You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

694 lines
26 KiB

9 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Aop.Api.Parser;
using Aop.Api.Request;
using Aop.Api.Util;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml;
using Jayrock.Json;
using Jayrock.Json.Conversion;
namespace Aop.Api
/// <summary>
/// AOP客户端。
/// </summary>
public class DefaultAopClient : IAopClient
public const string APP_ID = "app_id";
public const string FORMAT = "format";
public const string METHOD = "method";
public const string TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";
public const string VERSION = "version";
public const string SIGN_TYPE = "sign_type";
public const string ACCESS_TOKEN = "auth_token";
public const string SIGN = "sign";
public const string TERMINAL_TYPE = "terminal_type";
public const string TERMINAL_INFO = "terminal_info";
public const string PROD_CODE = "prod_code";
public const string NOTIFY_URL = "notify_url";
public const string CHARSET = "charset";
public const string ENCRYPT_TYPE = "encrypt_type";
public const string BIZ_CONTENT = "biz_content";
public const string APP_AUTH_TOKEN = "app_auth_token";
public const string RETURN_URL = "return_url";
private string version;
private string format;
private string serverUrl;
private string appId;
private string privateKeyPem;
private string signType = "RSA";
private string charset;
private string alipayPublicKey;
private bool keyFromFile = false;
private string httpmethod;
public string return_url;
public string notify_url;
private string encyptKey;
private string encyptType = "AES";
private WebUtils webUtils;
public string Version
get { return version != null ? version : "1.0"; }
set { version = value; }
public string Format
get { return format != null ? format : "json"; }
set { format = value; }
public string AppId
get { return appId; }
set { appId = value; }
#region DefaultAopClient Constructors
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem)
this.appId = appId;
this.privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem;
this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
this.webUtils = new WebUtils();
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, bool keyFromFile)
this.appId = appId;
this.privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem;
this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
this.keyFromFile = keyFromFile;
this.webUtils = new WebUtils();
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, string format)
this.appId = appId;
this.privateKeyPem = privateKeyPem;
this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
this.format = format;
this.webUtils = new WebUtils();
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, string format, string charset)
: this(serverUrl, appId, privateKeyPem, format)
this.charset = charset;
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, string format, string version, string signType)
: this(serverUrl, appId, privateKeyPem)
this.format = format;
this.version = version;
this.signType = signType;
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, string format, string version, string signType, string alipayPulicKey)
: this(serverUrl, appId, privateKeyPem, format, version, signType)
this.alipayPublicKey = alipayPulicKey;
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, string format, string version, string signType, string alipayPulicKey, string charset)
: this(serverUrl, appId, privateKeyPem, format, version, signType, alipayPulicKey)
this.charset = charset;
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, string format, string version, string signType, string alipayPulicKey, string charset, bool keyFromFile)
: this(serverUrl, appId, privateKeyPem, format, version, signType, alipayPulicKey)
this.keyFromFile = keyFromFile;
this.charset = charset;
public DefaultAopClient(string serverUrl, string appId, string privateKeyPem, string format, string version, string signType, string alipayPulicKey, string charset, string encyptKey)
: this(serverUrl, appId, privateKeyPem, format, version, signType, alipayPulicKey, charset)
this.encyptKey = encyptKey;
this.encyptType = "AES";
public void SetTimeout(int timeout)
webUtils.Timeout = timeout;
#region IAopClient Members
public T Execute<T>(IAopRequest<T> request) where T : AopResponse
return Execute<T>(request, null);
public T Execute<T>(IAopRequest<T> request, string accessToken) where T : AopResponse
return Execute<T>(request, accessToken, null);
#region IAopClient Members
public T pageExecute<T>(IAopRequest<T> request) where T : AopResponse
return pageExecute<T>(request, null, "POST");
#region IAopClient Members
public T pageExecute<T>(IAopRequest<T> request, string accessToken, string reqMethod) where T : AopResponse
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.charset))
this.charset = "utf-8";
string apiVersion = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.GetApiVersion()))
apiVersion = request.GetApiVersion();
apiVersion = Version;
AopDictionary txtParams = new AopDictionary(request.GetParameters());
// 序列化BizModel
txtParams = SerializeBizModel(txtParams, request);
System.Text.StringBuilder xmlData = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
// 添加协议级请求参数
//AopDictionary txtParams = new AopDictionary(request.GetParameters());
txtParams.Add(METHOD, request.GetApiName());
txtParams.Add(VERSION, apiVersion);
txtParams.Add(APP_ID, appId);
txtParams.Add(FORMAT, format);
txtParams.Add(TIMESTAMP, DateTime.Now);
txtParams.Add(ACCESS_TOKEN, accessToken);
txtParams.Add(SIGN_TYPE, signType);
txtParams.Add(TERMINAL_TYPE, request.GetTerminalType());
txtParams.Add(TERMINAL_INFO, request.GetTerminalInfo());
txtParams.Add(PROD_CODE, request.GetProdCode());
txtParams.Add(NOTIFY_URL, request.GetNotifyUrl());
txtParams.Add(CHARSET, this.charset);
//txtParams.Add(RETURN_URL, this.return_url);
txtParams.Add(RETURN_URL, request.GetReturnUrl() );
IDictionary<string, string> sortedTxtParams = new SortedDictionary<string, string>(txtParams);
txtParams = new AopDictionary(sortedTxtParams);
// 排序返回字典类型添加签名参数
txtParams.Add(SIGN, AopUtils.SignAopRequest(sortedTxtParams, privateKeyPem, this.charset, this.keyFromFile, this.signType));
// 是否需要上传文件
string body;
if (request is IAopUploadRequest<T>)
IAopUploadRequest<T> uRequest = (IAopUploadRequest<T>)request;
IDictionary<string, FileItem> fileParams = AopUtils.CleanupDictionary(uRequest.GetFileParameters());
body = webUtils.DoPost(this.serverUrl + "?" + CHARSET + "=" + this.charset, txtParams, fileParams, this.charset);
if (reqMethod.Equals("GET"))
//body=webUtils .DoGet (this.serverUrl ,txtParams ,this.charset);
string tmpUrl = serverUrl;
if (txtParams != null && txtParams.Count > 0)
if (tmpUrl.Contains("?"))
tmpUrl = tmpUrl + "&" + Aop.Api.Util.WebUtils.BuildQuery(txtParams, charset);
tmpUrl = tmpUrl + "?" + Aop.Api.Util.WebUtils.BuildQuery(txtParams, charset);
body = tmpUrl;
// body = webUtils.DoPost(this.serverUrl, txtParams, this.charset);
body = BuildHtmlRequest(txtParams, reqMethod, reqMethod);
T rsp = null;
IAopParser<T> parser = null;
if ("xml".Equals(format))
parser = new AopXmlParser<T>();
rsp = parser.Parse(body, charset);
parser = new AopJsonParser<T>();
rsp = parser.Parse(body, charset);
// CheckResponseSign(request, rsp, parser, this.alipayPublicKey, this.charset);
return rsp;
#region IAopClient Members
public T Execute<T>(IAopRequest<T> request, string accessToken, string appAuthToken) where T : AopResponse
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.charset))
this.charset = "utf-8";
string apiVersion = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.GetApiVersion()))
apiVersion = request.GetApiVersion();
apiVersion = Version;
// 添加协议级请求参数
AopDictionary txtParams = new AopDictionary(request.GetParameters());
// 序列化BizModel
txtParams = SerializeBizModel(txtParams, request);
txtParams.Add(METHOD, request.GetApiName());
txtParams.Add(VERSION, apiVersion);
txtParams.Add(APP_ID, appId);
txtParams.Add(FORMAT, format);
txtParams.Add(TIMESTAMP, DateTime.Now);
txtParams.Add(ACCESS_TOKEN, accessToken);
txtParams.Add(SIGN_TYPE, signType);
txtParams.Add(TERMINAL_TYPE, request.GetTerminalType());
txtParams.Add(TERMINAL_INFO, request.GetTerminalInfo());
txtParams.Add(PROD_CODE, request.GetProdCode());
txtParams.Add(CHARSET, charset);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.GetNotifyUrl()))
txtParams.Add(NOTIFY_URL, request.GetNotifyUrl());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appAuthToken))
txtParams.Add(APP_AUTH_TOKEN, appAuthToken);
if (request.GetNeedEncrypt())
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtParams[BIZ_CONTENT]))
throw new AopException("api request Fail ! The reason: encrypt request is not supported!");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.encyptKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.encyptType))
throw new AopException("encryptType or encryptKey must not null!");
if (!"AES".Equals(this.encyptType))
throw new AopException("api only support Aes!");
string encryptContent = AopUtils.AesEncrypt(this.encyptKey, txtParams[BIZ_CONTENT], this.charset);
txtParams.Add(BIZ_CONTENT, encryptContent);
txtParams.Add(ENCRYPT_TYPE, this.encyptType);
// 添加签名参数
txtParams.Add(SIGN, AopUtils.SignAopRequest(txtParams, privateKeyPem, charset, this.keyFromFile, signType));
// 是否需要上传文件
string body;
if (request is IAopUploadRequest<T>)
IAopUploadRequest<T> uRequest = (IAopUploadRequest<T>)request;
IDictionary<string, FileItem> fileParams = AopUtils.CleanupDictionary(uRequest.GetFileParameters());
body = webUtils.DoPost(this.serverUrl + "?" + CHARSET + "=" + this.charset, txtParams, fileParams, this.charset);
body = webUtils.DoPost(this.serverUrl + "?" + CHARSET + "=" + this.charset, txtParams, this.charset);
T rsp = null;
IAopParser<T> parser = null;
if ("xml".Equals(format))
parser = new AopXmlParser<T>();
rsp = parser.Parse(body, charset);
parser = new AopJsonParser<T>();
rsp = parser.Parse(body, charset);
ResponseParseItem item = parseRespItem(request, body, parser, this.encyptKey, this.encyptType, charset);
rsp = parser.Parse(item.realContent, charset);
CheckResponseSign(request, item.respContent, rsp.IsError, parser, this.alipayPublicKey, this.charset, signType, this.keyFromFile);
return rsp;
private static ResponseParseItem parseRespItem<T>(IAopRequest<T> request, string respBody, IAopParser<T> parser, string encryptKey, string encryptType, string charset) where T : AopResponse
string realContent = null;
if (request.GetNeedEncrypt())
realContent = parser.EncryptSourceData(request, respBody, encryptType, encryptKey, charset);
realContent = respBody;
ResponseParseItem item = new ResponseParseItem();
item.realContent = realContent;
item.respContent = respBody;
return item;
public static void CheckResponseSign<T>(IAopRequest<T> request, string responseBody, bool isError, IAopParser<T> parser, string alipayPublicKey, string charset, string signType) where T : AopResponse
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alipayPublicKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(charset))
SignItem signItem = parser.GetSignItem(request, responseBody);
if (signItem == null)
throw new AopException("sign check fail: Body is Empty!");
if (!isError ||
(isError && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(signItem.Sign)))
bool rsaCheckContent = AlipaySignature.RSACheckContent(signItem.SignSourceDate, signItem.Sign, alipayPublicKey, charset, signType);
if (!rsaCheckContent)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(signItem.SignSourceDate) && signItem.SignSourceDate.Contains("\\/"))
string srouceData = signItem.SignSourceDate.Replace("\\/", "/");
bool jsonCheck = AlipaySignature.RSACheckContent(srouceData, signItem.Sign, alipayPublicKey, charset, signType);
if (!jsonCheck)
throw new AopException(
"sign check fail: check Sign and Data Fail JSON also");
throw new AopException(
"sign check fail: check Sign and Data Fail!");
public static void CheckResponseSign<T>(IAopRequest<T> request, string responseBody, bool isError, IAopParser<T> parser, string alipayPublicKey, string charset, string signType, bool keyFromFile) where T : AopResponse
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alipayPublicKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(charset))
SignItem signItem = parser.GetSignItem(request, responseBody);
if (signItem == null)
throw new AopException("sign check fail: Body is Empty!");
if (!isError ||
(isError && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(signItem.Sign)))
bool rsaCheckContent = AlipaySignature.RSACheckContent(signItem.SignSourceDate, signItem.Sign, alipayPublicKey, charset, signType, keyFromFile);
if (!rsaCheckContent)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(signItem.SignSourceDate) && signItem.SignSourceDate.Contains("\\/"))
string srouceData = signItem.SignSourceDate.Replace("\\/", "/");
bool jsonCheck = AlipaySignature.RSACheckContent(srouceData, signItem.Sign, alipayPublicKey, charset, signType, keyFromFile);
if (!jsonCheck)
throw new AopException(
"sign check fail: check Sign and Data Fail JSON also");
throw new AopException(
"sign check fail: check Sign and Data Fail!");
#region IAopClient Members
public string BuildHtmlRequest(IDictionary<string, string> sParaTemp, string strMethod, string strButtonValue)
IDictionary<string, string> dicPara = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dicPara = sParaTemp;
StringBuilder sbHtml = new StringBuilder();
//sbHtml.Append("<head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\" charset= \"" + charset + "\" /></head>");
sbHtml.Append("<form id='alipaysubmit' name='alipaysubmit' action='" + this.serverUrl + "?charset=" + this.charset +
"' method='" + strMethod + "'>");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> temp in dicPara)
sbHtml.Append("<input name='" + temp.Key + "' value='" + temp.Value + "'/>");
sbHtml.Append("<input type='submit' value='" + strButtonValue + "' style='display:none;'></form>");
// sbHtml.Append("<input type='submit' value='" + strButtonValue + "'></form></div>");
return sbHtml.ToString();
#region IAopClient Members
public Dictionary<string, string> FilterPara(SortedDictionary<string, string> dicArrayPre)
Dictionary<string, string> dicArray = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> temp in dicArrayPre)
if (temp.Key.ToLower() != "sign" && temp.Key.ToLower() != "sign_type" && temp.Value != "" && temp.Value != null)
dicArray.Add(temp.Key, temp.Value);
return dicArray;
public static string CreateLinkStringUrlencode(Dictionary<string, string> dicArray, Encoding code)
StringBuilder prestr = new StringBuilder();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> temp in dicArray)
prestr.Append(temp.Key + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(temp.Value, code) + "&");
int nLen = prestr.Length;
prestr.Remove(nLen - 1, 1);
return prestr.ToString();
#region SDK Execute
public T SdkExecute<T>(IAopRequest<T> request) where T : AopResponse
// 构造请求参数
AopDictionary requestParams = buildRequestParams(request, null, null);
// 字典排序
IDictionary<string, string> sortedParams = new SortedDictionary<String, String>(requestParams);
AopDictionary sortedAopDic = new AopDictionary(sortedParams);
// 参数签名
String charset = String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.charset) ? "utf-8" : this.charset;
String signResult = AopUtils.SignAopRequest(sortedAopDic, privateKeyPem, charset, this.keyFromFile, this.signType);
// 添加签名结果参数
sortedAopDic.Add(SIGN, signResult);
// 参数拼接
String signedResult = WebUtils.BuildQuery(sortedAopDic, charset);
// 构造结果
T rsp = (T) Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
rsp.Body = signedResult;
return rsp;
#region Common Method
private AopDictionary buildRequestParams<T>(IAopRequest<T> request, String accessToken, String appAuthToken) where T : AopResponse
// 默认参数
AopDictionary oriParams = new AopDictionary(request.GetParameters());
// 序列化BizModel
AopDictionary result = SerializeBizModel(oriParams, request);
// 获取参数
String charset = String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.charset) ? "utf-8" : this.charset;
String apiVersion = String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.GetApiVersion()) ? this.Version : request.GetApiVersion();
// 添加协议级请求参数,为空的参数后面会自动过滤,这里不做处理。
result.Add(METHOD, request.GetApiName());
result.Add(VERSION, apiVersion);
result.Add(APP_ID, appId);
result.Add(FORMAT, format);
result.Add(TIMESTAMP, DateTime.Now);
result.Add(ACCESS_TOKEN, accessToken);
result.Add(SIGN_TYPE, signType);
result.Add(TERMINAL_TYPE, request.GetTerminalType());
result.Add(TERMINAL_INFO, request.GetTerminalInfo());
result.Add(PROD_CODE, request.GetProdCode());
result.Add(NOTIFY_URL, request.GetNotifyUrl());
result.Add(CHARSET, charset);
result.Add(RETURN_URL, request.GetReturnUrl());
result.Add(APP_AUTH_TOKEN, appAuthToken);
if (request.GetNeedEncrypt())
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result[BIZ_CONTENT]))
throw new AopException("api request Fail ! The reason: encrypt request is not supported!");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.encyptKey) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.encyptType))
throw new AopException("encryptType or encryptKey must not null!");
if (!"AES".Equals(this.encyptType))
throw new AopException("api only support Aes!");
String encryptContent = AopUtils.AesEncrypt(this.encyptKey, result[BIZ_CONTENT], this.charset);
result.Add(BIZ_CONTENT, encryptContent);
result.Add(ENCRYPT_TYPE, this.encyptType);
return result;
#region Model Serialize
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="requestParams"></param>
/// <param name="request"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private AopDictionary SerializeBizModel<T>(AopDictionary requestParams, IAopRequest<T> request) where T : AopResponse
AopDictionary result = requestParams;
Boolean isBizContentEmpty = !requestParams.ContainsKey(BIZ_CONTENT) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(requestParams[BIZ_CONTENT]);
if (isBizContentEmpty && request.GetBizModel() != null)
AopObject bizModel = request.GetBizModel();
String content = Serialize(bizModel);
result.Add(BIZ_CONTENT, content);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// AopObject序列化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private String Serialize(AopObject obj)
// 使用AopModelParser序列化对象
AopModelParser parser = new AopModelParser();
JsonObject jo = parser.serializeAopObject(obj);
// 根据JsonObject导出String格式的Json
String result = JsonConvert.ExportToString(jo);
return result;