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9 months ago
namespace com.azkoss.excellite
using System;
using System.Drawing;
///Excel cell provides access to a single worksheet cell or to a merged range if the cell is merged.
///<p>Merged range is created by using <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellRange.Merged">CellRange.Merged</see> property.
///See the property documentation for more information on merging.</p>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellRange.Merged">CellRange.Merged</seealso>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelCell.MergedRange" />
public sealed class ExcelCell : AbstractRange
// Methods
internal ExcelCell(ExcelWorksheet parent) : base(parent)
internal ExcelCell(ExcelWorksheet parent, ExcelCell sourceCell) : base(parent)
this.cellValue = sourceCell.ValueInternal;
this.Style = sourceCell.Style;
internal void AddToMergedRange(MergedCellRange mergedRange)
if ((mergedRange.Value == null) && (this.cellValue != null))
mergedRange.ValueInternal = this.cellValue;
if (( != null) && !
mergedRange.Style =;
internal void AddToMergedRangeInternal(MergedCellRange mergedRange)
this.cellValue = mergedRange;
///Converts Excel floating-point number to <see cref="System.DateTime">DateTime</see> structure.
///Excel file format doesn't have a separate data type for date and time.
///<see cref="System.DateTime">DateTime</see> value is
///stored as IEEE number encoded in a special way. When reading Excel file,
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellStyle.NumberFormat">CellStyle.NumberFormat</see> is examined and if it matches
///some of date/time number formats cell value is interpreted as <see cref="System.DateTime">DateTime</see>.</p>
///<p>However, if some non-standard date/time number format is used, cell value will not be recognized
///as <see cref="System.DateTime">DateTime</see> but as ordinary number. In such cases (when you know that
///specific cell holds <see cref="System.DateTime">DateTime</see> value but you get a number when reading
///Excel file) use this method to convert IEEE number to <see cref="System.DateTime">DateTime</see>
///<param name="num">Excel floating-point number.</param>
///<returns>Converted DateTime structure.</returns>
public static DateTime ConvertExcelNumberToDateTime(double num)
DateTime time1 = new DateTime(0x76c, 1, 1);
if (double.IsNaN(num) || double.IsInfinity(num))
return time1;
long num1 = (long) num;
long num2 = (long) ((num - num1) * 86400);
DateTime time2 = time1.AddDays((double) (num1 - 2));
return time2.AddSeconds((double) num2);
internal void RemoveFromMergedRange()
MergedCellRange range1 = this.cellValue as MergedCellRange;
if (range1 == null)
throw new Exception("Internal error: cell is not merged.");
this.cellValue = range1.ValueInternal; = range1.Style;
///Sets borders on this cell or on merged range if this cell is merged.
///<param name="multipleBorders">Borders to set.</param>
///<param name="lineColor">Line color.</param>
///<param name="lineStyle">Line style.</param>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellRange.Merged">CellRange.Merged</seealso>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelCell.MergedRange" />
public override void SetBorders(MultipleBorders multipleBorders, Color lineColor, LineStyle lineStyle)
this.Style.Borders.SetBorders(multipleBorders, lineColor, lineStyle);
// Properties
///Gets or sets cell formula string.
///<p>ExcelLite can read and write formulas, but can not calculate formula results. When you open a XLS file in
///MS Excel, formula results will be calculated automaticaly.</p>
///<p>During setting formula string ExcelLite formula parser will use English culture to parse numbers.</p>
///<p>Currently supported formula features are:
///<list type="bullet">
///<item><description>Named cell</description></item>
///<item><description>Named range</description></item>
///<item><description>Absolute cell/range</description></item>
///<item><description>Relative cell/range</description></item>
///<item><description>Functions( partly, see the list of supported functions below )</description></item>
///<item><description>Missed argument</description></item>
///<item><description>Unary operator</description></item>
///<item><description>Binary operator</description></item>
///<item><description>3d cell reference</description></item>
///<item><description>3d cell range reference</description></item>
///Currently unsupported formula features are:
///<list type="bullet">
///<item><description>Const array</description></item>
///<item><description>Array formula</description></item>
///<item><description>R1C1 reference</description></item>
///Currently supported functions are:
///<list type="bullet">
///For more information on formulas, consult Microsoft Excel documentation.
///<example>Following code demonstrates how to use formulas and named ranges. It shows next features:
///cell references (both absolute and relative), unary and binary operators, constand operands (integer and floating point),
///functions and named cell ranges.
///<code lang="Visual Basic">
///ws.Cells("A1").Value = 5
///ws.Cells("A2").Value = 6
///ws.Cells("A3").Value = 10
///ws.Cells("C1").Formula = "=A1+A2"
///ws.Cells("C2").Formula = "=$A$1-A3"
///ws.Cells("C3").Formula = "=COUNT(A1:A3)"
///ws.Cells("C4").Formula = "=AVERAGE($A$1:$A$3)"
///ws.Cells("C5").Formula = "=SUM(A1:A3,2,3)"
///ws.Cells("C7").Formula = "= 123 - (-(-(23.5)))"
///ws.NamedRanges.Add("DataRange", ws.Cells.GetSubrange("A1", "A3"))
///ws.Cells("C8").Formula = "=MAX(DataRange)"
///Dim cr As CellRange = ws.Cells.GetSubrange("B9","C10")
///cr.Merged = True
///cr.Formula = "=A1*25"
///<code lang="C#">
///ws.Cells["A1"].Value = 5;
///ws.Cells["A2"].Value = 6;
///ws.Cells["A3"].Value = 10;
///ws.Cells["C1"].Formula = "=A1+A2";
///ws.Cells["C2"].Formula = "=$A$1-A3";
///ws.Cells["C3"].Formula = "=COUNT(A1:A3)";
///ws.Cells["C4"].Formula = "=AVERAGE($A$1:$A$3)";
///ws.Cells["C5"].Formula = "=SUM(A1:A3,2,3)";
///ws.Cells["C7"].Formula = "= 123 - (-(-(23.5)))";
///ws.NamedRanges.Add("DataRange", ws.Cells.GetSubrange("A1", "A3"));
///ws.Cells["C8"].Formula = "=MAX(DataRange)";
///CellRange cr = ws.Cells.GetSubrange("B9", "C10");
///cr.Merged = true;
///cr.Formula = "=A1*25";
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.NamedRangeCollection.Add(System.String,com.azkoss.excellite.CellRange)">NamedRangeCollection.Add</seealso>
public override string Formula
CellFormula formula1 = this.ValueInternal as CellFormula;
if (formula1 != null)
return formula1.Formula;
return null;
this.ValueInternal = new CellFormula(value, base.Parent);
internal CellFormula FormulaInternal
object obj1 = this.ValueInternal;
if (obj1 is CellFormula)
return (CellFormula) obj1;
return null;
if (value != null)
this.ValueInternal = value;
this.ValueInternal = this.Value;
///Returns <b>true</b> if style is default; otherwise, <b>false</b>.
public override bool IsStyleDefault
if ( != null)
return true;
///Returns associated merged range if the cell is merged; otherwise, <b>null</b>.
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellRange.Merged">CellRange.Merged</seealso>
public CellRange MergedRange
if (this.cellValue is MergedCellRange)
return (MergedCellRange) this.cellValue;
return null;
///Gets or sets cell style (<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellStyle">CellStyle</see>) of this cell or
///of merged range if this cell is merged.
///Unset style properties will be inherited from corresponding row or column. See
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod">ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod</see>
///for more details.
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellRange.Merged">CellRange.Merged</seealso>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelCell.MergedRange" />
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod">ExcelFile.RowColumnResolutionMethod</seealso>
public override CellStyle Style
if (this.cellValue is MergedCellRange)
return ((MergedCellRange) this.cellValue).Style;
if ( == null)
{ = new CellStyle(base.Parent.ParentExcelFile.CellStyleCache);
if (this.cellValue is MergedCellRange)
((MergedCellRange) this.cellValue).Style = value;
{ = new CellStyle(value, base.Parent.ParentExcelFile.CellStyleCache);
///Gets or sets value of this cell or of merged range if this cell is merged.
///<p>Exception is thrown if value for the set is not of supported type (See
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.SupportsType(System.Type)">ExcelFile.SupportsType</see> for details).</p>
///<p>Note that the fact some type is supported doesn't mean it is written to Excel file in the native format. As
///Microsoft Excel has just few basic types, the object of supported type will be converted to a similar excel type.
///If similar excel type doesn't exist, value is written as a string value.</p>
///<p>If the value of this property is of <see cref="System.DateTime">DateTime</see> type and
///<see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelCell.Style">Style</see> number format is not set, ISO date/time
///format will be used as <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellStyle.NumberFormat">CellStyle.NumberFormat</see>
///<exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">Thrown for unsupported types.</exception>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellRange.Merged">CellRange.Merged</seealso>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelCell.MergedRange" />
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.ExcelFile.SupportsType(System.Type)">ExcelFile.SupportsType</seealso>
///<seealso cref="com.azkoss.excellite.CellStyle.NumberFormat">CellStyle.NumberFormat</seealso>
public override object Value
object obj1 = this.ValueInternal;
if (obj1 is CellFormula)
obj1 = ((CellFormula) obj1).Value;
return obj1;
if (value != null)
object obj1 = this.ValueInternal;
if (obj1 is CellFormula)
((CellFormula) obj1).Value = obj1;
this.ValueInternal = value;
internal object ValueInternal
if (this.cellValue is MergedCellRange)
return ((MergedCellRange) this.cellValue).ValueInternal;
return this.cellValue;
if (this.cellValue is MergedCellRange)
((MergedCellRange) this.cellValue).ValueInternal = value;
this.cellValue = value;
// Fields
private object cellValue;
private CellStyle style;