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9 months ago
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<label class="c_Title_text ">收银汇总</label>
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<label style="margin-right:10px;">起止日期 :</label>
<div class="input-group date form_datetime" style="width:210px; border-radius:6px;" data-date="1979-09-16 05:25" data-date-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" timezone="GMT+8" data-link-field="startdate">
<input class="form-control startdate " size="16" style="background-color:#E7EAF1;border:0; " type="text" value="" readonly>
<span class="input-group-addon" style="background-color:#E7EAF1; border:0;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span></span>
<input type="hidden" id="startdate" value="" />
<div class="input-group date form_datetime" style="width:210px;" data-date="1979-09-16 05:25" data-date-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" data-link-field="enddate">
<input class="form-control enddate" type="text" style="background-color:#E7EAF1; border:0;" size="16" value="" readonly>
<span class="input-group-addon" style="background-color:#E7EAF1; border:0;">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>
<input type="hidden" id="enddate" value="" />
<input class="form-control textworkerNo" type="text" placeholder="收银员编号" />
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<label style="margin-left:90px;">是否实收:</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioIncomeFlag" name="全部">
<input id="IncomeFlag1" type="radio" name="IncomeFlag" value="全部" checked="checked" /><label for="IncomeFlag1" class="c_IncomeFlag">全部</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioIncomeFlag" name="实收">
<input id="IncomeFlag2" type="radio" name="IncomeFlag" value="实收" /><label for="IncomeFlag2" class="c_IncomeFlag">实收</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioIncomeFlag" name="虚收">
<input id="IncomeFlag3" name="IncomeFlag" type="radio" value="虚收" /><label for="IncomeFlag3" class="c_IncomeFlag">虚收</label>
<hr />
<div class="navbar-form ">
<label style="margin-right:10px;">营业模式 :</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioordertype" name="全部">
<input id="1" type="radio" name="ordertype" value="全部" checked="checked" /><label for="1" class="c_ordertype_text">全部</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioordertype" name="堂食">
<input id="2" name="ordertype" type="radio" value="堂食" /><label for="2" class="c_ordertype_text">堂食</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioordertype" name="外带">
<input id="3" name="ordertype" type="radio" value="外带" /><label for="3" class="c_ordertype_text">外带</label>
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<input id="4" name="ordertype" type="radio" value="电话外卖" /><label for="4" class="c_ordertype_text">电话外卖</label>
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<input id="5" name="ordertype" type="radio" value="美团外卖" /><label for="5" class="c_ordertype_text">美团外卖</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioordertype" name="饿了么">
<input id="6" name="ordertype" type="radio" value="饿了么" /><label for="6" class="c_ordertype_text">饿了么</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioordertype" name="百度外卖">
<input id="7" name="ordertype" type="radio" value="百度外卖" /><label for="7" class="c_ordertype_text">百度外卖</label>
<div class="radio radio-success radioordertype" name="微信点餐">
<input id="8" name="ordertype" type="radio" value="微信点餐" /><label for="8" class="c_ordertype_text">微信点餐</label>
<a class="btn btn-group navbar-right c_repairprint_btn" style="background-color:#10AFE3;color:rgb(255, 255, 255);width:90px; margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px; font-size:16px;">打印</a>
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<div class="c_Main">
<div class="c_div_left">
<table id="paygroup" data-response-handler="responseHandler" class="table list-table">
<th data-align="center" data-formatter="rowIndexFormat"></th>
<th data-align="center" data-field="payTypeNo">支付方式编号</th>
<th data-field="payTypeName" data-align="center">支付方式</th>
<th data-field="paidAmount" data-align="center" data-formatter="Intformatting">实付金额</th>
<th data-field="changeAmount" data-align="center" data-formatter="Intformatting">找零金额</th>
<th data-field="overAmount" data-align="center" data-formatter="Intformatting">溢收金额</th>
<th data-field="incomeFlag" data-align="center" data-formatter="IncomeFlag" width="75">是否实收</th>
<div class="c_total" style="padding:5px; border-top: 1px solid #D0D0D0; line-height: 2;">
<div style="margin-left:5px;height:100%; width:50px; float:left; font-weight:600;">合计:</div>
<div style="margin-left:46%;height:100%;width:10%;float:left; color:#FD7281" class="totalpaidAmount">0.00</div>
<div style="margin-left:3.5%;height:100%; width:10%;float:left; color:#FD7281" class="totalchangeAmount">0.00</div>
<div style="margin-left:3.5%;height:100%; width:10%;float:left; color:#FD7281" class="totaloverAmount">0.00</div>
<div class="c_div_right">
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<div id="strokecount" style="height:50%; width:100%;"></div>
<!-- 为ECharts准备一个具备大小宽高的Dom -->
<div id="totalmoney" style="height:50%; width:100%;"></div>
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function Init(data) {
try {
var _tabledata = [];//table数据
var _strokecount = [];//饼状报表数据
var _totalmoney = [];//饼状报表数据
var _paytype = []; //饼状报表数据
var _Stroke = 0;
var _Money = 0;
var _totalpaidAmount = 0.00;
var _totalchangeAmount = 0.00;
var _totaloverAmount = 0.00;
var _data = eval(data);
for (var i = 0; i < _data.length; i++) {
if (_data[i].payTypeNo == '合计') {
_totalpaidAmount += parseInt(_data[i].paidAmount);
_totaloverAmount += parseInt(_data[i].overAmount);
_totalchangeAmount += parseInt(_data[i].changeAmount);
_tabledata[_tabledata.length] = _data[i];
_Stroke += parseInt(_data[i].payCount);
_Money += parseInt(_data[i].paidAmount)
_strokecount[_strokecount.length] = { value: _data[i].payCount, name: _data[i].payTypeName };
_totalmoney[_totalmoney.length] = { value: _data[i].paidAmount, name: _data[i].payTypeName };
_paytype[_paytype.length] = { name: _data[i].payTypeName };
$('.totalpaidAmount').html("¥" + _totalpaidAmount.toFixed(2));
$('.totalchangeAmount').html("¥" + _totalchangeAmount.toFixed(2));
$('.totaloverAmount').html("¥" + _totalchangeAmount.toFixed(2));
StrokeCount(_strokecount, _paytype, _Stroke);
TotalMoney(_totalmoney, _paytype, _Money);
var boottable = $('#paygroup');
//初始化 bootstrap-table
data: eval(_tabledata),
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pagination: false,
//clickToSelect: true,
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// rowStyle: rowStyle,//通过自定义函数设置行样式
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formatNoMatches: function () {
return "";
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function InitialDate(data) {
var _data = JSON.parse(data);
function rowIndexFormat(value, rows, index) {
return index + 1;
function Intformatting(value, rows, index) {
var _val = parseInt(value);
if (_val == null) {
return value;
} else {
return _val.toFixed(2)
function IncomeFlag(value, rows, index) {
if (value == "1") {
return "是";
} else {
return "否";
$(document).ready(function () {
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todayBtn: true,//开启选择今天的按钮,Boolean, “linked”类型 默认值false,如果此值为true 或 “linked”则在日期时间选择器组件的底部显示一个 “Today” 按钮用以选择当前日期。
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todayHighlight: true,//今天日期高亮显示 如果为true, 高亮当前日期。Boolean类型 ,默认值false
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showMeridian: 1,
initialDate: new Date(),// 初始化日期时间,在打开时默认选当时的时间显示在View中。默认值new Date() Date or String类型
showMeridian: 0, //显示上午或下午
try {
} catch (e) {
$('.Query').on('click', function () {
// $('.ordertype input:radio:checked').val();
var _enddate = $('#enddate').val();
var _startdate = $('#startdate').val();
var _workerNo = $('.textworkerNo').val();
net.Query(_enddate, _startdate, _workerNo, "全部", "");
$('.radioIncomeFlag').on('click', function () {
var _workerNo = $('.textworkerNo').val();
var _name = $(this).attr('name');
net.Query('', '', _workerNo, _name, "");
$('.radioordertype').on('click', function () {
var _workerNo = $('.textworkerNo').val();
var _type = $(this).attr("name");
net.Query('', '', _workerNo, "", _type);
$(".datespecitem").on('click', function () {
var _name = $(this).html();
function StrokeCount(data, name, val) {
var dom1 = document.getElementById("strokecount");
var _strokecount = echarts.init(dom1);
option = null;
option = {
tooltip: {},
title: {
text: '支付笔数',
subtext: ' ',
x: "54.5%"
legend: {
formatter: function (name) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].name == name) {
return name + " " + data[i].value + "笔";
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data: name
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graphic: { //图形中间文字
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left: "54.5%",
top: "44%",
style: {
text: val + "\n支付笔数",
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fontSize: 20
series: [
name: '',
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show: false,
radius: [60, 90], //饼图大小.
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normal: {
position: 'inner', // 设置标签位置,默认在饼状图外 可选值:'outer' ¦ 'inner饼状图上'
// formatter: '{a} {b} : {c}个 ({d}%)' 设置标签显示内容 ,默认显示{b}
// {a}指 {b}指series.data的name
// {c}指series.data的value {d}%指这一部分占总数的百分比
formatter: '{c}',
show: false
data: data
if (option && typeof option === "object") {
_strokecount.setOption(option, true);
function TotalMoney(data, name, val) {
var dom2 = document.getElementById("totalmoney");
var _totalmoney = echarts.init(dom2);
option2 = null;
option2 = {
tooltip: {
title: {
text: '支付金额',
subtext: ' ',
legend: {
formatter: function (name) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].name == name) {
return name + " ¥" + data[i].value;
// orient 设置布局方式,默认水平布局,可选值:'horizontal'(水平) ¦ 'vertical'(垂直)
orient: 'vertical',
// x 设置水平安放位置,默认全图居中,可选值:'center' ¦ 'left' ¦ 'right' ¦ {number}x坐标单位px
x: 'left',
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itemGap: 10,
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data: name
color: ['#00C7BA', '#74D7A7', '#73B0FB', '#FD7281', '#BF87FF', '#FF7E7E', '#75C0FF', '#00C7BA', '#74D7A7', '#73B0FB'], //环形颜色
graphic: { //图形中间文字
type: "text",
left: "54.5%",
top: "44%",
style: {
text: "¥" + val + " \n收款金额",
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fontSize: 20
series: [
name: '',
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radius: [60, 90], //饼图大小.
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normal: {
position: 'inner', // 设置标签位置,默认在饼状图外 可选值:'outer' ¦ 'inner饼状图上'
// formatter: '{a} {b} : {c}个 ({d}%)' 设置标签显示内容 ,默认显示{b}
// {a}指 {b}指series.data的name
// {c}指series.data的value {d}%指这一部分占总数的百分比
formatter: '{c}',
show: false
data: data
if (option2 && typeof option2 === "object") {
_totalmoney.setOption(option2, true);