback) { if (this.MqttMsgSubscribed != null) { this.MqttMsgSubscribed(this, new MqttMsgSubscribedEventArgs(suback.MessageId, suback.GrantedQoSLevels)); } } /// /// Wrapper method for raising unsubscribed topic event /// /// Message identifier for unsubscribed topic private void OnMqttMsgUnsubscribed(ushort messageId) { if (this.MqttMsgUnsubscribed != null) { this.MqttMsgUnsubscribed(this, new MqttMsgUnsubscribedEventArgs(messageId)); } } /// /// Wrapper method for peer/client disconnection /// private void OnConnectionClosed() { if (this.ConnectionClosed != null) { this.ConnectionClosed(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } /// /// Send a message /// /// Message bytes private void Send(byte[] msgBytes) { try { // send message this.channel.Send(msgBytes); // update last message sent ticks this.lastCommTime = Environment.TickCount; } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("MqttCommunicationException: {0}" , e.ToString()); //throw new MqttCommunicationException(e); } } /// /// Send a message /// /// Message private void Send(MqttMsgBase msg) { logger.Debug("SEND {0}" , msg); this.Send(msg.GetBytes((byte)this.ProtocolVersion)); } /// /// Send a message to the broker and wait answer /// /// Message bytes /// MQTT message response private MqttMsgBase SendReceive(byte[] msgBytes) { return this.SendReceive(msgBytes, MqttSettings.MQTT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } /// /// Send a message to the broker and wait answer /// /// Message bytes /// Timeout for receiving answer /// MQTT message response private MqttMsgBase SendReceive(byte[] msgBytes, int timeout) { // reset handle before sending this.syncEndReceiving.Reset(); try { // send message this.channel.Send(msgBytes); // update last message sent ticks this.lastCommTime = Environment.TickCount; } catch (Exception e) { if (typeof(SocketException) == e.GetType()) { // connection reset by broker if (((SocketException)e).SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset) this.IsConnected = false; } logger.Error("Exception occurred: {0}" , e.ToString()); throw new MqttCommunicationException(e); } // wait for answer from broker if (this.syncEndReceiving.WaitOne(timeout)) { // message received without exception if (this.exReceiving == null) return this.msgReceived; // receiving thread catched exception else throw this.exReceiving; } else { // throw timeout exception throw new MqttCommunicationException(); } } /// /// Send a message to the broker and wait answer /// /// Message /// MQTT message response private MqttMsgBase SendReceive(MqttMsgBase msg) { return this.SendReceive(msg, MqttSettings.MQTT_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } /// /// Send a message to the broker and wait answer /// /// Message /// Timeout for receiving answer /// MQTT message response private MqttMsgBase SendReceive(MqttMsgBase msg, int timeout) { logger.Debug("SEND {0}" , msg); return this.SendReceive(msg.GetBytes((byte)this.ProtocolVersion), timeout); } /// /// Enqueue a message into the inflight queue /// /// Message to enqueue /// Message flow (publish, acknowledge) /// Message enqueued or not private bool EnqueueInflight(MqttMsgBase msg, MqttMsgFlow flow) { // enqueue is needed (or not) bool enqueue = true; // if it is a PUBLISH message with QoS Level 2 if ((msg.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) && (msg.QosLevel == MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE)) { lock (this.inflightQueue) { // if it is a PUBLISH message already received (it is in the inflight queue), the publisher // re-sent it because it didn't received the PUBREC. In this case, we have to re-send PUBREC // NOTE : I need to find on message id and flow because the broker could be publish/received // to/from client and message id could be the same (one tracked by broker and the other by client) MqttMsgContextFinder msgCtxFinder = new MqttMsgContextFinder(msg.MessageId, MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge); MqttMsgContext msgCtx = (MqttMsgContext)this.inflightQueue.Get(msgCtxFinder.Find); // the PUBLISH message is alredy in the inflight queue, we don't need to re-enqueue but we need // to change state to re-send PUBREC if (msgCtx != null) { msgCtx.State = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos2; msgCtx.Flow = MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge; enqueue = false; } } } if (enqueue) { // set a default state MqttMsgState state = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos0; // based on QoS level, the messages flow between broker and client changes switch (msg.QosLevel) { // QoS Level 0 case MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE: state = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos0; break; // QoS Level 1 case MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_LEAST_ONCE: state = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos1; break; // QoS Level 2 case MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE: state = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos2; break; } // [v3.1.1] SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE aren't "officially" QOS = 1 // so QueuedQos1 state isn't valid for them if (msg.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIBE_TYPE) state = MqttMsgState.SendSubscribe; else if (msg.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE_TYPE) state = MqttMsgState.SendUnsubscribe; // queue message context MqttMsgContext msgContext = new MqttMsgContext() { Message = msg, State = state, Flow = flow, Attempt = 0 }; lock (this.inflightQueue) { // check number of messages inside inflight queue enqueue = (this.inflightQueue.Count < this.settings.InflightQueueSize); if (enqueue) { // enqueue message and unlock send thread this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); logger.Debug("enqueued {0}" , msg); // PUBLISH message if (msg.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) { // to publish and QoS level 1 or 2 if ((msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) && ((msg.QosLevel == MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_LEAST_ONCE) || (msg.QosLevel == MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE))) { if (this.session != null) this.session.InflightMessages.Add(msgContext.Key, msgContext); } // to acknowledge and QoS level 2 else if ((msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge) && (msg.QosLevel == MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE)) { if (this.session != null) this.session.InflightMessages.Add(msgContext.Key, msgContext); } } } } } this.inflightWaitHandle.Set(); return enqueue; } /// /// Enqueue a message into the internal queue /// /// Message to enqueue private void EnqueueInternal(MqttMsgBase msg) { // enqueue is needed (or not) bool enqueue = true; // if it is a PUBREL message (for QoS Level 2) if (msg.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREL_TYPE) { lock (this.inflightQueue) { // if it is a PUBREL but the corresponding PUBLISH isn't in the inflight queue, // it means that we processed PUBLISH message and received PUBREL and we sent PUBCOMP // but publisher didn't receive PUBCOMP so it re-sent PUBREL. We need only to re-send PUBCOMP. // NOTE : I need to find on message id and flow because the broker could be publish/received // to/from client and message id could be the same (one tracked by broker and the other by client) MqttMsgContextFinder msgCtxFinder = new MqttMsgContextFinder(msg.MessageId, MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge); MqttMsgContext msgCtx = (MqttMsgContext)this.inflightQueue.Get(msgCtxFinder.Find); // the PUBLISH message isn't in the inflight queue, it was already processed so // we need to re-send PUBCOMP only if (msgCtx == null) { MqttMsgPubcomp pubcomp = new MqttMsgPubcomp(); pubcomp.MessageId = msg.MessageId; this.Send(pubcomp); enqueue = false; } } } // if it is a PUBCOMP message (for QoS Level 2) else if (msg.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBCOMP_TYPE) { lock (this.inflightQueue) { // if it is a PUBCOMP but the corresponding PUBLISH isn't in the inflight queue, // it means that we sent PUBLISH message, sent PUBREL (after receiving PUBREC) and already received PUBCOMP // but publisher didn't receive PUBREL so it re-sent PUBCOMP. We need only to ignore this PUBCOMP. // NOTE : I need to find on message id and flow because the broker could be publish/received // to/from client and message id could be the same (one tracked by broker and the other by client) MqttMsgContextFinder msgCtxFinder = new MqttMsgContextFinder(msg.MessageId, MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish); MqttMsgContext msgCtx = (MqttMsgContext)this.inflightQueue.Get(msgCtxFinder.Find); // the PUBLISH message isn't in the inflight queue, it was already sent so we need to ignore this PUBCOMP if (msgCtx == null) { enqueue = false; } } } // if it is a PUBREC message (for QoS Level 2) else if (msg.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREC_TYPE) { lock (this.inflightQueue) { // if it is a PUBREC but the corresponding PUBLISH isn't in the inflight queue, // it means that we sent PUBLISH message more times (retries) but broker didn't send PUBREC in time // the publish is failed and we need only to ignore this PUBREC. // NOTE : I need to find on message id and flow because the broker could be publish/received // to/from client and message id could be the same (one tracked by broker and the other by client) MqttMsgContextFinder msgCtxFinder = new MqttMsgContextFinder(msg.MessageId, MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish); MqttMsgContext msgCtx = (MqttMsgContext)this.inflightQueue.Get(msgCtxFinder.Find); // the PUBLISH message isn't in the inflight queue, it was already sent so we need to ignore this PUBREC if (msgCtx == null) { enqueue = false; } } } if (enqueue) { lock (this.internalQueue) { this.internalQueue.Enqueue(msg); logger.Debug("enqueued {0}" , msg); this.inflightWaitHandle.Set(); } } } /// /// Thread for receiving messages /// private void ReceiveThread() { int readBytes = 0; byte[] fixedHeaderFirstByte = new byte[1]; byte msgType; while (this.isRunning) { try { // read first byte (fixed header) readBytes = this.channel.Receive(fixedHeaderFirstByte); if (readBytes > 0) { // extract message type from received byte msgType = (byte)((fixedHeaderFirstByte[0] & MqttMsgBase.MSG_TYPE_MASK) >> MqttMsgBase.MSG_TYPE_OFFSET); switch (msgType) { // CONNECT message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_CONNECT_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); // CONNACK message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_CONNACK_TYPE: this.msgReceived = MqttMsgConnack.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , this.msgReceived); this.syncEndReceiving.Set(); break; // PINGREQ message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PINGREQ_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); // PINGRESP message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PINGRESP_TYPE: this.msgReceived = MqttMsgPingResp.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , this.msgReceived); this.syncEndReceiving.Set(); break; // SUBSCRIBE message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIBE_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); // SUBACK message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBACK_TYPE: // enqueue SUBACK message received (for QoS Level 1) into the internal queue MqttMsgSuback suback = MqttMsgSuback.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , suback); // enqueue SUBACK message into the internal queue this.EnqueueInternal(suback); break; // PUBLISH message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE: MqttMsgPublish publish = MqttMsgPublish.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , publish); // enqueue PUBLISH message to acknowledge into the inflight queue this.EnqueueInflight(publish, MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge); break; // PUBACK message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBACK_TYPE: // enqueue PUBACK message received (for QoS Level 1) into the internal queue MqttMsgPuback puback = MqttMsgPuback.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , puback); // enqueue PUBACK message into the internal queue this.EnqueueInternal(puback); break; // PUBREC message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREC_TYPE: // enqueue PUBREC message received (for QoS Level 2) into the internal queue MqttMsgPubrec pubrec = MqttMsgPubrec.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , pubrec); // enqueue PUBREC message into the internal queue this.EnqueueInternal(pubrec); break; // PUBREL message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREL_TYPE: // enqueue PUBREL message received (for QoS Level 2) into the internal queue MqttMsgPubrel pubrel = MqttMsgPubrel.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , pubrel); // enqueue PUBREL message into the internal queue this.EnqueueInternal(pubrel); break; // PUBCOMP message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBCOMP_TYPE: // enqueue PUBCOMP message received (for QoS Level 2) into the internal queue MqttMsgPubcomp pubcomp = MqttMsgPubcomp.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , pubcomp); // enqueue PUBCOMP message into the internal queue this.EnqueueInternal(pubcomp); break; // UNSUBSCRIBE message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); // UNSUBACK message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBACK_TYPE: // enqueue UNSUBACK message received (for QoS Level 1) into the internal queue MqttMsgUnsuback unsuback = MqttMsgUnsuback.Parse(fixedHeaderFirstByte[0], (byte)this.ProtocolVersion, this.channel); logger.Debug("RECV {0}" , unsuback); // enqueue UNSUBACK message into the internal queue this.EnqueueInternal(unsuback); break; // DISCONNECT message received case MqttMsgDisconnect.MQTT_MSG_DISCONNECT_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); default: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); } this.exReceiving = null; } // zero bytes read, peer gracefully closed socket else { // wake up thread that will notify connection is closing this.OnConnectionClosing(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Debug("Exception occurred: {0}" , e.ToString()); this.exReceiving = new MqttCommunicationException(e); bool close = false; if (e.GetType() == typeof(MqttClientException)) { // [v3.1.1] scenarios the receiver MUST close the network connection MqttClientException ex = e as MqttClientException; close = ((ex.ErrorCode == MqttClientErrorCode.InvalidFlagBits) || (ex.ErrorCode == MqttClientErrorCode.InvalidProtocolName) || (ex.ErrorCode == MqttClientErrorCode.InvalidConnectFlags)); } else if ((e.GetType() == typeof(IOException)) || (e.GetType() == typeof(SocketException)) || ((e.InnerException != null) && (e.InnerException.GetType() == typeof(SocketException)))) // added for SSL/TLS incoming connection that use SslStream that wraps SocketException { close = true; } if (close) { // wake up thread that will notify connection is closing this.OnConnectionClosing(); } } } } /// /// Thread for handling keep alive message /// private void KeepAliveThread() { int delta = 0; int wait = this.keepAlivePeriod; // create event to signal that current thread is end this.keepAliveEventEnd = new AutoResetEvent(false); while (this.isRunning) { // waiting... this.keepAliveEvent.WaitOne(wait); if (this.isRunning) { delta = Environment.TickCount - this.lastCommTime; // if timeout exceeded ... if (delta >= this.keepAlivePeriod) { // ... send keep alive this.Ping(); wait = this.keepAlivePeriod; } else { // update waiting time wait = this.keepAlivePeriod - delta; } } } // signal thread end this.keepAliveEventEnd.Set(); } /// /// Thread for raising event /// private void DispatchEventThread() { while (this.isRunning) { if ((this.eventQueue.Count == 0) && !this.isConnectionClosing) // wait on receiving message from client this.receiveEventWaitHandle.WaitOne(); // check if it is running or we are closing client if (this.isRunning) { // get event from queue InternalEvent internalEvent = null; lock (this.eventQueue) { if (this.eventQueue.Count > 0) internalEvent = (InternalEvent)this.eventQueue.Dequeue(); } // it's an event with a message inside if (internalEvent != null) { MqttMsgBase msg = ((MsgInternalEvent)internalEvent).Message; if (msg != null) { switch (msg.Type) { // CONNECT message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_CONNECT_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); // SUBSCRIBE message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIBE_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); // SUBACK message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBACK_TYPE: // raise subscribed topic event (SUBACK message received) this.OnMqttMsgSubscribed((MqttMsgSuback)msg); break; // PUBLISH message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE: // PUBLISH message received in a published internal event, no publish succeeded if (internalEvent.GetType() == typeof(MsgPublishedInternalEvent)) this.OnMqttMsgPublished(msg.MessageId, false); else // raise PUBLISH message received event this.OnMqttMsgPublishReceived((MqttMsgPublish)msg); break; // PUBACK message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBACK_TYPE: // raise published message event // (PUBACK received for QoS Level 1) this.OnMqttMsgPublished(msg.MessageId, true); break; // PUBREL message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREL_TYPE: // raise message received event // (PUBREL received for QoS Level 2) this.OnMqttMsgPublishReceived((MqttMsgPublish)msg); break; // PUBCOMP message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBCOMP_TYPE: // raise published message event // (PUBCOMP received for QoS Level 2) this.OnMqttMsgPublished(msg.MessageId, true); break; // UNSUBSCRIBE message received from client case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); // UNSUBACK message received case MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBACK_TYPE: // raise unsubscribed topic event this.OnMqttMsgUnsubscribed(msg.MessageId); break; // DISCONNECT message received from client case MqttMsgDisconnect.MQTT_MSG_DISCONNECT_TYPE: throw new MqttClientException(MqttClientErrorCode.WrongBrokerMessage); } } } // all events for received messages dispatched, check if there is closing connection if ((this.eventQueue.Count == 0) && this.isConnectionClosing) { // client must close connection this.Close(); // client raw disconnection this.OnConnectionClosed(); } } } } /// /// Process inflight messages queue /// private void ProcessInflightThread() { MqttMsgContext msgContext = null; MqttMsgBase msgInflight = null; MqttMsgBase msgReceived = null; InternalEvent internalEvent = null; bool acknowledge = false; int timeout = Timeout.Infinite; int delta; bool msgReceivedProcessed = false; try { while (this.isRunning) { // wait on message queueud to inflight this.inflightWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout); // it could be unblocked because Close() method is joining if (this.isRunning) { lock (this.inflightQueue) { // message received and peeked from internal queue is processed // NOTE : it has the corresponding message in inflight queue based on messageId // (ex. a PUBREC for a PUBLISH, a SUBACK for a SUBSCRIBE, ...) // if it's orphan we need to remove from internal queue msgReceivedProcessed = false; acknowledge = false; msgReceived = null; // set timeout tu MaxValue instead of Infinte (-1) to perform // compare with calcultad current msgTimeout timeout = Int32.MaxValue; // a message inflight could be re-enqueued but we have to // analyze it only just one time for cycle int count = this.inflightQueue.Count; // process all inflight queued messages while (count > 0) { count--; acknowledge = false; msgReceived = null; // check to be sure that client isn't closing and all queues are now empty ! if (!this.isRunning) break; // dequeue message context from queue msgContext = (MqttMsgContext)this.inflightQueue.Dequeue(); // get inflight message msgInflight = (MqttMsgBase)msgContext.Message; switch (msgContext.State) { case MqttMsgState.QueuedQos0: // QoS 0, PUBLISH message to send to broker, no state change, no acknowledge if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) { this.Send(msgInflight); } // QoS 0, no need acknowledge else if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge) { internalEvent = new MsgInternalEvent(msgInflight); // notify published message from broker (no need acknowledged) this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); } logger.Debug("processed {0}" , msgInflight); break; case MqttMsgState.QueuedQos1: // [v3.1.1] SUBSCRIBE and UNSIBSCRIBE aren't "officially" QOS = 1 case MqttMsgState.SendSubscribe: case MqttMsgState.SendUnsubscribe: // QoS 1, PUBLISH or SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE message to send to broker, state change to wait PUBACK or SUBACK/UNSUBACK if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) { msgContext.Timestamp = Environment.TickCount; msgContext.Attempt++; if (msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) { // PUBLISH message to send, wait for PUBACK msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.WaitForPuback; // retry ? set dup flag [v3.1.1] only for PUBLISH message if (msgContext.Attempt > 1) msgInflight.DupFlag = true; } else if (msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIBE_TYPE) // SUBSCRIBE message to send, wait for SUBACK msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.WaitForSuback; else if (msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE_TYPE) // UNSUBSCRIBE message to send, wait for UNSUBACK msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.WaitForUnsuback; this.Send(msgInflight); // update timeout : minimum between delay (based on current message sent) or current timeout timeout = (this.settings.DelayOnRetry < timeout) ? this.settings.DelayOnRetry : timeout; // re-enqueue message (I have to re-analyze for receiving PUBACK, SUBACK or UNSUBACK) this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } // QoS 1, PUBLISH message received from broker to acknowledge, send PUBACK else if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge) { MqttMsgPuback puback = new MqttMsgPuback(); puback.MessageId = msgInflight.MessageId; this.Send(puback); internalEvent = new MsgInternalEvent(msgInflight); // notify published message from broker and acknowledged this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); logger.Debug("processed {0}" , msgInflight); } break; case MqttMsgState.QueuedQos2: // QoS 2, PUBLISH message to send to broker, state change to wait PUBREC if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) { msgContext.Timestamp = Environment.TickCount; msgContext.Attempt++; msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.WaitForPubrec; // retry ? set dup flag if (msgContext.Attempt > 1) msgInflight.DupFlag = true; this.Send(msgInflight); // update timeout : minimum between delay (based on current message sent) or current timeout timeout = (this.settings.DelayOnRetry < timeout) ? this.settings.DelayOnRetry : timeout; // re-enqueue message (I have to re-analyze for receiving PUBREC) this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } // QoS 2, PUBLISH message received from broker to acknowledge, send PUBREC, state change to wait PUBREL else if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge) { MqttMsgPubrec pubrec = new MqttMsgPubrec(); pubrec.MessageId = msgInflight.MessageId; msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.WaitForPubrel; this.Send(pubrec); // re-enqueue message (I have to re-analyze for receiving PUBREL) this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } break; case MqttMsgState.WaitForPuback: case MqttMsgState.WaitForSuback: case MqttMsgState.WaitForUnsuback: // QoS 1, waiting for PUBACK of a PUBLISH message sent or // waiting for SUBACK of a SUBSCRIBE message sent or // waiting for UNSUBACK of a UNSUBSCRIBE message sent or if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) { acknowledge = false; lock (this.internalQueue) { if (this.internalQueue.Count > 0) msgReceived = (MqttMsgBase)this.internalQueue.Peek(); } // it is a PUBACK message or a SUBACK/UNSUBACK message if (msgReceived != null) { // PUBACK message or SUBACK/UNSUBACK message for the current message if (((msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBACK_TYPE) && (msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) && (msgReceived.MessageId == msgInflight.MessageId)) || ((msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBACK_TYPE) && (msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_SUBSCRIBE_TYPE) && (msgReceived.MessageId == msgInflight.MessageId)) || ((msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBACK_TYPE) && (msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE_TYPE) && (msgReceived.MessageId == msgInflight.MessageId))) { lock (this.internalQueue) { // received message processed this.internalQueue.Dequeue(); acknowledge = true; msgReceivedProcessed = true; logger.Debug("dequeued {0}" , msgReceived); } // if PUBACK received, confirm published with flag if (msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBACK_TYPE) internalEvent = new MsgPublishedInternalEvent(msgReceived, true); else internalEvent = new MsgInternalEvent(msgReceived); // notify received acknowledge from broker of a published message or subscribe/unsubscribe message this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); // PUBACK received for PUBLISH message with QoS Level 1, remove from session state if ((msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) && (this.session != null) && (this.session.InflightMessages.ContainsKey(msgContext.Key))) { this.session.InflightMessages.Remove(msgContext.Key); } logger.Debug("processed {0}" , msgInflight); } } // current message not acknowledged, no PUBACK or SUBACK/UNSUBACK or not equal messageid if (!acknowledge) { delta = Environment.TickCount - msgContext.Timestamp; // check timeout for receiving PUBACK since PUBLISH was sent or // for receiving SUBACK since SUBSCRIBE was sent or // for receiving UNSUBACK since UNSUBSCRIBE was sent if (delta >= this.settings.DelayOnRetry) { // max retry not reached, resend if (msgContext.Attempt < this.settings.AttemptsOnRetry) { msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos1; // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); // update timeout (0 -> reanalyze queue immediately) timeout = 0; } else { // if PUBACK for a PUBLISH message not received after retries, raise event for not published if (msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) { // PUBACK not received in time, PUBLISH retries failed, need to remove from session inflight messages too if ((this.session != null) && (this.session.InflightMessages.ContainsKey(msgContext.Key))) { this.session.InflightMessages.Remove(msgContext.Key); } internalEvent = new MsgPublishedInternalEvent(msgInflight, false); // notify not received acknowledge from broker and message not published this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); } // NOTE : not raise events for SUBACK or UNSUBACK not received // for the user no event raised means subscribe/unsubscribe failed } } else { // re-enqueue message (I have to re-analyze for receiving PUBACK, SUBACK or UNSUBACK) this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); // update timeout int msgTimeout = (this.settings.DelayOnRetry - delta); timeout = (msgTimeout < timeout) ? msgTimeout : timeout; } } } break; case MqttMsgState.WaitForPubrec: // QoS 2, waiting for PUBREC of a PUBLISH message sent if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) { acknowledge = false; lock (this.internalQueue) { if (this.internalQueue.Count > 0) msgReceived = (MqttMsgBase)this.internalQueue.Peek(); } // it is a PUBREC message if ((msgReceived != null) && (msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREC_TYPE)) { // PUBREC message for the current PUBLISH message, send PUBREL, wait for PUBCOMP if (msgReceived.MessageId == msgInflight.MessageId) { lock (this.internalQueue) { // received message processed this.internalQueue.Dequeue(); acknowledge = true; msgReceivedProcessed = true; logger.Debug("dequeued {0}" , msgReceived); } MqttMsgPubrel pubrel = new MqttMsgPubrel(); pubrel.MessageId = msgInflight.MessageId; msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.WaitForPubcomp; msgContext.Timestamp = Environment.TickCount; msgContext.Attempt = 1; this.Send(pubrel); // update timeout : minimum between delay (based on current message sent) or current timeout timeout = (this.settings.DelayOnRetry < timeout) ? this.settings.DelayOnRetry : timeout; // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } } // current message not acknowledged if (!acknowledge) { delta = Environment.TickCount - msgContext.Timestamp; // check timeout for receiving PUBREC since PUBLISH was sent if (delta >= this.settings.DelayOnRetry) { // max retry not reached, resend if (msgContext.Attempt < this.settings.AttemptsOnRetry) { msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos2; // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); // update timeout (0 -> reanalyze queue immediately) timeout = 0; } else { // PUBREC not received in time, PUBLISH retries failed, need to remove from session inflight messages too if ((this.session != null) && (this.session.InflightMessages.ContainsKey(msgContext.Key))) { this.session.InflightMessages.Remove(msgContext.Key); } // if PUBREC for a PUBLISH message not received after retries, raise event for not published internalEvent = new MsgPublishedInternalEvent(msgInflight, false); // notify not received acknowledge from broker and message not published this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); } } else { // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); // update timeout int msgTimeout = (this.settings.DelayOnRetry - delta); timeout = (msgTimeout < timeout) ? msgTimeout : timeout; } } } break; case MqttMsgState.WaitForPubrel: // QoS 2, waiting for PUBREL of a PUBREC message sent if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToAcknowledge) { lock (this.internalQueue) { if (this.internalQueue.Count > 0) msgReceived = (MqttMsgBase)this.internalQueue.Peek(); } // it is a PUBREL message if ((msgReceived != null) && (msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREL_TYPE)) { // PUBREL message for the current message, send PUBCOMP if (msgReceived.MessageId == msgInflight.MessageId) { lock (this.internalQueue) { // received message processed this.internalQueue.Dequeue(); msgReceivedProcessed = true; logger.Debug("dequeued {0}" , msgReceived); } MqttMsgPubcomp pubcomp = new MqttMsgPubcomp(); pubcomp.MessageId = msgInflight.MessageId; this.Send(pubcomp); internalEvent = new MsgInternalEvent(msgInflight); // notify published message from broker and acknowledged this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); // PUBREL received (and PUBCOMP sent) for PUBLISH message with QoS Level 2, remove from session state if ((msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) && (this.session != null) && (this.session.InflightMessages.ContainsKey(msgContext.Key))) { this.session.InflightMessages.Remove(msgContext.Key); } logger.Debug("processed {0}" , msgInflight); } else { // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } } else { // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } } break; case MqttMsgState.WaitForPubcomp: // QoS 2, waiting for PUBCOMP of a PUBREL message sent if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) { acknowledge = false; lock (this.internalQueue) { if (this.internalQueue.Count > 0) msgReceived = (MqttMsgBase)this.internalQueue.Peek(); } // it is a PUBCOMP message if ((msgReceived != null) && (msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBCOMP_TYPE)) { // PUBCOMP message for the current message if (msgReceived.MessageId == msgInflight.MessageId) { lock (this.internalQueue) { // received message processed this.internalQueue.Dequeue(); acknowledge = true; msgReceivedProcessed = true; logger.Debug("dequeued {0}" , msgReceived); } internalEvent = new MsgPublishedInternalEvent(msgReceived, true); // notify received acknowledge from broker of a published message this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); // PUBCOMP received for PUBLISH message with QoS Level 2, remove from session state if ((msgInflight.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) && (this.session != null) && (this.session.InflightMessages.ContainsKey(msgContext.Key))) { this.session.InflightMessages.Remove(msgContext.Key); } logger.Debug("processed {0}" , msgInflight); } } // it is a PUBREC message else if ((msgReceived != null) && (msgReceived.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBREC_TYPE)) { // another PUBREC message for the current message due to a retransmitted PUBLISH // I'm in waiting for PUBCOMP, so I can discard this PUBREC if (msgReceived.MessageId == msgInflight.MessageId) { lock (this.internalQueue) { // received message processed this.internalQueue.Dequeue(); acknowledge = true; msgReceivedProcessed = true; logger.Debug("dequeued {0}" , msgReceived); // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } } } // current message not acknowledged if (!acknowledge) { delta = Environment.TickCount - msgContext.Timestamp; // check timeout for receiving PUBCOMP since PUBREL was sent if (delta >= this.settings.DelayOnRetry) { // max retry not reached, resend if (msgContext.Attempt < this.settings.AttemptsOnRetry) { msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.SendPubrel; // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); // update timeout (0 -> reanalyze queue immediately) timeout = 0; } else { // PUBCOMP not received, PUBREL retries failed, need to remove from session inflight messages too if ((this.session != null) && (this.session.InflightMessages.ContainsKey(msgContext.Key))) { this.session.InflightMessages.Remove(msgContext.Key); } // if PUBCOMP for a PUBLISH message not received after retries, raise event for not published internalEvent = new MsgPublishedInternalEvent(msgInflight, false); // notify not received acknowledge from broker and message not published this.OnInternalEvent(internalEvent); } } else { // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); // update timeout int msgTimeout = (this.settings.DelayOnRetry - delta); timeout = (msgTimeout < timeout) ? msgTimeout : timeout; } } } break; case MqttMsgState.SendPubrec: // TODO : impossible ? --> QueuedQos2 ToAcknowledge break; case MqttMsgState.SendPubrel: // QoS 2, PUBREL message to send to broker, state change to wait PUBCOMP if (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish) { MqttMsgPubrel pubrel = new MqttMsgPubrel(); pubrel.MessageId = msgInflight.MessageId; msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.WaitForPubcomp; msgContext.Timestamp = Environment.TickCount; msgContext.Attempt++; // retry ? set dup flag [v3.1.1] no needed if (this.ProtocolVersion == MqttProtocolVersion.Version_3_1) { if (msgContext.Attempt > 1) pubrel.DupFlag = true; } this.Send(pubrel); // update timeout : minimum between delay (based on current message sent) or current timeout timeout = (this.settings.DelayOnRetry < timeout) ? this.settings.DelayOnRetry : timeout; // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); } break; case MqttMsgState.SendPubcomp: // TODO : impossible ? break; case MqttMsgState.SendPuback: // TODO : impossible ? --> QueuedQos1 ToAcknowledge break; default: break; } } // if calculated timeout is MaxValue, it means that must be Infinite (-1) if (timeout == Int32.MaxValue) timeout = Timeout.Infinite; // if message received is orphan, no corresponding message in inflight queue // based on messageId, we need to remove from the queue if ((msgReceived != null) && !msgReceivedProcessed) { this.internalQueue.Dequeue(); logger.Debug("dequeued {0} orphan" , msgReceived); } } } } } catch (MqttCommunicationException e) { // possible exception on Send, I need to re-enqueue not sent message if (msgContext != null) // re-enqueue message this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); logger.Debug("Exception occurred: {0}" , e.ToString()); // raise disconnection client event this.OnConnectionClosing(); } } /// /// Restore session /// private void RestoreSession() { // if not clean session if (!this.CleanSession) { // there is a previous session if (this.session != null) { lock (this.inflightQueue) { foreach (MqttMsgContext msgContext in this.session.InflightMessages.Values) { this.inflightQueue.Enqueue(msgContext); // if it is a PUBLISH message to publish if ((msgContext.Message.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) && (msgContext.Flow == MqttMsgFlow.ToPublish)) { // it's QoS 1 and we haven't received PUBACK if ((msgContext.Message.QosLevel == MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_LEAST_ONCE) && (msgContext.State == MqttMsgState.WaitForPuback)) { // we haven't received PUBACK, we need to resend PUBLISH message msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos1; } // it's QoS 2 else if (msgContext.Message.QosLevel == MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_EXACTLY_ONCE) { // we haven't received PUBREC, we need to resend PUBLISH message if (msgContext.State == MqttMsgState.WaitForPubrec) { msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.QueuedQos2; } // we haven't received PUBCOMP, we need to resend PUBREL for it else if (msgContext.State == MqttMsgState.WaitForPubcomp) { msgContext.State = MqttMsgState.SendPubrel; } } } } } // unlock process inflight queue this.inflightWaitHandle.Set(); } else { // create new session this.session = new MqttClientSession(this.ClientId); } } // clean any previous session else { if (this.session != null) this.session.Clear(); } } /// /// Generate the next message identifier /// /// Message identifier private ushort GetMessageId() { // if 0 or max UInt16, it becomes 1 (first valid messageId) this.messageIdCounter = ((this.messageIdCounter % UInt16.MaxValue) != 0) ? (ushort)(this.messageIdCounter + 1) : (ushort)1; return this.messageIdCounter; } /// /// Finder class for PUBLISH message inside a queue /// internal class MqttMsgContextFinder { // PUBLISH message id internal ushort MessageId { get; set; } // message flow into inflight queue internal MqttMsgFlow Flow { get; set; } /// /// Constructor /// /// Message Id /// Message flow inside inflight queue internal MqttMsgContextFinder(ushort messageId, MqttMsgFlow flow) { this.MessageId = messageId; this.Flow = flow; } internal bool Find(object item) { MqttMsgContext msgCtx = (MqttMsgContext)item; return ((msgCtx.Message.Type == MqttMsgBase.MQTT_MSG_PUBLISH_TYPE) && (msgCtx.Message.MessageId == this.MessageId) && msgCtx.Flow == this.Flow); } } } /// /// MQTT protocol version /// public enum MqttProtocolVersion { Version_3_1 = MqttMsgConnect.PROTOCOL_VERSION_V3_1, Version_3_1_1 = MqttMsgConnect.PROTOCOL_VERSION_V3_1_1 } }