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9 months ago
namespace com.azkoss.excellite
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
///Name record for holding information about name which can be used in named cell\range
internal class NameRecord : XLSRecord
// Methods
static NameRecord()
NameRecord.staticDescriptor = XLSDescriptors.GetByName("NAME");
///Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.NameRecord" /> class.
///<param name="worksheet">The worksheet.</param>
public NameRecord(ExcelWorksheet worksheet) : base(NameRecord.staticDescriptor)
this.worksheet = worksheet;
base.InitializeBody((byte[]) null);
///Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="com.azkoss.excellite.NameRecord" /> class.
///<param name="bodyLength">Length of the body.</param>
///<param name="br">The binary readed to read from.</param>
///<param name="previousRecord">The previous record.</param>
public NameRecord(int bodyLength, BinaryReader br, AbsXLSRec previousRecord) : base(NameRecord.staticDescriptor, bodyLength, br)
///Converts the name record range to RPN bytes.
///<param name="range">The range to be converted.</param>
///<param name="sheetName">Sheet' name.</param>
///<param name="worksheets">The worksheets collection.</param>
public static byte[] ConvertNameRecordRangeToRpnBytes(CellRange range, string sheetName, ExcelWorksheetCollection worksheets)
FormulaToken token1 = null;
string text1 = string.Empty;
if ((range.Width == 1) && (range.Height == 1))
Match match1 = RefFormulaToken.IsCellRegex.Match(range.ToString());
string text2 = NameRecord.ConvertToAbsolute(match1.Groups["Row"].Value);
string text3 = NameRecord.ConvertToAbsolute(match1.Groups["Column"].Value);
text1 = sheetName + "!" + text3 + text2;
token1 = new Ref3dFormulaToken(FormulaTokenCode.Ref3d1);
Match match2 = AreaFormulaToken.IsCellRangeRegex.Match(range.ToString());
string text4 = NameRecord.ConvertToAbsolute(match2.Groups["Row1"].Value);
string text5 = NameRecord.ConvertToAbsolute(match2.Groups["Column1"].Value);
string text6 = NameRecord.ConvertToAbsolute(match2.Groups["Row2"].Value);
string text7 = NameRecord.ConvertToAbsolute(match2.Groups["Column2"].Value);
string[] textArray1 = new string[] { sheetName, "!", text5, text4, ":", text7, text6 } ;
text1 = string.Concat(textArray1);
token1 = new Area3dFormulaToken(FormulaTokenCode.Area3d1);
object[] objArray1 = new object[] { text1, worksheets } ;
return token1.ConvertToBytes();
private static string ConvertToAbsolute(string data)
if (data[0] != RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark)
data = data.Insert(0, RefFormulaToken.AbsoluteCellMark.ToString());
return data;
protected override byte GetStringLength(object[] loadedArgs)
return (byte) loadedArgs[0];
protected override int GetVariableArraySize(object[] loadedArgs, object[] varArr, int bodySize)
return (ushort) loadedArgs[1];
protected override void InitializeDelayed()
object[] objArray1 = new object[] { this.nameLength, (ushort) this.rpnBytes.Length, (ushort) (this.SheetIndex + 1), new ExcelStringWithoutLength(this.nameValue), this.rpnBytes } ;
// Properties
protected override int BodySize
if (this.Body != null)
return this.Body.Length;
return ((15 + (this.nameValue.Length * 2)) + this.rpnBytes.Length);
///Gets or sets the name value.
///<value>The name value.</value>
public string NameValue
return this.nameValue;
this.nameValue = value;
this.nameLength = (byte) value.Length;
///Gets or sets the range to be associated with the user-defined name.
///<value>The range to be associated with the user-defined name.</value>
public CellRange Range
return this.range;
this.range = value;
///Gets or sets the RPN bytes of formula used for referencing 3d cell or area.
///<value>The RPN bytes of formula used for referencing 3d cell or area.</value>
public object[] RpnBytes
return this.rpnBytes;
this.rpnBytes = value;
///Gets or sets the index for the sheet which contain named cell\range.
///<value>The index for the sheet which contain named cell\range.</value>
public ushort SheetIndex
return this.sheetIndex;
this.sheetIndex = value;
///Gets or sets the workbook\worksheets collection.
///<value>The workbook\worksheets collection.</value>
public ExcelWorksheetCollection Worksheets
return this.worksheets;
this.worksheets = value;
// Fields
private byte nameLength;
private string nameValue;
private CellRange range;
private object[] rpnBytes;
private ushort sheetIndex;
private static XLSDescriptor staticDescriptor;
private ExcelWorksheet worksheet;
private ExcelWorksheetCollection worksheets;