You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

354 lines
15 KiB

9 months ago
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
namespace POSV.Printer
public class DesignerSurface
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "pager")]
public PagerType PagerType { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "width")]
public int Width { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "version")]
public int Version { get; set; } = 1;
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "dataSource")]
public Dictionary<string , Dictionary<string , string>> DataSource { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 当前控件列表
/// </summary>
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "controls")]
public List<DesignerControls> DesignerControls { get; set; }
private bool ParseCondition(VariableItem var,string dataSourceKey, List<VariableValue> args)
bool result = true;
var data = new List<Dictionary<string , string>>();
if (args.Exists(x => x.Key == dataSourceKey))
var vars = args.FindLast(x => x.Key == dataSourceKey);
if (vars.DataType == DataType.List)
data = JSON.Deserialize<List<Dictionary<string , string>>>(vars.Value.ToString());
var row = JSON.Deserialize<Dictionary<string , string>>(vars.Value.ToString());
if(var != null && data.Exists(x => x.ContainsKey(var.Value)))
var _value = data[0][var.Value];
if ("false".Equals(_value.ToLower()))
result = false;
return result;
public PrinterTemplate Parse(List<VariableValue> args)
PrinterTemplate printer = new PrinterTemplate();
printer.PagerType = this.PagerType;
printer.MaxLength = (int)this.PagerType;
foreach (DesignerControls ctrls in this.DesignerControls)
switch (ctrls.ControlType)
case ControlType.:
var parameter = JSON.Deserialize<R1Parameter>(ctrls.Template);
R1Template template = parameter.Template.Item1;
var condition = ParseCondition(template.Condition , template.DataSourceKey, args);
if (!condition)
RowTemplate row = new RowTemplate();
row.RowFormat = RowFormat.Line;
LineTemplate line = new LineTemplate();
line.DataSourceKey = template.DataSourceKey;
line.FontStyle = parameter.FontStyle;
line.AlignStyle = parameter.AlignStyle;
line.LineStyle = parameter.LineStyle;
line.Length = (int)this.PagerType;
var content = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}" , template.Prefix , template.Var1.Value , template.Middle , template.Var2.Value , template.Suffix);
line.Content = content;
row.Template = JSON.Serialize(line);
case ControlType.:
var parameter = JSON.Deserialize<R2Parameter>(ctrls.Template);
R2Template left = parameter.Template.Item1;
var leftCondition = ParseCondition(left.Condition ,left.DataSourceKey, args);
R2Template right = parameter.Template.Item2;
var rightCondition = ParseCondition(right.Condition , left.DataSourceKey , args);
if(!leftCondition && !rightCondition)
RowTemplate row = new RowTemplate();
row.RowFormat = RowFormat.Column;
List<LineTemplate> lines = new List<LineTemplate>();
LineTemplate line = new LineTemplate();
line.DataSourceKey = left.DataSourceKey;
line.FontStyle = parameter.FontStyle;
line.AlignStyle = left.AlignStyle;
line.LineStyle = parameter.LineStyle;
int leftStringLength = Convert.ToInt32(((int)this.PagerType) * left.Percent / 100 );
switch (line.FontStyle)
case FontStyle.:
case FontStyle.:
line.Length = ((int)leftStringLength / 4) * 4;
line.Length = ((int)leftStringLength / 2) * 2;
leftStringLength = line.Length;
var content = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}" , left.Prefix , left.Var1.Value , left.Middle , left.Var2.Value , left.Suffix);
line.Content = leftCondition ? content : "";
line = new LineTemplate();
line.DataSourceKey = right.DataSourceKey;
line.FontStyle = parameter.FontStyle;
line.AlignStyle = right.AlignStyle;
line.LineStyle = parameter.LineStyle;
line.Length = (int)this.PagerType - leftStringLength;
content = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}" , right.Prefix , right.Var1.Value , right.Middle , right.Var2.Value , right.Suffix);
line.Content = rightCondition ? content : "";
row.Template = JSON.Serialize(lines);
case ControlType.:
var template = JSON.Deserialize<GridXParameter>(ctrls.Template);
RowTemplate row = new RowTemplate();
row.RowFormat = RowFormat.Grid;
GridTemplate grid = new GridTemplate();
grid.DataSourceKey = template.Template.DataSourceKey;
grid.ContainsTotalRow = template.Template.ContainsTotalRow;
grid.AllowNewLine = template.Template.AllowNewLine;
grid.OutputTotalRow = template.Template.OutputTotalRow;
grid.FontStyle = template.FontStyle;
grid.LineStyle = template.LineStyle;
grid.NotAllowEmpty = template.Template.NotAllowEmpty;
grid.NotAllowHeader = template.Template.NotAllowHeader;
grid.HeaderFontStyle = template.Template.HeaderFontStyle;
foreach (var cols in template.Template.Columns)
var r = template.Template.RowTemplates[cols.Index];
grid.AddColumn(new ColumnTempate(cols.Name ,template.AlignStyle , r.Content , cols.Length));
row.Template = JSON.Serialize(grid);
case ControlType.:
var parameter = JSON.Deserialize<BarCodeXParameter>(ctrls.Template);
BarCodeXTemplate template = parameter.Template.Item1;
var condition = ParseCondition(template.Condition , template.DataSourceKey , args);
if (!condition)
RowTemplate row = new RowTemplate();
row.RowFormat = RowFormat.Barcode;
BarcodeTemplate barcode = new BarcodeTemplate();
barcode.DataSourceKey = template.DataSourceKey;
barcode.FontStyle = parameter.FontStyle;
barcode.AlignStyle = parameter.AlignStyle;
barcode.Length = (int)this.PagerType;
barcode.ShowLable = template.ShowLabel;
barcode.Content = template.Var1.Value;
barcode.LableContent = template.Var2.Value;
row.Template = JSON.Serialize(barcode);
case ControlType.:
var parameter = JSON.Deserialize<QRCodeXParameter>(ctrls.Template);
QRCodeXTemplate template = parameter.Template.Item1;
var condition = ParseCondition(template.Condition, template.DataSourceKey, args);
if (!condition)
RowTemplate row = new RowTemplate();
row.RowFormat = RowFormat.QRCode;
QRCodeTemplate qrcode = new QRCodeTemplate();
qrcode.DataSourceKey = template.DataSourceKey;
qrcode.FontStyle = parameter.FontStyle;
qrcode.AlignStyle = parameter.AlignStyle;
qrcode.SizeMode = parameter.SizeMode;
qrcode.Length = (int)this.PagerType;
qrcode.Content = template.Var1.Value;
row.Template = JSON.Serialize(qrcode);
case ControlType.:
var parameter = JSON.Deserialize<BitmapXParameter>(ctrls.Template);
BitmapXTemplate template = parameter.Template.Item1;
var condition = ParseCondition(template.Condition , template.DataSourceKey , args);
if (!condition)
RowTemplate row = new RowTemplate();
row.RowFormat = RowFormat.Bitmap;
BitmapTemplate bitmap = new BitmapTemplate();
bitmap.DataSourceKey = template.DataSourceKey;
bitmap.FontStyle = parameter.FontStyle;
bitmap.AlignStyle = parameter.AlignStyle;
bitmap.Length = (int)this.PagerType;
bitmap.Content = template.Var1.Value;
row.Template = JSON.Serialize(bitmap);
return printer;
public class DesignerControls
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "type")]
public ControlType ControlType { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "text")]
public string Text { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "x")]
public int X { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "y")]
public int Y { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "width")]
public int Width { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "height")]
public int Height { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "color")]
public Color BackColor { get; set; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "template")]
public string Template { get; set; }