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9 months ago
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace POSV.OtherWaiMai
public class ShopMeituanWaiMaiOrderInfoByidResponse
#region field
private string app_poi_code;
private string avg_send_time;
private string caution;
private string cityId;
private string ctime;
private int day_seq;
private string delivery_time;
private int dinners_number;
private int has_invoiced;
private string invoice_title;
private string taxpayer_id;
//用户是否收藏此门店true, false
private string is_favorites;
//用户是否第一次在此门店点餐true, false
private string is_poi_first_order;
private int is_third_shipping;
private decimal latitude;
private decimal longitude;
private int logistics_cancel_time;
private string logistics_code;
private int logistics_completed_time;
private int logistics_confirm_time;
private string logistics_dispatcher_mobile;
private string logistics_dispatcher_name;
private int logistics_fetch_time;
private int logistics_id;
private string logistics_name;
private int logistics_send_time;
private int logistics_status;
private int order_cancel_time;
private int order_completed_time;
private int order_confirm_time;
private string order_id;
private string order_receive_time;
private string order_send_time;
private decimal original_price;
private int pay_type;
private string poi_receive_detail;
private string recipient_address;
private string recipient_name;
private string recipient_phone;
private string shipper_phone;
private decimal shipping_fee;
private int status;
private decimal total;
private string utime;
private string wm_order_id_view;
private string wm_poi_address;
private string wm_poi_id;
private string wm_poi_name;
private string wm_poi_phone;
private int pickType;
private string cancelReason;
private string cancelReasonCode;
private string refundReason;
private string refundReasonCode;
private List<ShopMeituanWaiMaiOrderInfoByiddetailResponse> detail = new List<ShopMeituanWaiMaiOrderInfoByiddetailResponse>();
private List<ShopMeituanWaiMaiOrderInfoByidExtrasResponse> extras = new List<ShopMeituanWaiMaiOrderInfoByidExtrasResponse>();
private string orderType = "0";
#region 订单来源(0-商家1-餐道)
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "orderType")]
/// <summary>
/// app门店ID
/// <summary>
public string OrderType
get { return orderType; }
set { orderType = value; }
#region app_poi_code app门店ID
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "app_poi_code")]
/// <summary>
/// app门店ID
/// <summary>
public string App_poi_code
get { return app_poi_code; }
set { app_poi_code = value; }
#region avg_send_time 餐厅平均送餐时间,单位为秒
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "avg_send_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 餐厅平均送餐时间,单位为秒
/// <summary>
public string Avg_send_time
get { return avg_send_time; }
set { avg_send_time = value; }
#region caution 忌口或备注
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "caution")]
/// <summary>
/// 忌口或备注
/// <summary>
public string Caution
get { return caution; }
set { caution = value; }
#region cityId 城市Id
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "cityId")]
/// <summary>
/// 城市Id
/// <summary>
public string CityId
get { return cityId; }
set { cityId = value; }
#region ctime 创建时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "ctime")]
/// <summary>
/// 创建时间
/// <summary>
public string Ctime
get { return ctime; }
set { ctime = value; }
#region day_seq 门店当天的推单流水号
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "day_seq")]
/// <summary>
/// 门店当天的推单流水号
/// <summary>
public int Day_seq
get { return day_seq; }
set { day_seq = value; }
#region delivery_time 用户预计送达时间“立即送达”时为0
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "delivery_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 用户预计送达时间“立即送达”时为0
/// <summary>
public string Delivery_time
get { return delivery_time; }
set { delivery_time = value; }
#region dinners_number 用餐人数
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "dinners_number")]
/// <summary>
/// 用餐人数
/// <summary>
public int Dinners_number
get { return dinners_number; }
set { dinners_number = value; }
#region has_invoiced 是否需要发票,1-需要发票0-不需要
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "has_invoiced")]
/// <summary>
/// 是否需要发票,1-需要发票0-不需要
/// <summary>
public int Has_invoiced
get { return has_invoiced; }
set { has_invoiced = value; }
#region invoice_title 发票抬头,XXX有限公司,如果用户选择需要发票,此字段是用户填写的发票抬头
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "invoice_title")]
/// <summary>
/// 发票抬头,XXX有限公司,如果用户选择需要发票,此字段是用户填写的发票抬头
/// <summary>
public string Invoice_title
get { return invoice_title; }
set { invoice_title = value; }
#region taxpayer_id 纳税人识别号
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "taxpayer_id")]
/// <summary>
/// 纳税人识别号
/// <summary>
public string Taxpayer_id
get { return taxpayer_id; }
set { taxpayer_id = value; }
#region is_favorites 用户是否收藏此门店true, false
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "is_favorites")]
/// <summary>
/// 用户是否收藏此门店true, false
/// <summary>
public string Is_favorites
get { return is_favorites; }
set { is_favorites = value; }
#region is_poi_first_order 用户是否第一次在此门店点餐true, false
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "is_poi_first_order")]
/// <summary>
/// 用户是否第一次在此门店点餐true, false
/// <summary>
public string Is_poi_first_order
get { return is_poi_first_order; }
set { is_poi_first_order = value; }
#region is_third_shipping (是否是第三方配送平台配送,0表否1表是
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "is_third_shipping")]
/// <summary>
/// (是否是第三方配送平台配送,0表否1表是
/// <summary>
public int Is_third_shipping
get { return is_third_shipping; }
set { is_third_shipping = value; }
#region latitude 实际送餐地址纬度,美团使用的是高德坐标系
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "latitude")]
/// <summary>
/// 实际送餐地址纬度,美团使用的是高德坐标系
/// <summary>
public decimal Latitude
get { return latitude; }
set { latitude = value; }
#region longitude 实际送餐地址经度,美团使用的是高德坐标系
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "longitude")]
/// <summary>
/// 实际送餐地址经度,美团使用的是高德坐标系
/// <summary>
public decimal Longitude
get { return longitude; }
set { longitude = value; }
#region logistics_cancel_time 配送单取消时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_cancel_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送单取消时间
/// <summary>
public int Logistics_cancel_time
get { return logistics_cancel_time; }
set { logistics_cancel_time = value; }
#region logistics_code 配送类型码(参考配送类型码)
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_code")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送类型码(参考配送类型码)
/// <summary>
public string Logistics_code
get { return logistics_code; }
set { logistics_code = value; }
#region logistics_completed_time 配送单完成时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_completed_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送单完成时间
/// <summary>
public int Logistics_completed_time
get { return logistics_completed_time; }
set { logistics_completed_time = value; }
#region logistics_confirm_time 配送单确认时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_confirm_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送单确认时间
/// <summary>
public int Logistics_confirm_time
get { return logistics_confirm_time; }
set { logistics_confirm_time = value; }
#region logistics_dispatcher_mobile 骑手电话
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_dispatcher_mobile")]
/// <summary>
/// 骑手电话
/// <summary>
public string Logistics_dispatcher_mobile
get { return logistics_dispatcher_mobile; }
set { logistics_dispatcher_mobile = value; }
#region logistics_dispatcher_name 骑手姓名
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_dispatcher_name")]
/// <summary>
/// 骑手姓名
/// <summary>
public string Logistics_dispatcher_name
get { return logistics_dispatcher_name; }
set { logistics_dispatcher_name = value; }
#region logistics_fetch_time 骑手取单时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_fetch_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 骑手取单时间
/// <summary>
public int Logistics_fetch_time
get { return logistics_fetch_time; }
set { logistics_fetch_time = value; }
#region logistics_id 配送方ID
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_id")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送方ID
/// <summary>
public int Logistics_id
get { return logistics_id; }
set { logistics_id = value; }
#region logistics_name 配送方名称
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_name")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送方名称
/// <summary>
public string Logistics_name
get { return logistics_name; }
set { logistics_name = value; }
#region logistics_send_time 配送单下单时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_send_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送单下单时间
/// <summary>
public int Logistics_send_time
get { return logistics_send_time; }
set { logistics_send_time = value; }
#region logistics_status 配送订单状态code
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "logistics_status")]
/// <summary>
/// 配送订单状态code
/// <summary>
public int Logistics_status
get { return logistics_status; }
set { logistics_status = value; }
#region order_cancel_time 订单取消时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "order_cancel_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 订单取消时间
/// <summary>
public int Order_cancel_time
get { return order_cancel_time; }
set { order_cancel_time = value; }
#region order_completed_time 订单完成时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "order_completed_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 订单完成时间
/// <summary>
public int Order_completed_time
get { return order_completed_time; }
set { order_completed_time = value; }
#region order_confirm_time 商户确认时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "order_confirm_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 商户确认时间
/// <summary>
public int Order_confirm_time
get { return order_confirm_time; }
set { order_confirm_time = value; }
#region order_id 订单ID数据库中请用bigint(20)存储此字段)
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "order_id")]
/// <summary>
/// 订单ID数据库中请用bigint(20)存储此字段)
/// <summary>
public string Order_id
get { return order_id; }
set { order_id = value; }
#region order_receive_time 商户收到时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "order_receive_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 商户收到时间
/// <summary>
public string Order_receive_time
get { return order_receive_time; }
set { order_receive_time = value; }
#region order_send_time 用户下单时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "order_send_time")]
/// <summary>
/// 用户下单时间
/// <summary>
public string Order_send_time
get { return order_send_time; }
set { order_send_time = value; }
#region original_price 原价
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "original_price")]
/// <summary>
/// 原价
/// <summary>
public decimal Original_price
get { return original_price; }
set { original_price = value; }
#region pay_type 支付类型1表货到付款2表在线支付
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "pay_type")]
/// <summary>
/// 支付类型1表货到付款2表在线支付
/// <summary>
public int Pay_type
get { return pay_type; }
set { pay_type = value; }
#region poi_receive_detail 商家对账信息的json数据
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "poi_receive_detail")]
/// <summary>
/// 商家对账信息的json数据
/// <summary>
public string Poi_receive_detail
get { return poi_receive_detail; }
set { poi_receive_detail = value; }
#region recipient_address 收件人地址(
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "recipient_address")]
/// <summary>
/// 收件人地址(
/// <summary>
public string Recipient_address
get { return recipient_address; }
set { recipient_address = value; }
#region recipient_name 收件人姓名
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "recipient_name")]
/// <summary>
/// 收件人姓名
/// <summary>
public string Recipient_name
get { return recipient_name; }
set { recipient_name = value; }
#region recipient_phone 收件人电话
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "recipient_phone")]
/// <summary>
/// 收件人电话
/// <summary>
public string Recipient_phone
get { return recipient_phone; }
set { recipient_phone = value; }
#region shipper_phone 送餐员电话
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "shipper_phone")]
/// <summary>
/// 送餐员电话
/// <summary>
public string Shipper_phone
get { return shipper_phone; }
set { shipper_phone = value; }
#region shipping_fee 门店配送费
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "shipping_fee")]
/// <summary>
/// 门店配送费
/// <summary>
public decimal Shipping_fee
get { return shipping_fee; }
set { shipping_fee = value; }
#region status 订单状态
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "status")]
/// <summary>
/// 订单状态
/// <summary>
public int Status
get { return status; }
set { status = value; }
#region total 总价
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "total")]
/// <summary>
/// 总价
/// <summary>
public decimal Total
get { return total; }
set { total = value; }
#region utime 更新时间
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "utime")]
/// <summary>
/// 更新时间
/// <summary>
public string Utime
get { return utime; }
set { utime = value; }
#region wm_order_id_view 订单展示ID
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "wm_order_id_view")]
/// <summary>
/// 订单展示ID
/// <summary>
public string Wm_order_id_view
get { return wm_order_id_view; }
set { wm_order_id_view = value; }
#region wm_poi_address 美团商家地址
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "wm_poi_address")]
/// <summary>
/// 美团商家地址
/// <summary>
public string Wm_poi_address
get { return wm_poi_address; }
set { wm_poi_address = value; }
#region wm_poi_id 美团商家ID
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "wm_poi_id")]
/// <summary>
/// 美团商家ID
/// <summary>
public string Wm_poi_id
get { return wm_poi_id; }
set { wm_poi_id = value; }
#region wm_poi_name 美团商家名称
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "wm_poi_name")]
/// <summary>
/// 美团商家名称
/// <summary>
public string Wm_poi_name
get { return wm_poi_name; }
set { wm_poi_name = value; }
#region wm_poi_phone 美团商家电话
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "wm_poi_phone")]
/// <summary>
/// 美团商家电话
/// <summary>
public string Wm_poi_phone
get { return wm_poi_phone; }
set { wm_poi_phone = value; }
#region pickType 取餐类型
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "pickType")]
/// <summary>
/// 取餐类型
/// <summary>
public int PickType
get { return pickType; }
set { pickType = value; }
#region cancelReason 订单取消原因
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "cancelReason")]
/// <summary>
/// 订单取消原因
/// <summary>
public string CancelReason
get { return cancelReason; }
set { cancelReason = value; }
#region cancelReasonCode 订单取消原因编码
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "cancelReasonCode")]
/// <summary>
/// 订单取消原因编码
/// <summary>
public string CancelReasonCode
get { return cancelReasonCode; }
set { cancelReasonCode = value; }
#region refundReason 退单原因
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "refundReason")]
/// <summary>
/// 退单原因
/// <summary>
public string RefundReason
get { return refundReason; }
set { refundReason = value; }
#region refundReasonCode 退单原因编码
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "refundReasonCode")]
/// <summary>
/// 退单原因编码
/// <summary>
public string RefundReasonCode
get { return refundReasonCode; }
set { refundReasonCode = value; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "detail")]
public List<ShopMeituanWaiMaiOrderInfoByiddetailResponse> Detail { get => detail; set => detail = value; }
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "extras")]
public List<ShopMeituanWaiMaiOrderInfoByidExtrasResponse> Extras { get => extras; set => extras = value; }